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Everything posted by inquisitive

  1. Hi there, Well thank you I must say the ending was an unexpected surprise. Thanks for sharing about you, yes we are very different, I have a lot of clothes (but no money and losing my apt of 17 years) I am losing everything. Did I enjoy shopping, yes it made me feel good, dressing and fashion again was always fun. I never learneed the gospel principles, I never learned anything other then living in the moment and taking care of myself since I was a teenager I have no family. Trying to fit into a culture with no family that is all family is also very hard, Asking for help in this situation even harder. Its a lot to put on someone and the whole thing was a terriable injustice. Thats something else how do you forgive when you felt very wronged and lost most of your life, now in your end last quarter have to start over with nothing. I can't determine if God is calling me home, or if Satan just has a grasp. There are no prayers that can right this wrong. Thats another thing, I don't think I can every forgive ALL THIS and its my problem not the churches. I know the church will either not say anything or I hope not the blame game, like everything goes wrong sometimes you are the victim, its not always something you did wrong. Well thanks for that last paragraph its positive and kind, I wish "things" didn't mean that much to me but feeling like my life is being as discarded as I am, is well, such a throw away. Peace be with you, thanks again.
  2. Thanks for taking the time. As a convert who came in with problems I don’t know what’s appropriate what’s an over reach or what will offend someone. It seems like I am offended a lot lately as well, when I or we get anxious we need people not just prayer sometimes I think that I came in the church to late that people cN only change so much and it’s progress not perfection. God to me is the ultimate authority I don’t think we understand each other and the situation I am in I am never going to get out of. I know with God all things are possible, I don’t think that certain ppl in the church trust newcomers and I find that offensive. I don’t need to be watched constantly.its really annoying. I also know why no one ever complains or talks they wouldn’t be obedient.i just want my life back. I don’t know you make a suggestion like I did and change isn’t on the menu, it will fall on deaf ears or judged it would be nice to hear ppl laugh and smile and not be so heavy and serious. I feel like I lost myself somewhere and I miss my authentic me. Learning all the things I am not allowed to be. I miss the real world. thanks for letting me vent God will never leave us or forsake us. It’s people that are messed up.
  3. Hi all, My first post, feel like I have been wearing out some of the sisters that were asked to help me in a very dark time. Question, people will tell you all kinds of things and I don't have a lot of people i am close to in the church. I am trying to be very careful not understanding church culture or if its just me. When its time to report on one another or keep someting private in discussion. That said, its very hard for me to grasp concept of "tell your biship, go to your biship" i never reported anything to a higer up, its just different. I also don't want to wear him out. He has a lot on his plate, has taken the time to give some sisters me as a project but its not going to work. there is so much deep heavy things, and I really don't think i am ever going to get started again. The real question is this, when do we go to the stake president? I have some serious personal questions about the church NOT reporting or telling on anyone, my personal questions that I think people are not authorized to tell me or might not know. I really need these questions answered for me to understand church. When is it ok to see a stake President or is that an over reach?