Scripture study -- Texas Style


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Let me state first -- this is a true story!

I come from a ancestry line that has been in Texas since the early 1800s. An ancestor of mine (1850s) went into to town one day and saw a friend outside the mercantile store, so he went over to greet him. They started up a conversation about a particular verse in the Bible and it's meaning. After a lengthing discussion, it turned quite ugly. The other fellow was getting quite put out with my ancestor and told him that he would be back in town tomorrow and told my ancestor, "You have better have a different story about that verse." The next day my ancestor was on the front porch of the mercantile store waiting. The other guy pulled up in his buckboard, didn't get out, just said, "Have you changed your thinking?" My ancestor simply said, "Nope." The guy pulled out a gun and shot him, dead. :eek:

He's buried in the local cemetary and I've been to his grave.

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