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Posts posted by Daniel

  1. Hi Heather. So you are the big cheese here? :D

    The prior management team is still in place. If that ever changes we will let you know. Expect our current moderators and admins to have the same presence and the tone of the board will be maintained as we have from the beginning. Heather has other projects she handles so we all try to help out where and when.

  2. I made this video, kind of in response to the teasing we sometimes get about being a big family. You know, the old "Don't you have a television" kind of comments. Please tell me what you think.

    That was a pretty cute video thanks for sharing. My wife also comes from a big family, some people don't know how lucky they are to have all those brothers and sisters that grow up to be awesome aunts and uncles. Also welcome to the board.

  3. Thanks for your reply. I have been a member for eleven years.I'm having a hard time with this one. Even being a man, I can't seem to wrap my mind around this.Maybe because I'm a convert it is so puzzling?There is so many ways to go with this, I'm about to go mad.


    Want to start up a thread about what concerns you have with it? Maybe we can work it out for ya.

  4. Hypothetical in a way, We have been sealed in the temple and I die tomorrow. My wife gets married in the temple some time later. Is she sealed for all time and eternity to her husband?

    And if she died, same thing? Does this mean that in Celestial Kingdom My wife would now have two husbands? Or I two wife's?

    If you die she can be remarried or sealed in the temple for time only, unless she can have the sealing to you canceled. Which is pretty hard to do. If she dies you can be sealed to another woman for time and eternity. As far as how it will all work out, we do not know that much to say anything other then Heavenly Father will work it out when the time comes.

  5. Thank you. I'll do that, but acquiring a Book of Mormon to read is proving difficult. I have read about Mormon beliefs on many things, e.g. the thirteenth tribe, Mormon, Moroni the angel, the three and eight witnesses, prophet presidents, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, New JerUSAlem, the three heavens (which makes G-d appear more forgiving in my opinion) and the list goes on...

    Reading the Book of Mormon, as I said will be difficult as I cannot find it on the internet, buy it or procure a copy of it to read and study.

    You can read the Book of Mormon or have it read to you by following this link.


  6. Once you make an appt with the Bishop and counsel with him, everything will be worked out the way Heavenly Father would want it. I pray that you may have an inspired Bishop to help you with your journey back into the Church. If theres anything we can do such as answer questions please let us know.

  7. I've been reading a lot lately about infertility treatments. I tried to look up how the Church feels about in vitro fertilization, egg donation, and sperm insemination, but all I could find is the Bishop's handbook said that sperm insemination and surrogate mothers are discouraged.

    Actually that isn't all correct. In vitro and artificial insemination is only discouraged if you are going to use sperm or eggs other then the father and mothers, and even if they don't the final decision is left to the husband and wife with no need to consult the Bishop, and the child would be BIC if the couple is Sealed. No separate sealing would be needed. You are correct though that surrogate motherhood and sperm/egg donation is strongly discouraged.

    Is it not within Church guidelines and beliefs to donate eggs for infertile couples?

    The Church would only strongly discourage it. I would believe this decision would need to be made after heavy prayer and consulting with your Bishop.

    p.s. The handbook you got your information did it happen to be an old copy or did you find it on the net?

  8. Hi all,

    My name is Karla and I am in the process of becoming a member of the LDS church. None of my family is Mormon, so sometimes it gets hard in that respect. I'm 20 years old and have lived in Salt Lake City for nearly 7 years. My boyfriend is serving a mission in Moscow, Russia and has been gone for nearly 9 months!

    I'm excited to be a part of these boards and hope I can contribute positively. :D

    Welcome to the boards. We hope you enjoy it here. If you have any questions feel free to start up topics and we will do our best to answer them.

  9. As a Bishop once told me, "You never lose the your priesthood, only you can deny it". So saying that I would say if you are living worthy of your Priesthood oath then you are still worthy to exercise the priesthood. I have also been told to encourage men that are inactive to use the priesthood for doing good. Such as blessing family members and so on. It really is between Heavenly Father and you, and I am willing to bet he would be pleased seeing you use your priesthood to comfort someone. Also most Bishops if you are reactivating will give you an interview (meeting to chat), even if you don't think you are in one you are. At that point you can discuss any worthiness issues with him if you choose.

  10. I will get to the smilies, however the odd shaped ones I will not put as the visible/click able smilies that are seen by default. I will add them soon. Any other features you all would like? Anything as far as modules go? Perhaps for the future or for us to consider? This really is our posters board and any input of feed back to make it more comfortable let us know.

  11. Let's hope it stays that way. Forums tend to be more friendly when they're new and relatively small, like this one. But as the membership grows, in comes the riff-raff, and there goes the neighborhood. Seen it happen a couple times. It's up to us and the mod's to keep it friendly. B) Peer-pressure works on the internet, too ;)

    We are not interested in seeing this happen to this forum. This forum is for members of the LDS Church and honest seekers. The rest will be weeded out as they come. If you all ever have any problems please send an email to [email protected] or send me any of our moderation team a pm.

    On that note. Is there anything we could do to improve this forum please feel free to let us know.
