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Posts posted by DigitalShadow

  1. That really hurts my overly inflated ego DS! :P

    Seriously though, I was mostly talking about my co-workers who seem to think Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh are prophets. It's rather scary.

  2. How so? I listen to and follow the counsel of Church leaders where their authority extends over ecclesiastical matters. I apply scripture, their counsel and much pondering and prayer over all of my decisions.

    Politically speaking, I believe that fiscal and social conservative policy is in line with how the Lord wants us to live. We are counseled to live within our means......the government should do that as well. I believe that issues like abortion and g/l marriage are incompatible with my faith.

    The comment was tongue-in-cheek based on my observations of living in Utah (yes, not every sarcastic post I make is referring to you :)).

  3. Do you believe in it is expected in Latter Day Saint culture to obey or question authority figures? (Asking out of curiosity, not as a lead in for making a point.)

    Apparently they obey if the authority figures have a conservative viewpoint, otherwise they look for every fault they can find and question everything.

  4. 1. I doubt this is true, it's just another urban legend / email forward that has been around for ages.

    2. That is a stupid thing for a professor to do, and no professor other than the caricature of a professor in this joke would do such a thing. I've never met an "avowed atheist" and apparently they threw in the ACLU part to further establish him as the villain to conservatives.

    3. The marine should be arrested for assault. Was he on a mission from God, or just a jerk? How can you tell? Backing up commands from what you believe to be God with violence is usually frowned on. At least we don't usually take too kindly to it when it happens to us in the form of terrorism.

  5. If you're not even LDS this is a meaningless conversation. You accuse me of trying to push my beliefs on others. Aren't you doing the same. "Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing" and "They lay in wait to deceive". Both seem to apply here.

    Yes, you're absolutely right. My opinions must be meaningless and not even worth addressing because I am not LDS. Carry on, sorry to have bothered you.

  6. Not so fast DS.. If same sex couples can legally wed in the UK, wouldn't they be happier where they can live the way they wish. What's not compassionate about that?

    You didn't say "Maybe they could move to the UK and be happy", you said "Maybe we could send them all to you" which implies against their will just so you don't have to put up with them here.

    Besides, I 'm really not concerned about compassion.

    It shows.

    I'm concerned about what is right and wrong. Church leaders tell us same sex marriage is against the laws of God.

    That's all well and good that your church leaders told you it is wrong, and you are completely free to not personally engage in a same sex marriage since you find it wrong, but last I checked, the majority of Maine is not LDS and really couldn't care less what your church leaders have to say about it.

    If you don't except that you are going against teachings of the Church. You don't get to decide which cammandments you will follow and which you will ignore.

    Have you ever had a temple interview?

    As you can probably tell by now, I am not LDS and do not plan to have a temple interview. I respect your right to believe whatever you want is right or wrong for you based on what your church leaders say, but you are trying to extend your version of morality to people who don't share your beliefs and prevent them from doing things that don't even affect you just because you find it wrong.

    God had compassion on those that TURNED AWAY from their sin. Not for those that continued in them.

    They don't find it sinful and they are not harming anyone. If you really want to deny them any compassion because they are continuing with a "sin" that they don't even think is wrong then go ahead, but it hardly sounds Christ-like to me.

  7. Would this then essentially make someone a different person? If that is the case would a person develop another soul? As the person would be essentially different because of the different connections in the brain; some being severed ect.

    Yes, it essentially would be a different person in my opinion. I also don't really believe we have a soul (as nice of a thought as it would be) primarily because of things like this.

  8. This was on that rickross link earlier in the thread:

    "The National Day of Prayer was established by an act of Congress in 1952 and amended in 1988 to designate the day as the first Thursday of May each year."

    But regardless of how old it is, canceling it was just as much a political move as starting it was.

    It's not as if Obama canceled the whole day all together as the title of this thread appears to imply. From what I can tell, he simply isn't holding a public ceremony at the white house like his predecessor did.

  9. Yes, there have been disturbed people since the beginning of mankind. CAin killed Abel, right? But the depth of inhumanity and lack of feelings toward another living creature have not been to the unthinkable level that we see today. Yes, technology plays in to the increasing incidences of horror by not only reporting it, but perpetrating it by planting seeds of evil and perverseness in to those disturbed minds that could be capable of unspeakable pain.

    To grade whether these types of horror are happening with more frequency and greater number percentage wise, you would have to study these things far back in time. If you would choose to study these things on a truth seeking quest, you would find that indeed, such inhumanity is on the increase. It has been done.

    Pro choice advocates pointed out previous to abortion rights that child abuse would decrease when women had the choice of whether or not to have an unwanted child. Stating that children born in to homes where a child was not wanted was the incubator of abuse. TIme has proven however that AFTER women were legally allowed to kill their infants in the womb child abuse has skyrocketed. WHy? Studies have shown that the disrespect of the pre-born child actually flows over to the living children and that the value or respect of life has decreased.

    THe increase in technology does report of inhumanity but it also perpetrates it. The devaluation of girls and women has risen to the point that 3 out of every 5 girls have been or will be sexually abused by the time they are 18. This includes the sexualizing of children up to date rape in teenagers. If you choose to believe that these statistics are only due to an increase of reporting and technology making information available, then go ahead. Believe what you want. After all, we do all have our free agency.

    You've already made up your mind so there's not much point in discussing it. You can believe what you want as well and I'll leave it at that.

  10. In the last days man will lack natural affection. We're there baby!

    There have been disturbed people since the beginning of mankind, we just get to hear about them from all over the world now because of communication technology.

  11. If there is a God and a day of judgment, I think people would be judged on how close they were to what they believed in their heart to be right (which could be different from what they justified to themselves was right at the time). I don't think it would be fair or logical to judge everyone based on the strict standards of any one religion though because no matter what religion you look at it, there are hundred of millions of people who have not even heard of it. It seems rather arbitrary to judge people based on rules they've never heard of and I can't imagine a fair or loving God doing that, and certainly not a God I would want to worship if that were the case.

  12. True, it's not as bad as starting a war with nor tangible enemy, or even going on a spending spree that will ruin the economy and country. It's still a bad stunt though. And I think scaring hundreds (thousands?) of U.S. citizens needlessly is pretty bad in its own right. This is a chance for the Administration to own up to a relatively minor mistake- yet we see no one doing that. The buck gets passed around until we don't know who's at fault.

    The result is no one really has to shoulder the responsibility and America forgets about it.

    I definitely think that the scaring of citizens was far worse than the spending, but the shifting of blame is just politics and human nature. I see crap like that every day at my workplace. People are out for blood right now and want to jump on any little mistake, it would be political suicide for someone to take full responsibility and no one is willing to fall on their sword. Not that it's an excuse for not doing the right thing, but it's just not surprising to me.

  13. I think it was a stupid stunt and a waste of money. But in the grand scheme of stupid stunts and wastes of money by political figures, I don't think it particularly stands out or is even noteworthy other than the fact that it scared the crap out of a bunch of New Yorkers thinking it was another attack.

  14. I can't imagine how tough your situation is right now, but I will say that any guy shallow enough to think of you as "damaged goods" because of your past, probably wouldn't make a very good husband anyway. I think if anything this would help filter out the unworthy candidates that wouldn't stick with you through thick and thin.

  15. Maybe this strain has been around for a long time in the US, we just dismissed it as a really bad case of the flu since not many people would even go to the doctor over the flu and most doctors would just tell you to get some rest if you had flu symptoms, so how would we even know? I think the only reason there are any "confirmed" cases is because of all this paranoia about the swine flu and now anyone with flu symptoms wants to get tested.