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Posts posted by DigitalShadow

  1. Why don't you enlighten the rest of us lost sheep as to where we can find unbiased views. All outlets have their own agenda. I prefer Fox News. At least they "claim" to shows both sides and they do have liberal contributors. That can't be said for the left's MoveOn or MSNBC. You're aware of MSNBC? That's the one with ratings so low you need a microscope to find them.

    My point was that there are no unbiased views. Think for yourself rather than looking for some source of information to take as Gospel so to speak.

  2. And going to the source clears the matter right up.

    Honestly, DigitalShadow, I have nothing against you, but the tea party movement is clearly not run, organized, etc. by Fox News. Fox covered 4-5 different parties of well over 60 around the country between April 13-17 (2009 Tea Parties- Google Maps) according to the official web page of the tea party movement (I stopped counting at 60; I'm sure there's more between 80-100. You are more than welcome to count them yourself).

    Yes, Fox News made a huge brouhaha about it- and thank goodness for that! Frankly, I doubt the movement would have gotten nearly enough publicity if it hadn't been for Fox. I seriously think (and this is just a gut feeling, not based on any real evidence) that the news coverage the tea parties received from other news outlets was in response to Fox's coverage of them. That is, if Fox hadn't covered them, the rest of the news world would have been content to just let the matter go unreported. That attitude is, of course, following in the President's footsteps who was apparently unaware of the tea parties until after the fact.

    I never said that Fox organized or ran the Tea Party movement, only that their influence took over a small movement and that most of the people around me who talk about the tea party movement now are conservatives who don't even like Ron Paul.

  3. And I'm repeating that the partiers were not hijacked, are not that easily duped, and that to suggest so is an act of dismissiveness. Did FOX offer its own spin and commentary on the events? Perhaps. But, as other strings have pointed out, it's coverage proved far superior to the South Park-like 'tea-baggin'' coverage offered by other outlets.

    And you still seem to have completely missed what I was saying. The original Tea Party concept started with Ron Paul and his followers, the concept of the Tea Party is what is being hijacked by Fox News, not the people who are now participating. What I'm talking about when I say "hijacked" is a small movement that has been completely hyped and taken over by Fox over the last few weeks, much to the dismay of many people originally in the movement.

    I am not claiming that these people now participating the tea party are being duped in any way, just that Fox has transformed the movement to suit its own needs and now conservatives are flocking to it not because of the original movement but because of the Fox influence on it.

  4. I was just curious about everyones take on this.. there's numerous documented cases of people having traumatic experiences or suffering from severe head injuries.. and when they finally recover they're literally a (changed) different person.

    How does this jive with our theology? With the concept of a soul?

    One of my best friends recently.. he had an experience which nobody really knows much about. Let's just leave it at.. he's no longer himself. Where did he go? Is he still him or what?

    Our 'soul' seems to have very little to do with 'who we are' if damage to the brain can influence it as easily as it does. I guess my question is this --

    If the soul is literally 'who we are'.. then why is our 'self' so easily influenced by the brain and damage to the brain?

    I often wonder what the religious take on this is. Personally I believe that 'who we are' is the unique pattern of neural connections in our brain that was influenced by genetics and environment, so it never really bothered me too much. I've also seen first hand just how different person's personality can be after a stroke or some other kind of brain damage.

  5. I don't know...maybe some are waking up. But Obama has poured some mighty tasty kool-aid. Honestly for those who hated Bush, Obama is governing a lot like him. Bush was a big spending liberal, Obama is just Bush on steroids and for all of Obama's rhetoric about change, he is behaving a lot like Bush. Americans need to wake up and dump the kool-aid from both parties before we live in a banana republic.

    What is with your obsession with kool-aid :confused:

  6. This seems to be the new liberal talking point. "We can ignore these conservative demonstrations, because, after all, Fox News orchestrated it." I sure wish we conservatives could dismiss the recent election by arguing that msnbc/cnn/abc/nbc/cbs et. al orchestrated it. :rolleyes:

    Try really reading what I post rather than trying to instantly dismiss it all as "liberal talking points." I was not stating it should be dismissed because Fox News orchestrated it, I'm saying that Fox News hijacked the movement for their own purposes and most people who now support the movement don't have the faintest clue of its origins.

  7. The "Tea Party movement" started with the Ron Paul Tea Party in 2007. I'm so glad to see so many Americans finally waking up to the fact that the Republican Party is no different from the Democrat Party. God Bless America!


    That may be where the "Tea Party movement" started, but since it has been hijacked by fox news, I've seen many conservatives around me who barely know who Ron Paul is or what he stands for are ranting about Tea Parties and how we have to now oppose the fascist government.

  8. When the haters finally realize what is going on and we get the revolution we are working for, they will pretend they were with us all along and look to cash in. I thank God this country is waking up and resisting the growth of this government and the death of liberty. The powers that be are afraid and they want desperately to keep public favor, but that is all dying despite their best efforts. The ignorant masses are googling themselves into the know.

    What makes you think the country is "waking up" now any more than it was waking up when people were protesting Bush being elected? Liberals protested Bush and made a big fuss, now Conservatives are protesting Obama and making a big fuss, sounds like the exact same claims just from opposite sides. Do you really think anything has really changed?

  9. I'm with Little Wyvern and Madriglace . . . Animal Control is probably your best bet here. Although, if I may be blunt, keeping animals outside in all seasons is not exactly abnormal behavior in Utah. If the dog is barking to the point where it's becoming a nuisance to you and the other neighbors, your local police department may be willing to step in.

    My neighbor's dogs either bark or yelp nearly all day and night long, I had no idea you could call the cops for something like that. Some people I wonder why they even have dogs, my neighbors just keep them in a cage outside all day and night.

  10. I had never heard this word before until this grass roots movement, and I have a pretty good smut vocabulary. So, when I listened to David Shuster’s commentary that is linked in this story, I thought nothing of it.

    It is less a smut vocabulary word than it is a gamer vocabulary word, particularly first person shooters. I don't play many first person shooters, but I am somewhat in touch with the gamer subculture, and I had definitely heard of "tea bagging" before this fiasco.

    I've really only seen MSNBC and Comedy Central use the blatant innuendo which I think was in bad taste for MSNBC, but that is kind of what Comedy Central does so I don't blame them too much for it. I've seen clips of the CNN "coverage" of the tea parties and I was disappointed as well, I find it sad that they have sunk to the level of Fox News mocking protesters very similar to what happened after Bush was elected.

    I was never part of the liberal "protest Bush" crowd, but I find it extremely ironic that the very same people who were calling anyone who didn't agree with Bush treasonous, are now trying to incite a revolution against the current president.

  11. When trying to bring people of diverse religious backgrounds together, speaking in front of strong religious symbolism is not a good idea and this was probably the best move for him. Anyone offended by this more than likely already has a strong dislike for Obama and is just looking for things to point and gasp in shock at anyway.

  12. Simply put, in questions of ethics and morality- i.e., is such-and-such wrong- someone not versed in critical thinking, yet who still abides by the eternal principles of the Gospel of Christ, will usually be more correct in the answer (s)he gives than a person who is trained in critical thinking but completely unethical (amoral) in his/her lifestyle.

    In questions of ethics and morality, of course someone who shares your religious beliefs will make more "correct" decisions in your opinion. That only demonstrates that you both take your morality from the same source. In order to live peacefully with people of other religions though, you also have to take in to account critical thinking skills to determine what is best for humanity and your fellow man rather than just blindly follow the morals imprinted upon you by your religion.

  13. All joking aside, no people in general do not have good critical thinking skills. Why? Because it's not taught in public schools. Everything is geared towards passing the test.

    Public schools only seem to teach wrote memorization with almost no emphasis on how to use that information (at least they did when I went to school), but beyond that though I really don't think most parents raise their kids to think for themselves. I grew up in a small town in central Illinois and my mom once told me she was giving a speech to the PTA and mentioned how "we all wanted our kids to be good little critical thinkers" and the other parents were bewildered and one of them responded "No we don't, I just want my kid to do what I tell them."