Child Abuse? - Are some supporting abuse?


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Thankyou for your comments on issues of free agency and religious morality. I think I'm far more likely to look at the fruits and make a personal decision on whether the results are immoral or not. It's an accountability thing.

Finian: if you're going to munch on locusts, it's a good idea to remove the wings and legs so they don't get stuck in your teeth ; ) .

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Thankyou for your comments on issues of free agency and religious morality. I think I'm far more likely to look at the fruits and make a personal decision on whether the results are immoral or not. It's an accountability thing.

Finian: if you're going to munch on locusts, it's a good idea to remove the wings and legs so they don't get stuck in your teeth ; ) .

None for me please.........I'm on a restricted of right now! Lol:lol:

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None for me please.........I'm on a restricted of right now! Lol:lol:

Yeah, I have eaten locusts in Beijing, they were just plain so maybe that's why I felt they tasted so bland. However, a friend of mine visiting Vetnam said that in stir fry they were quite popular on the menu. Thing is, eating things like locusts is blessed by the Bible yet I will guess people would freak out if yousent junior to school with them in his lunchbox. Same with dog meat, I don't think that is prohibited in the Bible yet many people think it is immoral to eat dog and many places in the USA would throw you in jail if they found out you raised dogs for food. Purely a societal thing, not really supported by scripture or logic.

Now I wonder, why has nobody touched on the "under age" thing in reference to my question about Iran and China? In China a man is under age until he is 22 while a female is legal age for marriage at 9 in Iran. So if a Chinese Muslim man at 21 travels to Iran and marries a 14 year old Iranian woman which party is under age? Has a moral law been violated? Should the 14 year old female be seen as molesting the 21 year old since by the laws of China he's underage (and she probably knows it) but in Iran he isn't -- nor is she?

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Finnian, are your morals based soley on the bible, or do they include all LDS doctrine? What do you think of "universal morals"? Morals that are not based on a specific or any religion for that matter, but are believed by some (many?) to be felt or known to all humans. For instance, canibalism, even if you are raised in a canibalistic culture, is believed by some to be so "anti-universal morals" or naturally repulsive to humans, that people would shy away from it. Eating monkey fringes on this, though it is appropriate in some cultures, though this doesn't mean that even those raised in such, do not feal something is intrinsically wrong with it.

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Finnian, are your morals based soley on the bible, or do they include all LDS doctrine? What do you think of "universal morals"? Morals that are not based on a specific or any religion for that matter, but are believed by some (many?) to be felt or known to all humans. For instance, canibalism, even if you are raised in a canibalistic culture, is believed by some to be so "anti-universal morals" or naturally repulsive to humans, that people would shy away from it. Eating monkey fringes on this, though it is appropriate in some cultures, though this doesn't mean that even those raised in such, do not feal something is intrinsically wrong with it.

The Bible and basic LDS doctrine do not contradict each other, now do they? Also, what are universal values? If not for European or Islamic takeovers of much of the world in the last several hundred years there would be many peoples still running around naked. So is clothing something that is universal?

Canibalism -- depends on your definition of universal. The Muslims freak out over the Christian sacrament since they believe it is symbolic canibalism. The advanced societies of Meso America practiced canibalism as did the Nephites at the end of their existence, and buying mummified bodies to grind up for medicine and supliments was popular in England in the 19th. Century. Seems the universal ethic isn't quite universal.

People in the Pacific Islands, wanting to strengthen their blood lines since there was generation after generation of interbreeding, would offer their wives and daughters for impregnation when sailors from other islands or from Europe came along. This was also practiced in some Eskimo cultures. In the United States there are several milion people who practice the "swinging" lifestyle which involves going to parties and switching spouses for, well, you know. In Sweden 7% of all 17 year old females has engaged in same-sex relations. Most people in the USA and Europe have visited porn sites and tens of millions of American men and women do it on a regular basis. In the west millions of women have abortions each year. The list can go on and on.

Apparently, there is no "universal ethic" that people will follow no matter how they are raised. Sure, society can make laws to keep things in harmony and order, but unless one can base these laws on religion then the law is merely man-based.

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I'm just thinking about your clothing example, and what we have been told by prophets. I'm no bible scolar, but if "clothing needs to cover this in order to be modest" isn't in the bible, then by "morals" do you go by that, or by what has been said by modern prophets?

For some reason, I really like your topless bicycle ride analagy. Considering all the different cultures the church encompases, and that some male members will do some things shirtless, this really isn't so far out there.

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I'm just thinking about your clothing example, and what we have been told by prophets. I'm no bible scolar, but if "clothing needs to cover this in order to be modest" isn't in the bible, then by "morals" do you go by that, or by what has been said by modern prophets?

For some reason, I really like your topless bicycle ride analagy. Considering all the different cultures the church encompases, and that some male members will do some things shirtless, this really isn't so far out there.

If you are LDS then yes, you can make reference to statements by modern prophets. If not, then all you would have is the Bible, if you are Christian. And again, modesty is defined by the culture. Take for example the You Tube on another thread called "Famous Mormons". It shows a group of young women attending what appears to be a chruch event. I'll bet if you could go through time and show it to Brigham Young he would have a fit if you told him it was active LDS girls in the future. That's because modesty in his day would certainly not include showing your arms and exposed knees and lower legs. This change is culturally determined -- just like when President Hinkley came out against tatoos -- it's not the tatoo that is against the standards (bet most members in Samoa have tatoos) it is the image it conveys in popular culture. If in 100 years tatoos have become so standard that it's just another form of body art, like make-up, then the Church would probably not make a deal out of it. Maybe in 100 years a single adult swim party could have the females topless but that would only be if the societal attitude on bare tops evolved the smae direction it did for males in the 20th. Century -- did you know that in much of the US in the 1930s a guy could be arrested for being topless?

Gosh, we could go over issues like facial hair, body jewelry you name it.

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