I want to address you and your daughter’s cough/health issue first. Just because a doctor or doctors have told you your cough is Gerds related doesn’t mean that the underlining cause of not only the cough or the presumption of it being Acid Reflux Disease is treating the underlining causes? Acid Reflux is the result of a problem. My son went to doctors who diagnosed him with Gerds as a child (gastrointestinal Reflux disease), which he didn’t have until he was 9 years old. I tried going the health route of trying to have him eat healthier, with not much help. Then 10 years later, out of frustration that his suffering was not “normal” I took him once again to a pediatric GI doctor. He said that this was indeed not normal and that something was at the root of causing it. So with the advancements that are continually being made in the medical field, he started with a blood test to rule out Possible Celiac Disease (an autoimmune disease where your body sees Gluten as a foreign invader an attack’s itself). The blood test for possible Celiac disease ended up positive. But even if it had not, he still could have had an intolerance to Gluten which would make him a very sick kid, nonetheless. After the results come back positive then an Endoscopy is required that involves a tiny biopsy of the small intestine to see if the villa that is involved in the absorption of nutrients from what we consume is compromised/damaged. My son’s was indeed severely damaged. The GI doctor also noticed that the acid reflux which is the symptom of a much deeper problem, had caused scaring in his lower esophagus.whicj undoubtedly will be the case with you and your child. And if not treated then can later cause cancer of the esophagus. I’m not trying to scare you only to help educate you that Acid Reflux disease is the symptom of something more? My son no longe canceat any products that not only contain wheat and a few other wheat-like glutens, he also can not be cross-contaminated by it. Many people suffer from types of food allergies & intolerances that can manifest itself from skin rashes to GI symptoms.
That being said, onto my take on priesthood blessings. I am a only member female convert to the church. I am no expert on Preisthood Blessing and my husband came from a troubled LDS home,where priesthood blessing were not the only thing absent in it. So my marriage has seen the absence of these blessings and many other blessings. When I learned about the restored Godpel through my 14 credit Hurd of religious classes at BYU PROVO, I was told that Priesthood & Priesthood blessings were the gift/keys given to be able to act in the name of God to bless others amongst other things. That although women can not hold these keys, they are to be shared with her from righteous Priesthoid holders. (Father’s, husband’s etc). Yet in my own life and experiences I definitely don’t feel them shared with me. This is why I am researching this? This is why I came to this forum. I just happened to come across your post on my quest for God’s knowledge on this, because there is definitely no lack of mortal man and women’s input about it. Mortal men & women are not God! They have so many of their own opinions, based on their own truths of gospel matters that it is crazy trying to find what our Heavenly Father in any of this. The Keys of the Priesthoid are not of man. They are predicated on the righteousness of the individual on whether or not they can be used. Preisthood Blessings are the keys GOD HAS GIVEN, to bless the lives of his children. Would God ever deny his children his blessings?
So this is why I am here today. Not to tell people what or what not our Heavenly Father has dictated about the Priesthoid or Priesthood Blessings? Only to know why it is so difficult to get them? Why mortal members of our church differ more than I ever dreamed possible on this subject? All I know at this point only quest to know God’s will on something I can not be blessed with, unless the men holding these keys will share them with me, a woman or a child, is this! God made me and I know he loves me. And if he loves me he wants me to feel his love. Isn’t the role of the Presthood and the Presthood blessings part of his plan for us to feel his love? Your child is suffering! Your as a parent our suffering! Until you can find a doctor who can help you resolve the issues of your GI issues that they say result in the cough that is a source of so much physical, mental and emotional pain, then don’t withhold the only thing your child has left that gives her comfort? Don’t listen to a bunch of mortal members of our church that have no business acting as our God? Give your child the one and only comfort that you are blessed to be able to give her/him as a man and as a father and priesthood holder! God who loves your child even more than you and definitely more than any mortal man, would not want your child to suffer if you don’t?!