Vicky Hail

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Everything posted by Vicky Hail

  1. Last year for Christmas day we had the privledge of having our missionaries for the whole day. They had the opportunity to email their families early in the month on where they would be and they brought any presents sent to them here and put them under our tree. It was absolutely awesome, Not only spiritually but as a family we grew. We got each of them a set of writing paper and matching envelopes and enough stamps to use on them, and an address book (to write their favorite families in) lol. It was nice to have a fuller house on Christmas morning and I am pretty sure that the missionaries enjoyed it also, especially when one of the elders had just came into the mission field Thanksgiving week and one of the sisters had arrived in our area the week before Christmas. There is an organization in our area called "Heart House" they help throughout the year and not just on Christmas. They provide food, clothing, toys, even temporary shelter and will help a family get back on their feet and out on their own again by helping to find housing and pay a deposit and or first months rent. This might be the kind of organization you could check out in your local town to donate your items to. Giving a list to the missionaries of what you have or asking them what families are in need is an awesome idea since they are the ones that have the most contact with the members.
  2. I'm uploading it to this site under avatar options
  3. I'm uploading it from my computer
  4. Everytime I come to the site I have to reload my avatar I've uploaded it to the site every time but it keeps going away on me why?
  5. Make sure that your turn your heads to the heavens and say "Happy Thanksgiving Mom"
  6. HOw about them Braves? lol let's step back for a second and remember we are adults and start concentrating on the posts instead of picking on each other :)
  7. Honor is something that's earned, not demanded. This is one of the things that I have a hard time with. Some of the men of the church seem to demand respect instead of trying to earn it with me. Our President is awesome, he does not look down upon anyone, excluding the fact that he is the shortest person in our branch lol, he is great. He does not feel that anyone is less equal then anyone else, he takes everything that everyone says and puts it to work. But there are some that walk around like see me I'm a man respect me. Well phoey on them you best earn it from me first just as much as I have to earn your respect. You hit the nail right on the head thy little curvy one!
  8. there is a difference between giving a thread a little controversy and coming across as an ######.
  9. *gives a swift kick in the shins and walks away knowing that a lot more of us are so much more intelligent then giving and answer like that*
  10. This can be really confusing to me. I have a list of what I should have for a years supply of food, but getting it going really seems to be hard. we don't have the room to put it in in our current home until we find one with a basement or some sort of storage area. How do you start? I know a little here and a little there, but how do you decide what to work on first? Do two weeks grocery shopping every week and store away one week of it when you can afford to?
  11. My thoughts on this subject have been the same since I was old enough to understand what abortion was and what it was for. I believe that a woman and man have a right to end a pregnancy IF there is a danger of death to the mother or unborn child. IF the woman was raped, or IF the child is handicapped so severly their quality of life will be zero and the parents together feel it is in the best interest of the child for them not to have to suffer such a life. I don't feel that under any circumstances abortion should be used as birth control. There are too many ways out there to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. but not enough ways out there to help a family that can not have a child.
  12. Ray, you are a very lucky man to have such a wife. She honors you, who possess the greater authority. She follows your leadership as head of the household….beautiful. I can see that this works for you. I honor the priesthood which my husband holds and blesses our family with (see my first post in this topic). I respect the leaders of the church to lead this church under the direction of Our Father In Heaven. I don't however presume any of those men to have a greater authority over me. My husband and I are a team and we are striving for the same goal...eternal life with our family. This is what I want to see is more "Team" work. There is no "I" In Team. We have to work "Together" if we want to achieve what Heavenly Father has set forth for us or we fail "Together." Neither the man nor woman is to blame or be totally credited for any failures or successes in our lives. "Together" we make the decisions that lead us into the next step in our lives whether it's a good step or a bad step we've gotten there "together" If it's good then we continue to enjoy it "together" if it's bad then we continue to strive to make it better "together." I don't want a man or a woman to take sole responsibility for a success or a failure we have to do it "together" to make it work.
  13. Some people accuse me of being or acting that way, but that’s not the way I see it. I speak to everyone as an equal while also speaking boldly and directly about what is on my mind, often acknowledging that my mind has been and often continues to be influenced by the light of Christ through a testimony of the Holy Ghost. I guess some people think that if I don’t agree with them I should either speak more mildly or just not say anything at all, but at times I feel that it is important that I allow my voice to be heard. I am working on trying to be more tactful though. Yes, we should all work together, but we all have different roles to play in life, whether in our families or in the Church or in the world in general, and some of us have been given authority or more authority than other people. You do believe in being subservient to authority, don’t you? If you have come to accept the prophet and apostles as representatives of our Lord, with our Lord’s authority to act in behalf of His Church, why do you then find it difficult to accept the idea that those prophets and apostles have delegated some of their authority to other people in the Church? Is there a limit to how much authority you will be subservient to?Btw, I had a problem with authority when I was younger too, and it still bothers me to see somebody use their authority unrighteously, but I now understand and accept the fact that Jesus will hold everyone accountable for how we use our authority and how we submit to other authorities. And as the apostle Peter said, submitting to people who use their authority unrighteously will be to our ultimate benefit, helping us realize more of the agony our Lord endured when He submitted to unrighteous authority and making us more worthy of being honored and glorified with Him. Priesthood broadcasts are for the men of the Church just as Relief Society broadcasts are for the women of the Church, and not for the Church or the world in general. I believe there is a way for other members of the Church to watch either broadcast though, and I say that because my stake president recently showed the priesthood session video to the combined Relief Society / Priesthood of my ward. Talk to your bishop to get more information.I wonder why you feel the need to watch priesthood broadcasts, though. I’ve never felt the urge to see Relief Society broadcasts, probably because I understand that they’ll be talking about things that are specifically related to women. I do love and honor the Relief Society association, though, because I can see the good that it does for my wife. I see a few of the women in the church stand back and look like a wallflower when their husbands are present, but when they are alone talk about a major difference, they are talkative and don't feel like they should just stand there and look pretty while their husbands do all the talking.I'm 37 so having an issue with authority because I'm young doesn't ring true. The reason I'm asking about the Priesthood sessions is because all the rest are televised and available in the libraries for viewing but not the priesthood session, and no one seems to have an answer to why. I guess in a way I'm asking why is it that only men are delegated any authority in the church over women. I guess I just have a ton of questions, but for now it's back out to the church to finish unpacking our new library package I got today WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  14. This is really starting to annoy me. Got two calls from "Laura Bush and one from George Bush" Today. Easy to hang up on but sheesh we paid extra money to have our number unlisted so how did they get hold of our number?
  15. Oh, I think I see what you meant now. You saw [or thought?] that men thought they were superior to women because men have the priesthood and women don’t, and you have now modified your perception. Is that right, and if so, what do you think now? As a man with priesthood, I will simply state that priesthood doesn’t make me superior to my wife, or men superior to women, any more than wombs makes women superior to men. Men and women both have our own powers and attributes and roles to help us help others, and we both work better together than alone. And btw, from a more personal perspective, I will also state that I need the priesthood to help me help others as much as my wife blesses others without it. Or in other words, women seem to be much more natural at helping others, whereas men seem to need the priesthood to help us learn how to help others. Can you imagine how life would be for men without it? One of my things was I have seen some that think they are better then anyone else, for lack of a better term, "holier then thou." I'm equal to men, I will not and refuse to be subservient to anyone man or woman. If man and woman can't work together to make all members of LDS better then we all lose One of the things I don't care for is that the Priesthood session of General Conference are only telecast as stake centers, are not for public viewing on BYU or on video tape available in the libraries. It's like it's some sort of secret or something when everything else is available to be viewed. I realize that the priesthood sessions are available to be read in the Ensign but I'd like to watch it not read it lol I hate reading.
  16. ty Ray that helped a lot. I think part of my issue was with the authority of the Priesthood. To me all men and women are equal and a lot of what I saw was the men were superior and I don't like that, so far things have worked out and I'm understanding it more. I've had two temple classes so far and looking forward to my endowment and family sealing. my husband works with the FM Group so this week is going to be very busy, we are getting ready for our building to have an open house and dedication in the next few weeks so i'm not getting a lot of time to read the boards so please forgive me if i'm slow on answering for the next couple of weeks :)
  17. I don't think there is anything that I don't like about LDS living.I still don't understand the priesthood but does anyone really understand it? lol
  18. whew thought I had signed up for the wrong type of boards. I like to see all kinds of opinions and versatility but I dont like to see flame wars or accusations.
  19. I'm seeing some questions about Joseph Smith's validity and his decendants. This is a site for LDS or RLDS or both?
  20. I just found this site last night and am hoping it helps me with what I'm looking for. I converted last June and am loving every minute of LDS living. I've been librarian for the last year and now they added in making the weekly program for Sacrament. We're just going getting ready to move into our new phase 2 building and our budget is really tight, so I'm using some clipart for the front cover of the programs and I'm looking for anything and everything I can find. I've found a lot of great sites but if anyones has some goodies out there I would love it.