Forum for Games

Guest The_Doctor

Do you think there should be a forum for games here on  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think there should be a forum for games here on

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Guest The_Doctor

I posted a poll about this over in the polls section, but practically no one has voted. So, does anyone think there should be a forum for games here on and why?

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Could you elaborate on your idea a little more? I'm not sure how to vote unless I know what you have in mind. Are you talking about a discussion area specifically geared toward "gaming" or are you talking about free fun little flash games? Or something totally different?

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Guest The_Doctor

Could you elaborate on your idea a little more? I'm not sure how to vote unless I know what you have in mind. Are you talking about a discussion area specifically geared toward "gaming" or are you talking about free fun little flash games? Or something totally different?

I was annoyed that here my poll title is limited. Over in the polls section I added in parentheses that the forum would be for talking about board games, card games, video games, and so on. I hope that helps. :)

Edited by The_Doctor
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Guest The_Doctor

Then I guess I vote no, on the basis that it doesn't seem like we need a whole forum to do that when one or two threads should be sufficient. I know there will be many who disagree with me.

I know I'm biased, but couldn't you say the same thing about sports, books, or culture?

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Guest The_Doctor

Yes, but those forums already exist. :)

And those forums exist because people felt a need for them. I've seen at least two game threads in really inappropriate places. I think I saw one in the Sports Forum and maybe Health. If we had a games forum that wouldn't happen.

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I really don't understand the whole two thread thing. That could apply to a bunch of stuff on here, like the Prop 8 thing.

I don't think we needed a whole forum about Prop 8, but that's partly because I'm sick of hearing about it. In that case, people just kept starting new thread after new thread on it, instead of continuing to post on an existing thread.

What I DO think would be useful is a forum dedicated entirely to political issues.

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What I DO think would be useful is a forum dedicated entirely to political issues.

Yes! I agree with this!

Something that we can do is discuss political issues with an LDS perspective as well as other perspectives (moral, ethical, economical, etc.).

While I would guess that the vast majority on the board are Republican/Conservative, I'd like to get the insight of those who are LDS and Democrat/Liberal. (Even though I'm the assistant treasurer in my county's Republican Central Committee!)

I would like to learn and have my mind opened!

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Yes! I agree with this!

Something that we can do is discuss political issues with an LDS perspective as well as other perspectives (moral, ethical, economical, etc.).

While I would guess that the vast majority on the board are Republican/Conservative, I'd like to get the insight of those who are LDS and Democrat/Liberal. (Even though I'm the assistant treasurer in my county's Republican Central Committee!)

I would like to learn and have my mind opened!

Well, if you read through some previous thread of a political nature, you'll find that those of us that express more liberal points of view often get accused of not being good members of the Church. If not that extreme, our opinions are usually shot down with poor logic and repetitive and poorly thought out logic.

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I would suggest a test period to see if there's enough interest in a gaming area. Set it up, and if there are several threads that continue, then keep it up. If it lasts for only a few weeks, then the Gaming area can be trashed and become a part of LDS.Net history.....

We do need to be somewhat careful to not have so many forae that it bogs down the experience, as well.

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Guest The_Doctor

I would suggest a test period to see if there's enough interest in a gaming area. Set it up, and if there are several threads that continue, then keep it up. If it lasts for only a few weeks, then the Gaming area can be trashed and become a part of LDS.Net history.....

That sounds fair. If we did this would those of you that have said no be okay with it?

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I like games and enjoy talking about them, but that is why I visit other sites as well. I'm sorry but I'll have to vote no on a new forum here for games. But then again there are many different not so used forums that I probably wouldn't have voted to create in the first place anyway, so I don't think it would hurt anything either.

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