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  1. I was replying to a thread a little while ago, and then a thought occurred to me... Does the LDS Church allow the use of psychologists and psychiatrists? I thought I saw some time ago it didn't, but is that true?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MaryJehanne


      Oh, okay! So psychology's not forbidden, it's just encouraged to go to an LDS one?

    3. Connie


      LDS people can seek help from any psychologist or psychiatrist they choose. They don't have to be LDS specific. LDS people are encouraged to be self reliant--physically, spiritually, and mentally. So just like we can seek help from any doctor we choose for a physical ailment, we can also seek help from any other professional we choose.

      If a person is seeking that kind of help from their Bishop, then he will generally refer them directly to LDS Family Services which would be LDS psychologists. Or he may just encourage them to seek professional help from whomever they choose.

    4. MaryJehanne


      That's good to know, Connie, thank you! :)