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Posts posted by Maya

  1. Hei Hanne ja jeg bor i Romerike. Jeg er over 50=gammel. Jobber med barn. My hobbies.... sailing, reading, writting...oh I am not Norwegean by birth but my hubby is.

    We just had a beautiful consert in our ward. Sissel Kirkeby and Tabernakel choir! It was amazing with all the emplifiers and all! Almost like beeing there. Had a few non members there too!

    I have to sons 15 and 17 and my hubby is on pension.. Are you from north, south, west, Fredrikstad or Oslo?

  2. Hej på deg.. har ikke vært rund en stund. Jeg er fra Romerike. Velkommer er du! Håper du liker det her.

    It is great to find some new norwegeans around too. Here is at least one more who speaks Norwegean, so not that many around. I like it here!

  3. Ok I got Baptized on the 18th and it was great ! I feel so wonderful. I didnt get a chance to come in and tell you about it because I have 2 sick kids right now. well my grandma (who is 80) came to watch and was crying! every one was very supportive and I enjoyed every minute of it. One missionary delivered the speech and the other one baptized me! and we had two very nice hymns and I just dont even know what to say I can not begin to explain how I feel! I cant wait until sunday!

    SO happy for you... HUGS! I can stil remember my babtisement... I was alone... but HEY I am NEVER alone! :)

  4. The Trinity as defined in most mainstream Christian creeds, is that there is only one eternal God. This God is somehow mysteriously also three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He is all three at the same time. It would be as though you were Breezy, April, and Sunny all at the same time. God, therefore, is not the Father alone, not the Son alone, nor the Holy Ghost alone, but he is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost all at the same time. Don't worry if it doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to.

    The Godhead as taught by LDS is that God the Father is supreme. The Son, Jesus Christ, is a totally separate individual and being from the Father. So is the Holy Ghost. It is not one God or one Being who is manifested in three persons, but is in fact three beings or even three Gods who are one in purpose, power, etc. These three beings are one God in the sense of being one in power, purpose, might, etc, but they are in fact three beings just as much as you and I are separate beings.

    Hope this helps.

    Actually that does help alot. That has to be the most concise, understandable, and clearest explanation I have ever gotten. It also makes the most sense to me. I never have been able to get the whole Trinity thing it just didnt ever make sense.. Thank you that was awesome.

    It never made any sense to me either and as I was a sundayschooltacher for small kids...I skipped the lessons where I was supposed to tell that God was bodyless and everywhere and.... I really felt relief as I found out what LDS believe... I think I always believed that, even before joining!

    Happy hunting... and Christmas too! ... there is so much to learn... so much of interest in LDS!

  5. You are welcome. I just dig it out of books and pass it along. Unfortunately, as I get older, less and less of it seems to stick for very long. I am very lucky to have the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American collection available to me at the Univ of Texas, with full access and faculty checkout privileges. It is one of the largest libraries on Mesoamerica outside of Mexico.

    Larry P

    HEH I know ALL about the age thing... believe me... :P My head is so full of thing, that NOTHING new can be put in, unless I throw something out first... my hubby complains that his is quite empty though.... he must have a leek... not sure which is better... :o

  6. Addendum

    After posting this I thought I had better go back and check my books on the Mayan calendar system. The difference between and is shorter than I thought. I had forgotten that the number system used for calendar dates is in days not years. The Mayan's calendar count is modified from a true base twenty count in that they used 360 rather than 400 to represent the number of days in a year. Starting at the right, the numbers between the decimal points represent the following.

    A 400 year period called a baktun

    A 20 year period called a katun

    A 360 day period called a tun similar to our year but 5 1/4 days shorter. They made up for this by having a 5 day period at the end of the year which was not included in the calendar count. They then did another adjustment every 52 years to account for the slippage due to the 1/4 days.

    A 20 day period called a winal similar to our month

    And a one day period called a kin.

    A period of 13 baktans was called a great cycle and according to Mayan theorists, at the end of each great cycle the count was set back to although there is no real support for this conclusion. The present zero date corresponds to 13 Aug 3114 BC. A great cycle is 5200 years long. All Mayan dates encountered so far fall within this range although use of a dating system which counts days before or after a fixed date reference happennings far in the past and in the future.

    What is causing all the furor is the fact that in the year 2012, a great cycle is completed. Our millenium is equal to 10x10x10 years. Their millenium was 20x20x13 or 5200 years compared to our 1000 year millenium.

    Larry P

    :o Ok so that means that... one cycle is finnished and a new will begin... what ever that means! A new iceage?? Hmm why could they not use the 1,10,100! Would have been so much easire for us! ;) So I am a couple katuns and half...and a third old... and kin was very busy today! And Christmas is after a winal! :P

    And I have done my genealogy a little longer than one baktun! My husband has a line to Adam... if one of the assumpitons we have is a relative.

    Thanks for knowledge Poulsnell!!

  7. This nonsense falls into the same category as "the world will end in 2000 or 3000" using the Gregorian calender. The year 2012 is written using Mayan numbers that have a base of 20 rather than base 10 used by the Gregorian calendar numbering system.

    Just as there was a furor of predictions of the end of the world in the centennial year 2000, so there are similar predictions about the Mayan turnover of all zeros except the "milenium" count. I use millenium very loosely because the time beyween and is much longer than the millenial turnover of 1000 years. The greater time period between turnovers is significantly longer than several generations and this may contribute to greater frenzy over this date than is normally found for millenium turnovers on the Gregorian calender.

    Larry P

    OO NOO! Puolsenll has spoken... and I tought it would finally be end... sigh

    So it seems we sitl have a LONG time to go... How about if the Mayan calender shows the day when the judgement day comes?? So maybe a 100 years or two sitl to wait??... <_<

  8. I think it is interesting. Mayas say that then the excistence the way WE know it will end and it will continue in an other form...

    Well we will see... not hvaing a fit if it dont happen... I am promised to be there to meet Jesus when he comes again... hmm... maybe... IF I am supposed to be there it cant be more than most 30 years from 12... makes me over 90!

    Love those Mayas :lol:

  9. Dear searcher.... I had a teacher she said: Well what do we loose if we live the life believeing in God and what do we loose if we dont!?

    Do you believe that the whole universe was just a coinsidence or DO you believe that there was a power that made it happen?? Do you think that the mecanisms we see around us in plants and animals are mere coinsidence and developing? If not then you DO believe in God! Maybe you just do not know His name!

    If there is no God there is no prelife exictence nor after life excistense. You belive there is not, or are you not sure? Would you maybe like to believe? Then let the seed work in you and it will grow to a big tree! Dont trow it away!

    Either there IS a God or NOT! Ok if you live your life as if there was a God..what do you loose? You live a good life beeing a good person, never hurting anyone. One day if there after all is a God you will be taken home. IFF you live your life as if there is NO God .. what do you loose? Probably you get a lot of short satisfaction moments, but they do not last long! At the end IF there after all is a God.... you loose your place in the kingdom to come as you have not lived the life you should have.

    I have had my doubtfull moments too...but I have decided that God excists. I have NOT red scriptures ... have not felt like so... but I been thinking a lot and I decided that no matter what, God does excist! I wont loose anything if I decide that. Now I notice myself really believing in him...Maybe you call that forcing it to me... but I do not feel like that.

    If you dont decide you will doubt always!

  10. I have a friend she works in the radio in Finland. She told that as she made some interviews one of them she felt was very special. This Person was some kind of highly educated... prpbably a decan otr Doctor or something. He had been studying finnish people... he had found out that finnish people have judish back teeth, the bloodtype... and several other judish things... I wonder if the finnish ugrianish people in fact are the lost tribes... :rolleyes:

    An other finnish man has found out that latin is finnish if you just write the letter and not its name... like: eneiemii=name and that was also red backwords...

    Anyway no one knows where the finnish people have come from. The old possibilities have proved wrong. :D

  11. I think your family is scared. Especially for kids. The grownups may believe and be strong in Church... but they do not know how to explain a child...even worse to explain to a youth, why you are not a member. Children and youth ar stil looking for the path to go and they ofcourse wish they will follow them, not you. As an adult you do have a modells influence to the others. Maybe the adults see your life as an easier sollution, which do not lead to right and ofcourse they do not wish their kids would take that path. Unfortunately they are unsure of it, that they have tought the kids well enough, so they can resist what you fell for. After all now they see that their family fortress was not as strong, as they believed and they are fixing the defences so this would never happen again.

    After a few years it may look better.

  12. I hope you been listening to the conferance on I had to cahange to only sound from as the BYU stuck.

    To be more ready?? I dont think so.. We can never really be more ready than, that our heart says that the LDS Church is the right one. IF we are looking for a big change in us, to become more perfect or perfect... we will never be ready. To be ready is to be ready to learn more and change little by little ... it is not a statement of beeing "good enough".

    Beeing in the LDS Church is a "wild ride". You learn new all the time....or you slip and slide backdownwords, so you have to climb again. There is no even level, it is either up or down. Sometimes you may manage to hang on the iron rod awhile and get help to get forward or you may slide downward some ...sometimes you are not sure which way is up which down... and sometimes even there comes a strong hand to pull you uppworth and you see a couraging smile or hear a few couraging words... press on!

    Plan of salvation is so simple, it is so evident. When the missionaries tought me that I just knew...

  13. Hi Dough! Been there ... I know what you are feeling! It is like coming home. Everything is so clear, I kind of only needed someone to tell me it is true! (Been very busy at work working 8-13 hours, that is why I have not been around.) It is wonderful to hear how this opera is going! :D

    Then comes the peace.... it is undescribable... at the bottom there is the peace, no matter what happens!