Joining Yarn


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I join yarn with a knot and then weave or run the ends back through the knitted or crocheted stitches to hide the end. I used a tapestry needle. Depending on the yarn the knot is not always a whole knot but rather the first 1/2 of a knot like you would use to start tying your shoes.

Another way, if you don't want a "knot" you just overlap then ends and knit or crochet them together. when using this method I overlap at least 3 to 4 inches. I don't like this method as well because it leaves a thicker area.

enjoy your project,


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Sounds as good an idea as any ; ) .

I think I've already stuffed the pattern will still work out, but slightly different from the original...adjusting as I go.

Not sure if knitting is going to be my thing *understatement of the year*...I broke a bone in my hand in the past and it causes my hand to ache. Might have to have that checked out from the looks of things and consider limited knitting sessions as physio. Duct tape for my hand...could work : )

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