Mulitple gods vs. One God

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It is easy to find instances/statements in all the scriptures which taken superficially appear to be

contradictory, and which people are fond of pointing out as contradictions. For example, the Bilbe also

has some passages which state there is but one God, yet others which mention more than one (God the

Father is acknowledged as God, as is Jesus, and as the 3rd memnber of the godhead, the Holy Ghost is

likewise acknowledged as God). The following scripture from the bible is interesting in the insight it gives:

I Cor. 8:5-6

5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many,

and lords many,)

6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord

Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

Remeber from an earlier post of mine that the Bible states that those who received the word of God

were called gods themselves - words which Christ himself cites, giving his own comment on the

matter, saying, "he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be

broken". Again, remember that this is Christ himself citing these words. The important thing to bear

in mind is the concept expressed by Paul in the first scripture - namely, that though there be others

who may bear the title of god or of lord, there is only one God and one Lord who pertain unto us.

In other words, just as I have only one father, in spite of the fact that many father's exist,

none of those others is father to ME, though in their own right they may be fathers to

someone else. In like manner, for the family and decendants of Adam, there is no other being who is

God over them/us but God as we know him, and no lord over any of us but

Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father. To me that concept is not only not hard to

grasp, but it makes all the sense in the world. And it applies in like manner in a myriad of

other situations in life. We have but one president over in the United States (at any one

time), yet there are people in other nations who preside there. Unfortunately, it is appar-

ently human nature to want to engage in a "play on words" rather than the more sure

concepts underlying what we try to express with our imperfect verbal descriptions. There-

in, I believe, to a large extent lies the problem. Our verbal expression is far too imperfect

and inexact, and leaves too much room for misunderstanding, and we are far too prone

to constrain God to fit into that imperfect framework. I, personally, find no contradiction

whatsoever between the concept that there is only one God (only one in the sense that

there is only one who is God over US), and the idea that the offspring/children of God can

achieve the stature of being like their Father, and therefore be also referred to as gods


Bible. That is no contradiction - it is simply a matter of understanding what is the intent of

the words, what they were intended to convey when given by God. There is ONE GOD

FOR US, yet more that one bearing that title for those outside Adam's family; yet

nevertheless the others are NOT GODS OVER US, thus do not count as gods for the sake

of discussion of who is our God. When we see the statement, "there is only one God", we

should understand that the qualifier "for us" is understood. Otherwise, how would we jus-

tify Christ's comments (and he states that the scripture refers to them who receive the

word of God as gods themselves, and then declares that this scripture "cannot be bro-

ken" (and that comes out of the Bible, so it can't be construed to be just a "hokey mor-

mon notion"). So, if you want to strictly insist on such a narrow interpretation of the state-

ments about "one God" you will have difficulty with Christ's statement. Again, as someone

has already mentioned, it is the difference between "God" and "god". The capitalized one

is God over us. In that sense, there is no other "God".

It is obvious from the passages in the Bible that this concept was had, and provides no

true contradiction outside an obsession with wanting gospel truths to hinge on a "play on

words" which is a matter of mental gymnastics rather than expression of real-world

realities. And as the passages cited in the Bible demonstrate, the statement in the Book of

Mormon is no more a contradiction than the ones in the Bible. All statements have their

context and parameters, but we often overlook them and begin to apply the statements to

things they were not intended to apply to. God may be perfect and infallible, but our lan-

guage is not perfect when it comes to attempting to convey the truths that God under-

stands - so we must be careful about over-extending the meaning of scriptural state-


Ok - sorry to get so long-winded again. I guess that is more than enough for now.


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It is important to realize that the only thing relevant to our salvation is that we understand there is but one God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, whom he sent for our salvation, and that salvation comes by none other.

Anything else is speculation. Even if God himself was a man and came from a spirit and into a body, it does not necessarily conclude, though it might be strongly supposed, that God himself has a father. God could have very well commanded all the elements to combine into a planet, then commanded the elements to form a body, and then stepped inside it so he could experience life for himself. But what's the point of all this?

Pure supposition and speculation as far as salvation is concerned.

There is but one God, our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, his son, born of the virgin Mary, who came and suffered and was crucified so that by him might all mankind be saved in Heavenly Father's kingdom.

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It is also important to understand the context of a verse(s) prior to trying to understand it.

Many of the apostates in the Book of Mormon worshipped idols and other gods, which would not be gods at all. When asked if there was more than one god, Amulek was probably speaking with that reference in mind: all of those idols were false and not gods in reality.

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just found an interesting passage.

Alma 11: 26-31 And Zeezrom said unto him: Thou sayest there is a true and living God?

And Amulek said: Yea, there is a true and living God.

Now Zeezrom said: Is there more than one God?

And he answered, No.

Now Zeezrom said unto him again: How knowest thou these things?

And he said: An aangel hath made them known unto me.

BOM says only 1 God?

There is only One God......the Godhead is God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost...... and they are one in purpose. What purpose? To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

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Without the aid of the Holy Ghost to interrupt what Amulek spoken August, it is like a nail centered upon a compass spindle, which is easily spin in a 360-degree direction. We now have 360 answers. With the aid of the Holy Ghost, adding another nail at the end of the compass spindle, there is but one answer.

August, we all have doubts, fears, and lack of understanding what is being said in the scriptures. This is why, when in doubt, go to the spirit with your question and answer to see whether it is correct.

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There is only One God......the Godhead is God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost...... and they are one in purpose. What purpose? To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

Hello bytor,

Would it be more accurate to say that " there is only One God as it pertains to your belief of salvation on this earth "??

God bless,


Edited by ceeboo
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Hello bytor,

Would it be more accurate to say that " there is only One God as it pertains to your belief of salvation on this earth "??

God bless,


Ceeboo, I think it would be safe to say that you are correct, and anything else, no matter how probable, is mere speculation.

The universe (and possibly universes) is a big place, and time is infinite in both directions. Whose to say what all is and isn't possible. Our place here is but a pinpoint in space and our time here but a millisecond of infinity. Anything is possible, but the plan of salvation offered us by Heavenly Father through his son Jesus Christ is the thing that is paramount.

Just for additional info:

The first sentence under the entry "God" in the LDS Bible Dictionary states that God is:

"The supreme Governor of the universe and the Father of mankind." Bible Dictionary: God

Gordon B. Hinckley our late prophet, referred to God as "the Great God of the universe."

Seek Ye the Kingdom of God

He also said; "He is the great Governor of the universe, yet He is our Father, and we are His children." - Ensign Article - The Things of Which I Know

President Uchtdorf said: "We have received this plan from the highest authority in the universe, even God, our Heavenly Father." - Ensign Article - Point of Safe Return

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Hello bytor,

Would it be more accurate to say that " there is only One God as it pertains to your belief of salvation on this earth "??

God bless,


Hello Ceeboo,

No...there is only one God and he is the Father of us all. Are there gods in other realms beyond my understanding...perhaps. But my God is all that concerns me and my salvation...... the KFD and other teachings of Joseph Smith are great. But as pertaining to salvation and our mission here on earth is really very simple. Faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion by one having authority, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost again by those in authority, entering into the new and everlasting covenant and faithful adherence to the laws of the gospel are all that matters and all that is required to find out these great mysteries.

From Doctrine and Covenants Section 20 verse 17

By these things we know that there is a God in heaven, who is infinite and eternal, from everlasting to everlasting the same unchangeable God, the framer of heaven and earth, and all things which are in them;

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August, we all have doubts, fears, and lack of understanding what is being said in the scriptures. This is why, when in doubt, go to the spirit with your question and answer to see whether it is correct.

At the risk of starting a tangent, is that truely the best approach? Surely your rational mind must enter into it somewhere. I mean, what you're saying here sounds to me like you can only understand the BOM if you believe it first.

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At the risk of starting a tangent, is that truely the best approach? Surely your rational mind must enter into it somewhere. I mean, what you're saying here sounds to me like you can only understand the BOM if you believe it first.

We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost. (See Moroni 10: 3-5.)

Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is his revelator and prophet in these last days, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom once again established on the earth, preparatory to the second coming of the Messiah.-Book of Mormon Introduction

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Hello Ceeboo,

No...there is only one God and he is the Father of us all. Are there gods in other realms beyond my understanding...perhaps. But my God is all that concerns me and my salvation...... the KFD and other teachings of Joseph Smith are great. But as pertaining to salvation and our mission here on earth is really very simple. Faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion by one having authority, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost again by those in authority, entering into the new and everlasting covenant and faithful adherence to the laws of the gospel are all that matters and all that is required to find out these great mysteries.

From Doctrine and Covenants Section 20 verse 17

By these things we know that there is a God in heaven, who is infinite and eternal, from everlasting to everlasting the same unchangeable God, the framer of heaven and earth, and all things which are in them;

Hello again bytor,

I am not trying to start an argument and I really do appreciate your offerings BUT :),

You seem ( unless it is going way over my head ) to NOT agree with JS, Snow, and other LDS members on this board.

You seem to strongly say that there is only one God etc, etc for your salvation etc.

But what continues to confuse me ( and has for the whole time I have been on this site, about 2 months now ) Is if you look at the LDS prophets teachings as to the nature of God, then clearly God was once as we are now, man ( Snow and JS clearly teach this, no??) then he was obviously awarded God of this earth by his God, no??

That means if all these Gods of these " other earths " were all once like us, then who is the creator of the original exalted man ( God )

Do you believe you can become a God of your own planet as well??

God bless,


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Hello again bytor,

I am not trying to start an argument and I really do appreciate your offerings BUT :),

You seem ( unless it is going way over my head ) to NOT agree with JS, Snow, and other LDS members on this board.

Hello again Ceeboo.......what basis would I have for not agreeing with Prophets of God? I don't see where I disagree with their statements or others on this board.

You seem to strongly say that there is only one God etc, etc for your salvation etc.

Very true....I have stated plainly......God the Father...Jesus Christ ......Holy Ghost....the Godhead....and they are one in purpose.

But what continues to confuse me ( and has for the whole time I have been on this site, about 2 months now ) Is if you look at the LDS prophets teachings as to the nature of God, then clearly God was once as we are now, man ( Snow and JS clearly teach this, no??) then he was obviously awarded God of this earth by his God, no??

That means if all these Gods of these " other earths " were all once like us, then who is the creator of the original exalted man ( God )

Maybe so........not much has been revealed on these issues. For my purposes....there is only one I described him above. Did God have a Father? And his Father have a Father....makes sense to me. But for me and for you and the rest of humankind living on this fallen sphere......their is only one God. He is it .......the Almighty.

Do you believe you can become a God of your own planet as well??

God bless,


I believe that I can have eternal increase if I receive exaltation. Does that mean I will create and populate worlds...I hope I get to find out. Maybe I'll just play a lot of golf:cool:

God bless you too- Bytor

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Hello again Ceeboo.......what basis would I have for not agreeing with Prophets of God? I don't see where I disagree with their statements or others on this board.

Very true....I have stated plainly......God the Father...Jesus Christ ......Holy Ghost....the Godhead....and they are one in purpose.

Maybe so........not much has been revealed on these issues. For my purposes....there is only one I described him above. Did God have a Father? And his Father have a Father....makes sense to me. But for me and for you and the rest of humankind living on this fallen sphere......their is only one God. He is it .......the Almighty.

I believe that I can have eternal increase if I receive exaltation. Does that mean I will create and populate worlds...I hope I get to find out. Maybe I'll just play a lot of golf:cool:

God bless you too- Bytor

Hey bytor,

Thanks a bunch for all your time, patience, and thoughts you have given me :):)

God bless,


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Hey bytor,

Thanks a bunch for all your time, patience, and thoughts you have given me :):)

God bless,


My pleasure Ceeboo!! You know...we are all in the same boat together....we just need to all row at the same time....

This is one of my favorite LDS hymns.....very thought provoking...hope you enjoy!!

1. If you could hie to Kolob

In the twinkling of an eye,

And then continue onward

With that same speed to fly,

Do you think that you could ever,

Through all eternity,

Find out the generation

Where Gods began to be?

2. Or see the grand beginning,

Where space did not extend?

Or view the last creation,

Where Gods and matter end?

Methinks the Spirit whispers,

“No man has found ‘pure space,’

Nor seen the outside curtains,

Where nothing has a place.”

3. The works of God continue,

And worlds and lives abound;

Improvement and progression

Have one eternal round.

There is no end to matter;

There is no end to space;

There is no end to spirit;

There is no end to race.

4. There is no end to virtue;

There is no end to might;

There is no end to wisdom;

There is no end to light.

There is no end to union;

There is no end to youth;

There is no end to priesthood;

There is no end to truth.

5. There is no end to glory;

There is no end to love;

There is no end to being;

There is no death above.

There is no end to glory;

There is no end to love;

There is no end to being;

There is no death above.

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Something else to think about

In Genesis, how does the snake tempt Eve to eat the forbidden fruit? Genesis 3:5 "No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is bad." (New American Bible) Eve is tempted by being "like God"

What's your reaction to this? It seems to be contradictory to eternal progression, Eve's desire to be like God got her and Adam kicked out of Eden.

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Regarding the finding of truth and the concept of the rational mind entering into that process: Though

God I am sure doesn't expect us to totally discard all semblance of rational thinking, we need to bear

in mind that even the Bible (new testament - in the epistles) states that the "natural man" cannot

comprehend the things of God - that to him these things are foolishness.... that the things of God are

"spiritually discerned" if one is to understand them. Again, I don't think this means we are expected to

become blind followers who don't think, but nevertheless it behooves us to admit that our use of

"rational reasoning" will really never lead us to a clear understanding of these matters. We don't have

sufficient information/knowledge to be able to comprehend. So, we are told that we are to study these

things out for ourselves, but that additionally we are to ask our Heavenly Father for confirmation that

we are on the right track, and the promise is that if we sincerely desire to know it, the truth of it will be

manifest to us through the influence of the Holy Ghost. This brings an assurance and conviction of the

truth that exceeds other forms of knowledge.

Interestingly, Paul in his letters also comments about worldly learners who in his words are "ever learn-

ing and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth". Then again, in the book of Acts, in verse 21

of the 17th chapter, Paul comments on the attitude towards knowledge of the Greeks in Athens, saying:

21 (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to

tell, or to hear some new thing.)

In this two commentaries by the apostle Paul, we gain insight about people who are curious and want to

know - perhaps want some sort of interesting challenge, intelectually, but not for the sake of following

that knowledge. Rather, their interest is purely intelectual - an intriguing mental exercise... the mere

curiosity to "know about", but not the desire to "do" anything about it. Christ, on the other hand, gave

counsel saying, "be ye doers of the word, not hearers only". God honors sincere requests for under-

standing from sincere individuals who desire to know in order that they may FOLLOW the knowledge He

grants them. However, He spurns requests from those are mere curiosity-seekers, who have no desire

nor intent to follow and implement the truth in their lives were it in fact to be granted to them. The

passage that inspired Joseph Smith to seek an answer from God I think addresses such situations very


James 1:5-8

5 aIf any of you lack bwisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not;

and it shall be given him.

6 But let him aask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with

the wind and tossed.

7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

8 A adouble minded man is unstable in all his ways.

All very good food for thought, when it comes to the matter to our interest in knowing about God and

His truth/purposes. It isn't a matter of an idle game or intelectual entertainment (speaking of how God

views the seriousness of the matter). He expects that if He opens our understanding, we must be wil-

ling to put into practice the precious knowledge thus gained - once we have that knowledge, WE


people lightly, just to satisfy their whims and curiosity.

Ok - once again I am waxing overly long winded. Enough for now.

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Something else to think about

In Genesis, how does the snake tempt Eve to eat the forbidden fruit? Genesis 3:5 "No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is bad." (New American Bible) Eve is tempted by being "like God"

What's your reaction to this? It seems to be contradictory to eternal progression, Eve's desire to be like God got her and Adam kicked out of Eden.

God has his own method for us to become as He is. It isn't Satan's plan we follow, but God's. For Adam and Eve to succumb to Satan's temptations meant they were rejecting God's plan. They required repentance, and time to repent. Therefore, God thrust them from the Garden, and gave them mortality. I suggest you read the version of Adam and Eve that we have in the Book of Moses. It will greatly enlighten the story for you.

BTW, you'll note that God late states in Genesis, "Behold, the man has become as us, knowing good and evil..." (Genesis 3:22). So, they actually had, in some sense, become like God.

It isn't evil to desire to be like God, IF we seek it in God's way. It is evil if we seek it in any other method. Remember, Paul said:

5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name (Phillippians 2)

This is God's pattern. Satan's pattern is to demand equality, as he did in Moses chapter 4 above.

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The fall of Adam and Eve, another really intriguing topic. I see no contradiction though...

I have thought somewhat about that situation. Do you ever ask yourself just why God would create such

a lovely garden and make it SO IDEAL a place for Adam and Eve, BUT THEN PLACE THOSE TWO


actually believe in God would concede that surely God must have already known FULL WELL exactly what

was going to HAPPEN. He tells us he "knows the end from the beginning", so surely it came as no sur-

prise to Him. And the fact that he put such a tree there, then took pains to point it out to them, I

find very fascinating. I am certain that all of this was intended and was part of His plan. Obviously He

could just as well have not placed the tree of knowledge of good and evil there even, and Adam and

Eve would to this very day have continued along in blissful ignorance, but enjoying all the beauty and

bounty of that amazing garden - but that I think is the point. They would have been stuck permanent-

ly in a situation in which there was no progress. It would have been a POINTLESS EXISTENCE, and not

like the kind of existence our Father really wanted them to have. The Garden of Eden thing was actually

a "ceremony" of sorts, through which this mortal period of probation for God's children could properly

be initiated, by HIS standards, in HIS way (which I am sure WE don't understand well at all). But how

can anyone arrive at any other conclusion. IT WAS NOT GOD'S PURPOSE NOR DESIRE THAT ADAM




Now we come to the common misconception that it was some kind of SIN or OFFENSE to GOD for Eve

and Adam to want to be like HIM. Others have also suggested that this was Satan's great sin - to want

to attain the power and station/position of GOD himself. The Bilble actually discusses that matter and

quotes words or aspirations where Satan revels in the idea that he will ascend to God's throne and all

the glory that will be his, and they claim that THIS is what constituted his great sin, for which he was

cast down from heaven with the two thirds of the hosts of heaven who were decieived and followed

after him. However, we can glean a greater perception from comments made by Christ and that put

this matter into a much clearer perspective:

John 8:50 & 54

50 And I seek not mine own aglory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth.

54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of

whom ye say, that he is your God

As Christ points out here, he did not seek glory for himself; nevertheless, God gave it to him. Satan's

problem was that rather than being willing to submit himself to GOD'S plan for receiving glory and



We have already previously discussed that fact that Christ is heir to all that the Father has, and not

only HE, but all of us who are God's children, who submit to His will and His plan are to be co-inheritors

with Christ.... and of WHAT? The scriptures say we and Christ will inherit "all that the Father hath".

Mention is made of "glory" "kingdoms" "principalities" "powers", etc.. etc. The sin is not the desire to



give it to us, we can not take it unto ourselves by OUR OWN BACKDOOR PATH. It must be received by

the legitimate path that is decreed by God - otherwise we fall into the same sin as Satan who was cast


So, no, Eve and Adam wanting to become like God and "know good and evil" is not a wrong path nor

do the scriptures condemn the notion of becoming like HIM (to make a short story LONG


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Something else to think about

In Genesis, how does the snake tempt Eve to eat the forbidden fruit? Genesis 3:5 "No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is bad." (New American Bible) Eve is tempted by being "like God"

What's your reaction to this? It seems to be contradictory to eternal progression, Eve's desire to be like God got her and Adam kicked out of Eden.

By partaking of the fruit Eve gained the knowledge of what is good and bad. God also has the knowledge of good and bad. And because God also has the knowledge, then she became "like" God in that respect. That's what it is saying.

They got kicked out of the Garden because it needed to happen. They needed to experience mortal life.

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By partaking of the fruit Eve gained the knowledge of what is good and bad. God also has the knowledge of good and bad. And because God also has the knowledge, then she became "like" God in that respect. That's what it is saying.

They got kicked out of the Garden because it needed to happen. They needed to experience mortal life.

You're assuming that this story actually occured. As I've understood it, the account of the fall of man can be properly understood as an alegory, not as actual history. The authors intent here is not to give a true account, but to teach a truth. Man is fallen because of rebellion against God's authority.

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You're assuming that this story actually occured. As I've understood it, the account of the fall of man can be properly understood as an alegory, not as actual history. The authors intent here is not to give a true account, but to teach a truth. Man is fallen because of rebellion against God's authority.

You mean the "eating of the forbidden fruit story" or Adam and Eve in general?

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Personally, I consider that the story of Adam and Eve is in at least one sense literal, not general nor

alegorical: That is in the sense that the literal individuals Adam and Eve actually literally did exist as is

described in the account. I don't know if I can assert that in every detail of the story that everything

in the account is literal. However, I can state that rather than constituting a "rebellion against God"

their actions should more properly be viewed as a "choice". You appear to assume that it would have

been better for them to remain as they were, and that God intended for them to remain there.

However, it is difficult to sustain that concept if you believe that God is in fact omniscient and "knows

the end from the beginning". It is blatantly obvious that God had specific goals in placing a "tree of

knowledge of good and evil" within their reach - he obviously didn't have to do that - and the intent

was specifically that the "Fall" needed to occur, but it needed to be THEIR CHOICE (Adam and EVE's),

and not something God forced them to do against their will. The whole scenario of the Garden of Eden

was crafted specifically to produce that result - that was the INTENDED RESULT. God knew it would

happen and planned for it. That is why the scriptures state that the Atonement was planned "from

before the foundation of the world". The Garden of Eden scenario was a sort of "ceremony" which

was necessary for the sake of introducing God's children into the state of mortality, where they were

to be tested and proved in order to establish whether they would be worthy to return to Him and be

exalted with Him and receive "all that God hath", which is a much higher gift than simply tending a

beaiutiful garden for all eternity. The Garden of Eden was literal but was never intended by God to

be a permanent abode nor a permanent state of being for Adam and Eve. No - but rather

His intention was for them to become exalted as HE is, and receive a fulness of glory as

He has - to inherit "all that the Father hath", and be co-heirs with His only begotten Son,

the Lord Jesus Christ. THAT BEATS TENDING THE GARDEN!!! :D

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You're assuming that this story actually occured. As I've understood it, the account of the fall of man can be properly understood as an alegory, not as actual history. The authors intent here is not to give a true account, but to teach a truth. Man is fallen because of rebellion against God's authority.

As LDS, we understand it to be a true history.

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You're assuming that this story actually occured. As I've understood it, the account of the fall of man can be properly understood as an alegory, not as actual history. The authors intent here is not to give a true account, but to teach a truth. Man is fallen because of rebellion against God's authority.

I agree. But it seems you're a bit inconsistent on this one--- could not the same be said of the Book of Mormon? Is it true? Could be, according to your logic.


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