small thyme

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Posts posted by small thyme

  1. Thank you for your quick and kind replies! Definitely put me at ease!

    I am going to read the introduction and write a list of questions/thoughts so I am prepared and not stuttering :P It was kind of hard to properly listen to what was being said on the street as it was quite busy and passers by interrupting, so will be nice to actually have a proper conversation!

    Nice to know nothing is expected of me, I am just hoping to properly discuss things so I can make my mind up if it is for me or at least begin my journey. :) 

    Thank you!

  2. Hello! New here and new to the mormon church in general. While I've grown up in a christian way and try to hold christian beliefs, (that is behaving kind and considerate to others etc); I have not gone to church for a long time or been 'active' in religion as such but recently I have been feeling like something is missing and feeling a bit lonely and open minded. Anyway, I met and had a lovely conversation with some LDS missionaries who were on the street today, and I ended up walking away with a book of mormon and an arrangement to have a further discussion in my house. Now I'm at home and had a chance to take it all in, I have some questions!

    While I have agreed to letting these people come over to have a chat, what will this actually entail? As I am new to all this I would feel rushed if they are expecting me to get baptised, or if agreeing to a visit is something more than just answering a few questions or just saying what it is all about. Basically I'm worried about wasting their time because I have mis understood something (or feeling bit overwhelmed by having lots of people in my house)!! I am thinking of going to the church which will maybe give me the answers I have rather than a house visit but just wanted to see if anyone could help me here.

    Many thanks in advance for your answers!