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  1. So does that mean I can't be sealed to anyone? Or, do I have to choose between her two ex-husbands (a murderer and rapist or adulterer)?
  2. I am trying to figure out what do here in this situation: Mother was married and divorced twice and not sealed in the temple to either man. Later she met a guy in a bar and 9 months later I was born. He left and I never met him and my mother was never married again. All parties are now passed away. My Mother, Both of her ex-husbands and my biological father are deceased. I am not sealed my family. However, I need to do my biological father's work and I have such a string desire to be sealed to my biological father's family tree. He was never married himself and died at a young age. What do I do? Thanks for any advice.
  3. I realize that, but it was a while ago and the only reason I know about these things is because she told me about them and sought forgiveness and proper counsel. So I have been the supportive husband trying to get her the help she needs. She also has gestational diabetes and when she was pregnant with our son it got to the point the doctor said she needed medication for that (this was before she started taking anti-depressants) and it made her bi-polar. One second she was screaming my head off for stuff that didn't even happen and the next moment she was wanting to curl up to me on the couch. I called the doctor and they took her off the medication immediately. If I ever caught her abusing the children or attempting to abuse them in any way I would immediately remove them from the house. The previous times I had no idea until I came home and she was in tears telling me about what had happened... and what she had done wasn't something that seemed to require me taking them away after the fact.... Am I wrong in that?
  4. Thank you all for the responses... I don't WANT to leave... I have considered it but it is not the ideal. I want our relationship to last. I want her to be healthy. I don't want to take the children away form her. I know for a fact that she tries hard almost every day. I want our children to be with their mother because when things are good they are blissful. She has made mistakes, and she sought counsel for those things. It has been a long time since she did anything physical to our children (a couple years since she has been on medication). I am so grateful for Anatess' words. I have nearly no experience dealing with these things except one time when I was 9 or 10 my mother was put on medication for pain because she was in a car accident and one night I was not listening to her like I should have and before I knew it she had thrown me into a garbage can and had my neck pinned against the wall. she was able to stop her self and ran into the other room crying and called the doctor about the medication. She had no control over it. I talked to my wife and asked her if she feels that way. If she can't control it. She said she wasn't sure. she did feel guilty, she feels awful for the things she has done and doesn't want to feel that way. I told her to call the doctor that prescribed her the medication originally and now she has an appointment tomorrow at 11. She isn't an abusive parent by nature. But as mentioned and no matter how forgiving a person is... it does take it's toll on a relationship. I do need to talk to the bishop and will probably this Sunday or next. She is a stay at home mom and I work all day but I don't fear for our childrens' safety... at least not yet...
  5. Anates, thank you for that. I think I may still talk to the bishop about things but I don't know how to cope aside from walking away. I don't know what it is like to lose control like that. It is like she is a different person and it scares me, makes me regret marriage, concerned for our children. I have seriously considered that the trigger might be me. So, before we got married I did a bad thing which I kept secret until after we got married and I was going through the repentance process. (She ultimately said she forgave me) I also gave her an ultimatum when we were living together that we either needed to get married or find separate living arrangements at the counsel of my Bishop. Sometimes I think she resents me and her decision to get married so quickly. I was her first serious boyfriend and we got married in a rush which put strain on her family. I am afraid she only married me out of fear of being ashamed to her family. Sometimes I think that if she didn't have that stopping her, she would leave me.
  6. Been quite a few years since I posted anything here but I am kind of at a loss. My wife and I have been married for 5 years civilly and have been sealed for 3.5 years. We have 2 children and another one on the way (21 weeks pregnant). I Was inactive for a long time and we were living together when I was finally reactivated. She was raised catholic and joined the church 6 months after we got married. I know we both have testimonies and I do love her. She has told me in the past that she doesn't love me in the same way I love her which begs the question "Why did you agree to marry me then?" I don't have a straight answer from her. Anyways, we have had ups and down in our marriage but there have been quite a few red flags. She went to a therapist (tried to go to LDS family services but they never return phone calls and weren't very helpful) who diagnosed her with depression and put her on medication. Reasons: She has a hard time with her temper, she screams (and I mean screams loudly) at the children for whining when they are merely hungry or tired. She has dropped our oldest daughter (wasn't quite 3 at the time) from sitting height to the floor because she was whining. She has shaken our children a handful of times (she admitted to me after i came home from work because she knew it was wrong). So, after the medication things started to seem better. but recently things have started to get bad again. The screaming has started again, and when i tried to talk to her about it just now she screamed at me and swore telling me I never do anything to help her in the morning (this morning i woke up and gave the kids a bath and got them dressed before going to work). Yesterday she gave me a letter she had written to me about how she has been feeling with our marriage and the kids. In it she said she wanted to do more things together like Hiking. And this was uncharacteristic of her because she has always been a nature hater. before marriage she told me she hated camping and anything outdoors really because there are bugs everywhere (She is deathly afraid of spiders) so I asked her what changed (I was not opposed to it). Then, she seriously flipped out and instead of telling me said "well maybe we shouldn't do things together, you should just do your thing and I will do mine." In the same letter she also expressed her desire to stop having children which is fine. I know it is between us and the lord how many children to have and when but I do not feel like we are done at 3... not out of some sense of "we need more children because the gospel says this or that" but because I seriously feel like we have more children waiting for us... but maybe I am deluding myself? Other red flags though that I have told her repeatedly to stop is that when we have arguments she resorts to vile language and hitting. I NEVER yell or swear at her. I NEVER hit/slap her (except maybe a few slaps on the butt sometimes) even when we have arguments. Sure, I have felt like I wanted to but I just walk away and cool off. I know I am not a perfect husband. I do try my best to help around the house and to help take care of the children sometimes I fall short, I know I could have done more here or there in hindsight. I want to go to the bishop and talk to him about it. What to do???
  7. So, to revive an old thread.... I found out for sure that we will be hosting Mcdonald's Content right alongside Content for hugh Hefner..... It's not just using Microsoft's silverlight but rather our Datacenter specifically is hosting it..... i really don't like that.
  8. I bore my testimony last week about missionary work/...... and then L Tom Perry said almost word for word what i remember saying in my testimony..... his talk was awesome.
  9. It's not just that thier calendar ends, Rather there is a prophecy associated that the earth will ascend to a different state than it is now.
  10. We need to reember the first resurrection is not completed, It began with Christ and is on hold, there have been many others between Christ's Resurrection and now and there will continue to be more untill he comes again. The doctrine of the 4 Resurrections are found in D&C
  11. I remember when there was a news report in san diego about "l337" (leet) speak and how it was some sort of secret code for internet users to communicate without being detected. they thought it was some sort of terrorist scheme..... who knew it would be just a bunch of lazy computer geeks too tired to type out thier words:D
  12. and when 2012 rolls around you will see SOOOOOO many people backpedaling it's going to be a hoot.
  13. There are, in total, 4 resurrections. each corresponds to a degree of glory or lack thereof, the first being the celestial, the last being Outer darkness. I am unsure why hers would say the second resurrection.....