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Posts posted by DigitalShadow

  1. Daylight savings time is stupid, every study I've seen concludes that it doesn't help power usage at all and the changing of the dates of daylight savings last year cost millions in software updates. We might as well have just gotten rid of it all together instead of changing the dates for it.

  2. That is a Utopia. It has never happened so I question it would be an accurate definition and/or representation of socialism

    There has never been a utopia but there is still a word for it and a valid definition. I think there have been a lot of failed implementations of socialism, but I don't think those instances define the word or what the original intent was.

  3. I'm sure as a programmer you have your own preferences and habits for programming, but the thing I find that helps me the most is to write really specific comments about what's happening in my code. I usually comment my code as if it were an outline.

    I hate commenting my code... I know I should... but I still hate it. It's like doing a really annoying chore.

  4. I would recommend Top Coder. You can review old contests, try them yourself and see how other people solved them. If you want to work more on practical application, I have found that it is best to think of a project that would be challenging and just jump in and do it in your free time. Look up things that you don't know how to do yet and if you still need help, jump on one of the many tech forums and ask for help.

  5. I think that one of the flaws of something like the EU has been demonstrated in the most recent financial crisis. They can't come to an agreement on how to handle the financial mess that they are in.

    It is sort of like a house being on fire and all the local fire stations are arguing who gets to put it out and who will be in charge.

    When this whole financial thing started to hit Europe they were arguing where to hold the meeting to discuss how to attack the crisis. Each country wanting to be seen as the one taking the lead.

    Any time you get a group of people with different viewpoints and interests together it will be difficult to reach a consensus (you can even see that just within our country), but the decisions that need to be made are starting to have more and more global repercussions. Inevitably if we are to coexist on this planet we need to play nice with other countries.

  6. This probably sounds like a very strange question and I am not trying to be offensive, but why do religious people seem to be just as sad to see people die as non religious people? Non-religious people I can understand being sad to see people die because they have no idea what comes after this life (if anything), but now that I think about it, it doesn't really make sense for most religious people to react the same as most non-religious people in that situation.

    If you are firmly LDS, don't you believe that even the lowest kingdom is so great that if you could see it you would kill yourself just to get there and that people who go to outer darkness truly desrve it? So why are events where thousands of people die so tragic if you know for sure that they are either going to a much better place or getting what they deserve? Why is it so sad still to see family members die if you know you will be reuinited with them when you die? If people I knew were moving to another country and I would never see them again but they would be happy, I would be sad and miss them, but not nearly as sad as if they had died.

    I guess I haven't really been to any LDS funerals so I can't say if there is much of a difference, but it seems like if you knew they had moved on to such a wonderful place you would throw a party in their honor rather than host an event of mourning.

  7. I don't buy the story about "theological differences". There are darker forces at work here. Since 1830 our doctrine has been articulated by leaders and members of the Church. There is no new insight into "what Mormons believe" and if they did not know is because they did not care to check. FoF wanted to produce the the segment but some of their wealthy patrons want nothing to do with LDS doctrine or people.

    This is the unfortunate work of those that seek to speak of evil all the days of their lives rather than to seek to be a light on the hill for the cause of good.

    And I'm sure that they think there are darker forces at work in the LDS church leading poor Christians astray. Not everyone who theologically disagrees with you is motivated by dark forces.

  8. Heres my question to you how can you logically reason that any Love is right or wrong?

    Love is neither right nor wrong, it just is. Logical reasoning is the only source I trust when searching for the truth, but that doesn't mean feelings are irrelevent or useless.

    what reasoning can explain what a Dream is or the reason for it?

    There are many different theories for why we dream, but there are no widely accepted ones at the moment and I am perfectly fine with saying "I don't know" if there is not enough evidence to make a proper conclusion yet.

    or why does psychology work for some people and not for others?

    Because we don't yet of a sufficient understanding of the human brain.

    its not possible to reason that god exists or not.

    It is not possible to reason that an invisible unicorn exists or not, but is it useful to believe it exists if there is no evidence for one?

    can reason prove anything that we cannot see?

    Reason shows that many things we cannot see most likely exist and we use those things to better our lives, it's called science.

    other than mathematics....which is only most accurate on paper.

    We trust our lives to mathematic principles every day. We use theories from math and science because they provide testable, repeatable results. Logical reasoning is what brings us all the wonderful technology that we have today.

    so here is my delema... and i am a scientifically minded man. President Eyring, also a scientifically minded man discusses some things about rationality he says that it is important to know that satan wants us to yield to "Rules of Rationality". i quote from his book to draw closer to god page 115

    "...there are voices competing for our belief. they claim authority of truth.

    Some of those voices--some of the loudest--tell you that the questions which matter will yield to reason. And they even warn you that those who purport to answer questions without using their rules of rational analysis are to be distrusted and even despised.

    ...some are clearly lying some are not...We need to know. And we need to be sure."

    so what makes rationality worthy? what makes it true if its like the tongue or the poisonous fountain?

    I don't think I can help much with your dilemma since I am not LDS, but I am wary of people who want you to throw out rationality. In my experience, the truth does not require you to disregard your rational mind or solid evidence.

  9. is one of my favorite sites. I will jokingly use the word with my co-workers (we're software developers so most of us are current on the latest internet memes), but only because we can all laugh about it. I would never talk like that to someone who I knew wouldn't get it or might be offended.

  10. I just started watching the new Dr. Who series a few weeks ago from a recomendation by netflix. I'm to the middle of season 3 now and I love it so far. I wish they were keeping David Tennant, but then again I wished they were keeping the last Dr. and David Tennant turned out quite well.

  11. From the test: You answered 26 out of 33 correctly — 78.79 %

    It's been a while since my high school civics class so I'm suprised I even did that well. I think a lot of that test was useful knowledge that most citizens should know but some of it just seemed like pointless trivia (like the ones I got wrong ^_^).

  12. This is the way I look at it...

    I'm not going to pay for outrageously priced food items and my own snacks don't cost them money. So I am not stealing from them because the aren't getting my money either way.

    So I take it you have no issues with piracy either? It's basically the same justification. I'm not going to pay $20 for this over priced DVD anyway and they don't lose anything if I download it.

  13. This kindof hit home with me tonight when i think about my other church experiences, how many people say they follow God, but in reality do not and how for those who truly do follow him we should not do it in secret but shout it to the world. And verse 18-the more we listen to his word, the more we will understand! That really seems to be true.

    What are your thoughts?

    I'm agnostic so it has always struck me as strange that so many people believe they truly follow God but so many other people seem truly convinced that they are following God as well but believe completely different things. How does anyone know they are truly following God when whatever the case may be, billions of people in the world are very wrong, yet have complete faith in the wrong thing.

  14. 1. Secular Humanism (100%)

    2. Unitarian Universalism (91%)

    3. Liberal Quakers (75%)

    4. Nontheist (73%)

    5. Theravada Buddhism (70%)

    6. Neo-Pagan (64%)

    7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (58%)

    8. Taoism (49%)

    9. New Age (49%)

    10. Orthodox Quaker (43%)

    11. Mahayana Buddhism (40%)

    12. Reform Judaism (39%)

    13. Baha'i Faith (31%)

    14. Sikhism (31%)

    15. Jainism (29%)

    16. Scientology (28%)

    17. New Thought (26%)

    18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (25%)

    19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (21%)

    20. Seventh Day Adventist (20%)

    21. Hinduism (18%)

    22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (18%)

    23. Eastern Orthodox (16%)

    24. Islam (16%)

    25. Orthodox Judaism (16%)

    26. Roman Catholic (16%)

    27. Jehovah's Witness (12%)

    I didn't like that a lot of the questions at the beginning had lumped "doesn't exist, not sure or not important" all in to one response because I think all of those are significantly different when it comes to religion.

  15. I don't think they did either, but I'm sure they did set out to form a Christian, God-fearing nation.

    They set out to form a free nation and many of them happened to be Christian.

    You seem to rely heavily on the argument that so many people believe so many different things. That fact doesn't mean that there isn't an absolute truth. It doesn't mean that there isn't a true church.

    I am well aware of that, but my point is simply that arguments from the authority of God don't hold much weight unless you happen to believe in the same God and prophets and religious structure, which I don't. We live in a country with a diverse set of religious beliefs.

    Finding the truth, my friend, is a personal thing. You can't just go with the majority vote when it comes to religious truth. Perhaps it's time for you to step away from the fence and take a side... que no? If there is a true church, it'd be better to find that out now than to wait and find that out later.

    I am not on the fence, I am watching people dance around what looks to be imaginary fences. If there is a true church, I would love to know, but unfortunately they all make very similar arguments that can conveniently only be verified by personal experiences and a strong pre-existing belief that their particular church is true.

    I know you've been seeking, and that you can't force God to show His hand. But you can always plead more earnestly with Him and show Him greater effort and desire to know. I'm not speaking only of you- I, myself need to do a better job at this. And I know you have been making a great effort- I hope you don't take offense at my trying to offer encouragement.

    I take no offense because I know that you have the best of intentions. I have pleaded as earnestly and humbly as I am capable of to know that He even exists and I have received nothing.

  16. Family Research Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I found some interesting results looking in to the "Family Research Institute." Given their self declared intent " restore a world where marriage is upheld and honored, where children are nurtured and protected, and where homosexuality is not taught and accepted, but instead is discouraged and rejected at every level." I would say that is a bit of a baised source.