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Posts posted by JayKi

  1. 23 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

    IT's not like the Gospel is the only thing you talk about 24/7.  There's plenty of other topics discussed in your house that I'm sure she has a personal interest in.

    My in-laws are Evangelical. I don't feel bad she she talk abut her views when I"m around- we'll chat about other topics at other times.  LIkewise for my old work partner that was an American Football fanatic: there'd be lots of football talk when I was in the room (which I'm totally not interested in), but then we'd talk about something else.  Acknowledging that people have other interests and respecting that fact is just an adult thing.  

    yes that makes sense, I think we were just worried because of the lockdown they can't leave and maybe we were making them uncomfortable. It is a tricky time. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Jane_Doe said:

    you and your wife were really passionate cycling fans, would you feel bad about talking cycling around your sister?  Would you feel bad if she used to cycle, but now does not?

    I would feel little bad that she can't join in conversations. We want to be good hosts but we dont have much time to talk ourselves with my wife caring for the baby and I'm working extra shifts and then sleeping lots. 

    1 hour ago, Jane_Doe said:

    Neither should you feel bad about talking about another subject you're passionate about (the Gospel).  You are free to express your passion, especially in your own home  Don't feel like you need to apologize for it!   

    Yes and we are just mostly trying to encourage each other with hope we find in the gospel, we aren't trying to convince anybody to convert. 


    1 hour ago, Jane_Doe said:

    which I can see that you're already acknowledging (example: the boyfriend living at your house)

    I dont really feel comfortable with that and my wife doesn't either. We discussed when we were marry that we want our house/home to be a place that serves God and we think this is bad. But it is my older sister if it was a younger sister then I could ban it but older sister is different 

  3. Sorry I have been so busy with work and trying to spend time with my wife and baby .


    My question is my sister her son and her boyfriend are living with us, they have been here about 3 months. My sister she used to be an active member but now she is atheist and her boyfriend is too. My wife and I recently when we are together at home we discuss the gospel a lot we are both just really passionate about it at the moment. We speak all the time about it but I feel uncomfortable sometimes that we forcing my sister and her boyfriend to listen to us, because if someone was saying that they are atheist or whatever religion I don't agree with then I wont want to listen all time. But at same time I don't want to stop discussing gospel with my wife. 

    I think I can tell they uncomfortable but they are too polite to say. 


    What is best solution?

  4. On 4/28/2020 at 6:21 PM, Jane_Doe said:

    Hi and (re) welcome!

    I love questions :)

    Well I think it is a straight forward quesiton, but I don't know where to ask it. Also, I may not be quick at responding as I am working in ICU at the hospital I did my medical placement in, I should have return to Costa Rica 2 weeks ago but I am stuck in England and helping fight the virus here. 

  5. On 8/20/2018 at 5:21 AM, TIM0THY said:

    This came to light when my wife asked him if he had been able to renew his temple recommend after church and he told her that he hadn't. She then asked him why he hadn't and he explained to he that he had confessed to our bishop that he had been molesting our 7-year-old daughter.  My wife revealed this information to me later this evening. 


    The Bishop should have told you your son confession. That isnt right at all if he didnt. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, SilentOne said:

    And where in Luke 17:2 or in Matthew 18:6 does it say that we should not forgive them?

    D&C 64:10 I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.

    Which has nothing to do with whether she should forgive him.

    I do not believe continuing this debate will do much to help the original poster, so I will bow out after this post.

    She should no even think to forgive him right now. Any thought that isnt to protect the child is wasted. Poor child. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, SilentOne said:

    I have a bit of a problem with advice that goes directly against what is clearly said in our scriptures.

    Luke 17:2 - It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

    Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    I would no forgive someone who hurt child. Her priority should be taking child away and keeping them safe. However, she seem more concerned for her marriage. 

    4 hours ago, Mfam2018 said:

     Please help me. Do I work towards forgiveness? Am I crazy to try and save this? Or do I end everything? I’m so scared and feel so alone. I don’t know the next step.

    4 hours ago, Mfam2018 said:

    I told him I love him and want to forgive but I don’t even know where to start. And I’m not even the victim! I love him so much, but I don’t know how to get over this. 


    Any mother or father instinct would tell them next step. 

  8. On 8/18/2018 at 11:00 PM, Sunday21 said:

    Co sleeping is frowned upon. We had a tragedy in my family a few  generations ago. A child was smothered. No one speaks about the incident but everyone knows.

    We no so much have baby in family bed in Costa Rica usually they swaddled and placed on curtain like a hammock. Or they put in a box like a draw or cardboard. I had a woven basket when I was baby

  9. 9 hours ago, anatess2 said:

    Not only is not the norm to have only one bed, it's not the norm for the kids to not have their own bedroom.

    And, to top that off, it's not the norm to just have one family car.  The dad has a car, the mom has a car and my 17-year-old is the only one in our YM who has a driver's license and does not have his own car. 

    America is an awesome country.

    I did no have my own bed ever. My little sisters use to always come to sleep in my bed even when I had own room. Is was fine I think I would have family bed is no bad. America is no awesome because everyone has own bed. 

  10. On 2/16/2017 at 8:12 PM, anatess2 said:

     bucked societal pressure too to do the co-sleeping

    Is not normal to have family bed in America? My family only had one bed when I was young we all had to share or sleep on floor around the bed.

  11. On 7/26/2018 at 2:09 PM, Overwatch said:

    Wooo!!!  Grats! Before marriage keep your eyes wide open for red flags and to scrutinize your potential mate's faults (to see if you can handle them) Now that you are married keep your eyes half shut and forgive your wife for her shortcomings (don't knitpick)

    My wife has no shortcomings ;) 

  12. On 7/26/2018 at 5:42 PM, anatess2 said:

    Congrats, Jayki!  How'd the wedding go?

    Lots of good advice already given. 

    So I'll add this one - if she throws a plate at you, duck!  :)

    No really... it's ok to fight.  But it's required to forgive so the fight can heal.

    The wedding was good :) but the dances were hard on me and my wife didn't want to go for honeymoon so I'm little bit sad because I wanted to go.