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I am glad you are writing the SP. I would be knocking his door down. This bishop doesn't sound like someone who has dealt with PA and the complex struggles and needs that recovery brings. It seems to me that in the last 10 yrs the leaders have either been too hard or too soft. I like where things seem to be heading now.

Whatever you have done in your life to change your compulsions, I must admire. It takes a great deal of effort on multiple fronts and I am glad you are finding success. I never take anything for granted when it comes to addictions of any kind. Weakness for such things can come at any time and after long periods of sobriety. Would you consider a church 12 step now? For maintenance purposes? No one should have to walk such a difficult road alone. You can get the manual online at LDS.org and even see if there are meetings in your area. One of the steps is to reach out and help others. I bet you could really make a difference to others. I know lots of communities have SA or PA 12 step programs if the church doesn't have anything where you live. Too bad your bishop isn't encouraging this program. Perhaps you could mention it to your SP.

I wrote to my Stake President today. I hav'nt got a reply yet. I will let you know what he says. I wanted to write to him sooner, But feared that it would be seen as, not sustaining my Bishop and would then make it even harder to get re-baptised. But with the advice i got from here, from all of you wonderful people, i did it.

As to my PA. I would never claim success and would always welcome help and support. Addiction to anything seems to pop up its ugly head at the strangest of times. I knew a man who had overcome drug addiction and had been clean for many years, his life had really turned around. He was even helping educate others about the dangers of drugs. One day he just vanished. He was found two weeks later, under a bridge, shooting up with a group of junkies. Within two weeks he had lost everything he had worked so hard to get. It was so sad. That is why, although my addiction may not "seem" that bad, i would never try to say ive beaten it. Its a struggle that must be fought everyday.

What i have found in my area is that if you want help like this, you talk to the missionaries. They seem to have all the info. Remember, they have to try to help people give up stuff like alcohol and tobacco, before they can be baptised, although PA maybe abit out of there depth. I will ask though.

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