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Posts posted by Daniel

  1. You seem to have the same perspecitve as my hubby, QuorumPrez. I am sure that we are heading into this same direction. I think that I am going to talk to my Pres and tell her what has been going on. And then talk to the bishop and probably ask to be released. Big rumors are that we will be changing new bishops very soon, so should I wait for the new bishop or talk to the current one? And is this something that I have to make an appointment for or can I just call him on the phone and talk to him. (I appologize for such simple questions, but I don't know proper etiquette)

    BTW, QuoromPrez, do you have any advice for me to help me deal with my hubby and maybe smooth things over so I can feel like I can fulfill my calling (which does take time) and still please him?

    You know in all honesty if I was just called if plans changed or things are running over it wouldn't bug me so much (It would at least allow me some control over the matter, and feel I was part of a solution). I just think if an agreed upon schedule was made and both the callings became our callings things would be easier. Leaving me out of the loop or telling me I'll be home when we are done just isn't right. There is no easy solution but I can tell you from my perspective its not because I don't support my wife, or want her to not have a calling. Its a lack of courtesy, balance and communication that gets me all crazy. Although I am sure to her she sees it differently.

    As far as discussing things to get released I would talk to the RS President, she is the one that calls sisters to their posts. The Bishop only does the interview and signs off on the calling. Maybe she can help you fulfill your calling in a different manner instead of getting released. You know I think maybe some of the problems stems from us men, some of us have the mentality that we give so much of the church already, why do they have to take my wife also.

  2. I'm in the same type of situation. However I will give you all the point of view from a male side. I am supportive of my wife. However when it comes to her calling I get very frustrated. She is a wonderful mother and is pretty good to me except when it comes to what she wants to do and church. She is in the RS presidency while I am the EQ President. Both are busy callings but I however make an effort to not say yes to everything and make sure my wife is ok with things we are planning and I plan well ahead for anything that may take more time from me. It seems like the RS runs around disorganize and/or is always running behind so a one hour meetings always runs 2 hours or more. Which means I am having to do much more then my share in the family duties. Along with that the only day we can hang out together is on Sunday, and her presidency insists on doing everything on Sunday (ie. meetings, visiting teaching, ext.). I feel very disrespected and I've pleaded with her many times to please get control of the situation since it is really straining on us. Nothing has worked so far and I am getting to the point where I want her to get released. It makes me feel horrible as a husband and she always throws it in my face that I said yes when they asked me. Well I said yes cause I thought there would be understanding and respect, but I have yet to see any. Anyways hope you ladies understand that it goes both ways.


  3. Hello there. My name is Angie. I am married with 3 wonderful children. I have been a member of the church for 5 1/2 years now but have been inactive for 2 years now. THings have gotten ruff and have fallen into things that arent all that great. Well today out of the blue I was walking to the bus stop to get my son and I see the sisters riding thier bike and they came over and was during their talking and I told them I was already a memeber but been inactive for 2 years. We had moved and never gave the church our new address so that was wierd that they ran into me. Im kinda glad though. It has made me think about things about how they are and maybe coming back is the right thing. I think I am more scared then anything. I mean I have hit rock bottom. I thought about going to see bishop but too ashamed. I just dont know. Well here I am venting on here. LOL Sorry.

    I wouldn't feel ashamed. All of us are sinners or have problems of some sort. Our Judge in Israel is there to help us reconnect with Heavenly Father and get our lives in order to receive his blessings. Don't let the little things get in your way of what you feel is right in your heart. Coming back from many years of inactivity was the best decision I have made.


  4. Last March we had a "Flood the Temple" week for our stake. We're doing it again this week. I'm just wondering if this is just something we're doing here in Texas or if it's a nation wide or world wide thing.

    Which Temple in Texas? We have a difficult time getting into ours. We can't even do group endowment sessions to it. Are you the cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. if i am annoying with all the questions plz let me know but just a few more.

    is it true you guys dont drink tea or coffee? can you tell me more about the place or planet kolob? and what is the pearl of great price and where can i get a copy?

    Good questions. We can seperate those questions to two different topics. The Word of Wisdom which would answer your first question and Kolob and Pearl of Great Price can be a second topic. If you want to start them that would be great. Perhaps you have specifics or want some misconceptions cleared up?

  6. Thats Ok at least your dreams are cool and you didn't have a nightmare about being released from your current calling then called to be on the high council. I woke up sweating like crazy. Our stake is redoing its boundaries and wards are going to be totally different so I'm wondering if I will be released or kept on as QuorumPrez for the new ward.

  7. I like how you worded that - that is EXACTLY how it happened to me. The Holy Ghost 'whacked' me good and proper. Grandma always said one had to use a rubber mallet to get my attention.

    QuorumPrez - Thanks to you also. I really like this forum, and I have been emailing my friends (internet friends) to come join this forum. Have a suggestion though - more smilies - this forum needs more smilies!

    I'm working on getting more smilies, or at least changing the ones we have. Thank you for advertising this board with your friends. We really want this board to be around a very long time, and we understand that the posters are the ones that are going to make this place what we hope it can become.

  8. I think you took my reply wrong... I didn't mean to sound like I thought you wouldn't converse with me. This post is proof that you would. I think that if you could hear the tone of my voice instead of reading the words you would have understood more clearly. Sorry about that.

    I just find it hypocritical that my family claims to believe that family is the most important thing, and yet tosses me aside because I don't believe what they believe. I actually feel sorry for them, because they are missing out on knowing me... I am a good person, I am honest, polite, and I treat people how I would like to be treated. Which is more than I can say for them.

    I think I am done here... I seem to be causing more controversy than I wanted to. Thank you all very much for your time. Good luck to you all.

    You are in good company here. I will tell you what I tell my Quorum members. We are all on different journeys back to Heavenly Father. Everyone is at their own level. None of us should judge one another because we may be at a different level spiritually then the person sitting next to us. It's not a contest, everyone must find their own way, that is why we Heavenly Father gave us agency. Our job as members is to help those that want to be helped and to love those that chose differently then we do.

    Good luck on your journey,


  9. Did I cross a line? I didn't mean too!!! :blink:

    ...I was thinking maybe we should have a forum for highly "sensitive" stuff that only adults and "approved" members can access...they have an adult forum on ldstalk...what do you think?

    No everything is fine, I'll think about a sensitive subject forum. I'll let you all know.

  10. This thread is tetering on

    - Do not start personal or personalized threads. Exceptions may be made for topics about public figures or people of interest that are appropriate to the board.

    I'll be separating some posts and ask everyone to remember the board guidelines when they post.

  11. This idea is stolen from the ldstalk site...but it is a very popular thread...anyway, it is a word association game. Just say the first word that pops into your head and try not to duplicate the post...want to give it a try?

    ...First word...

