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Everything posted by Tyme

  1. Since I'm allowed to say it I''ll say what I've previously said again. Gays will be allowed to be married in the Temple someday. đź‘ą
  2. I agree that driving amazon away was shortsighted and stupid. The return would have been much greater than the costs. It’s also stupid that cities have to pay coropirate welfare for a corporation valued at a trillion.
  3. I guess that’s where we disagree. My belief is that every baby has the right to not be born into poverty. Would a baby be better off not being born or living in poverty? A baby born into poverty is more likely to die younger, end up on prison and a host of other detrimental consequences. Thats where I disagree with the majority of pro-lifers. If the state is going to force a baby to be born then the state has an obligation to that baby. The obligation is that the baby has the same opportunity as any other baby. That would include not being born into poverty.
  4. It’s against civil liberty to abort a baby. Check. Is it also against civil liberty for a baby to be born into abject poverty?
  5. If I’m not mistaken when Conservatives bring up logic they mean logical for the country. According to that logic it’s not logical to have people with infirmities in the country. That means any baby with an infirmity should be aborted. It also means any person with an infirmity should be killed. Most pro- life people scream while it’s murder to abort a baby. In other words, they feel sad or mad about it. That’s a raw emotional argument.
  6. Logic actually says you should kill anybody who gets in your way in any way. That’s another example of how people use emotion to make laws and policy.
  7. That whole argument is based on feelings and emotions. It always amazes me that Latter-day Saints on this forum are so against emotions. The church teaches you to believe based on feelings rather than logic. That is expressly what the missionaries teach to investigators. It seems like pure hypocrisy to only use feelings when it fits you. I don’t know how you guys compartmentalize politics and religion.
  8. If police officers ever show a bit of empathy and feel bad for the innocent lives they ruin. It’s probably just the same line of just doing my job or they chose to commit crime. When in reality it’s almost always due to the socioeconomic positions a person is in. That most police unions choose to ignore and perpetuate by their policy stances.
  9. What’s the logical argument against abortion?
  10. By that logic all babies and people with infirmities should be culled.
  11. You previously stated the following, “I win.” Then when I state it’s not all about winning you spectacularly back track. That’s the most amazing back track since DJT back tracked on the shut down. You’re a serial back tracker, master of misinformation and astonishly dishonest poster. Just because you disagree with my posts doesn’t give you the right to lob ad hominem attacks. You don’t want to learn or win you really just want this forum to be an echo chamber. If you really wanted to learn you’d go to a forum with divergent thinking from your own. This forum is an echo chamber on par with Breitbart and you’re the chief perpetrator of said echo chamber.
  12. There needs to be a blend between emotion and logic for any good solution. I discount the argument that emotion shouldn’t play a part. The only time most conservatives use emotion is in regards to abortion. They suddenly think emotion is the end all be all. You can’t scream to the roof tops that only logic should be used in policy making then rely 100% on emotion to argue against abortion.
  13. You just stated your problem perfectly. To me forums are more about learning than winning. That must be the lawyer mentality coming out in you. Only a simpleminded person would choose winning over learning.
  14. Fair enough. What’s your ideas or ideas you like in regards to the the poor?
  15. Just because she’s 28 and a woman doesn’t make her ditzy. I again question your position as a prosecutor if you think all young women are ditzy and gays are somewhere on the continuum of evil and predators. Those are some faulty inferences for a prosecutor to make.
  16. I know I’ve read a lot of your posts. Just wrote that because I didn’t like your coarse attitude in your prior post.
  17. That post really tells me nothing. It just shows that you are making an assumption that I’m unschooled and unread. As far as socialism: there is socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor as MLK jr. would say. The Trump tax bill was socialism for the rich. Do you really believe that tax cut was more than just a give away to him and his friends? If you believe that maybe it’s time to diversify your news consumption. You should atleast hedge your bet on news consumption just by the off chance that you’re being told a load of crap. The last time we had a socialist president was FDR. He ushered in social security and a number of other popular programs. The next President we get will be a socialist and will usher in more popular policies. DJT is atleast a little concerned about the prospect given his mention of socialism in the SOTU.
  18. Unlike you I don’t fit into one neat political label. I like some things both the right and left do. When every scientist is saying climate change is real and is having an immediate impact I tend to take note. I use to be a denier to then I started listening to the experts. Just because climate change isn’t tangible doesnt mean it’s not happening. There are many different theories of economics. That includes some supporting leftist economic policies. Instead of just looking at basic economics maybe you need to become a little more nuanced and complex. To fully understand the basics you need to understand more complex theories. The problem is that people saying just follow the basics doesn’t end the argument it just shows that the person lacks depth of mind. As far as the poor being poorer and the rich being less rich I say the following. There is a real problem when people can’t afford insulin and the filthy rich are buying their tenth yacht. There is a real problem when teachers have to buy their own school supplies and the rich are buying their tenth mansion. I can go on and on with examples. I don’t argue that the rich shouldn’t be rich. There still going to be filthy rich under any tax proposal Ive heard. There just needs to be less inequality and more economic justice. I’ve never been more afraid of anything than a billionaire is afraid of being a hundred millionaire.
  19. I’ve been following politics for about ten years.
  20. Says the police officer who doesn’t want to feel bad about all his nonsensical arrests.
  21. I can venture to guess you don’t make ten million a year and/or are worth 50 million. Her tax ideas wouldn’t touch a penny more in your pocket. If you listen to right wing pundits they may have you thinking it would affect you. It won’t that’s just scare tactics by right wing punditry.
  22. Tell me the new ideas that were brought forth prior to Bernie Sanders and AOC. I’m tired of the same ol’ same ol’. We need radical ideas that will restore America to the people. I’m tired of the filthy rich committing highway robbery on the people.
  23. I take it you don’t believe in climate change, living wage and healthcare. Her ideas are to help the poor and middle class. This is something new because normally politicians work for the filthy rich.
  24. So you recommend that freshman legislators just go to the back of line and wait their turn? If that’s done the Democratic Party will remain stagnate. This is the first time in my life I’ve seen new ideas. The important part is to have the people behind you. Most of the ideas have the majority of American support. It’s refreshing to see something new and fresh.
  25. I’m glad God has mad you the arbiter of real news for the forum anatess. You can’t help yourself no matter what you post your extreme bias shows. The stuff you post is the most partisan I’ve ever seen. It’s not truth that you post — it’s pure bias. Where do you come up with this “news”? It’s totally inaccurate and mischaracterizea the whole resolution. Just remember most people will believe what you post as is seen in this thread. I would recommend posting both sides to give people a fair shake.