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Posts posted by Daniel

  1. To all those who would like to get the most out of their Book of Mormon study, I would like to share a website I've been working on for a few years:


    It's an interactive and engaging walkthrough of the entire Book of Mormon narrative, laced with supplement, explanatory notes, media, and more.

    I hope you enjoy!

    All I can say is you have made a top notch site. I will be using it in my Book of Mormon studies. Thank you.

  2. If Jesus always existed, how could he have a heavenly mother?

    How could he have an earthly mother? You seem to want to limit Heavenly Fathers power. Also I have a feeling where you are going with this, so where in Mormon Doctrine does it say there is a Heavenly Mother. What are the implications if she did exist? If marriage and families is ordained by God why couldn't Heavenly Father set the example and have a wife himself?

  3. Also, is it true that Joseph Smith attacked (all other) "Christian churches" and said they were all an abomination?

    Joseph said nothing of the sort. Heavenly Father did here is the quote.

    I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”

    The bold part is emphasis on my part. It kinda goes with my post above that those that go around trying to condemn people are denying Gods power to Judge us solely.

    Bump Delmar can you please comment on this. You put it out there and I would be interested to know how you feel with the answer given.

  4. Also, is it true that Joseph Smith attacked (all other) "Christian churches" and said they were all an abomination?

    Joseph said nothing of the sort. Heavenly Father did here is the quote.

    I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”

    The bold part is emphasis on my part. It kinda goes with my post above that those that go around trying to condemn people are denying Gods power to Judge us solely.

  5. Yeah, that's why I was trying to clarify that there is more to Christianity than simply professing that you believe it. There is indeed a whole lot more to it.

    I'm sure there are people who aren't true Christians in every denomination of Christianity.

    Who are we to Judge how Christian someone is? I believe that is up to the Father and the Son to decide. Those that do are trying to take away the Divinity and Calling of Jesus as our judge.

  6. We are having the same issue in our ward. A mentally ill person who just came back into activity called the cops on the Bishopric. They have a history of causing problems and the police told us the other ward buildings has restraining orders against them and we needed to do the same. It's an odd situation to be in but what the stake has counseled us to get the police involved and to protect the general ward membership at the cost of one person.

    I suggest you contact the Bishopric to do the same by them calling the police and barring them from harrassing ward members and being on LDS property.

  7. 1. do mormons believe they will be gods someday?

    We believe we will inherit all that God has, What that means exactly would be all speculation.

    2. do moromons believe that the God of earth was a sinful man on another planet?

    We do not know much on the subject. Everything that has been said is also just speculation. There is no official position on it.

    3. how does that fit with God saying He is eternal, unchanging?

    His nature is unchanging. He is our Father and we are his children He loves us so much he sent his only begotten son to die for us.

    4. it seems that the mormon Jesus is way different than the typical evangelical description of Jesus. can you explain if you think Jesus' brother was satan?

    We are all children of God. If the implications of that mean that Satan is Jesus's brother, I don't see it as a problem. How would it have any effect on God's or Jesus's divinity? There is opposition in all things even Abel had an evil brother Cain. Why would anyone see this as controversial?

    My answers are underlined. I hope that was straight forward enough.

  8. I think he told all of us we follow with blind faith. :rolleyes:

    Does that mean I cannot critically or logically make decisions in my life? I dunno I don't think I like the whole implecations of being told I am following blindly. Especially when I was ready to discuss the issues. However it seems no matter what some people just want to use the wave of the hand to make things dissapear. Talk about being blinded.

  9. Was I just told I follow with blind faith? I mean I know the issues I've read about it. I feel I got the jist of it. I don't think it has really anything to do with the Book of Mormon or any implications that it was all made up. If it was such a devastating blow to the church then why is BYU still doing DNA research to bring the science forward. DNA is not the nail in the coffin for the church.

  10. I don't see DNA as a problem. It is still a new science. Who knows what we will learn in the future.

    I was as shocked as most of the members

    I don't think that many people were really shocked or lost their faith as some would think. Yes some members couldn't cope with it but for others we have faith in a matter of time all things will be revealed.

    There are plenty of good articles on the subject produced by FAIR. So start here http://en.fairmormon.org/Book_of_Mormon_and_DNA_evidence , http://www.fairlds.org/apol/ai195.html and we can discuss some points of view. However this really isn't an introduction so I am moving this thread to Learn About The Church Section.

  11. IMO, Exec Sec is the best calling in the ward. You get to hear all the callings and assignments discussed, and you're never the one that gets the calling or assignment! :P

    In our Bishopric I'm actually part of the Bishopric not a glorified note taker and scheduler. I actually get to give input on ward matters, callings and get to share my inspiration for other things. We work very well as a team and I do everything that I am allowed to do to keep the Bishop from having to do it or delegate it out to those that can. Its a shame some members think being an executive secretary is a throw away calling. Not that you are saying that but a ton of people that congratulated me for the calling said it would be cush after being EQ Prez. I am still waiting for it to be cushy and less work then being EQ prez. The nice thing now though is I don't have to carry an entire presidency anymore, since all 5 of us want to do the work and help out the ward membership. This calling is prepping me future callings so I am absorbing everything I can.
