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I’m 18 I don't come from a religious background but i want to become Mormon i want to be a part of something I’ve heard about this religion and it seems so right:)

Can anyone give me some tips

on certain books i should read?

Who i go to?

Or can i even become Mormon if the rest of my family isn’t?


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Do you come from any Christian background? Are you familiar with the Bible? If not, I would recommend that. If you are familiar with it, then I would recommend the Book of Mormon if you are interested in Mormonism. Actually, I recommend both.

Official LDS Church websites that are helpful:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Home

If you want to go to Church, this page will help you find the nearest meetinghouse and tell you what time the congregation meets: LDS Maps

If you want to visit with missionaries, you can do either either by chatting here () or call 1-888-537-6600 (USA and Canada only), or to have the missionaries contact you, click here:

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Do you come from any Christian background? Are you familiar with the Bible? If not, I would recommend that. If you are familiar with it, then I would recommend the Book of Mormon if you are interested in Mormonism. Actually, I recommend both.

Official LDS Church websites that are helpful:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Home

If you want to go to Church, this page will help you find the nearest meetinghouse and tell you what time the congregation meets: LDS Maps

If you want to visit with missionaries, you can do either either by chatting here ( - Chat Live) or call 1-888-537-6600 (USA and Canada only), or to have the missionaries contact you, click here: - Have missionaries contact me

And while the Church likes to see whole families baptized together and share in the joy of the Gospel together, anyone can be baptized with or without their family.

Edited by Wingnut
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Awesome! And depending on where you are, the church has a great young single-adult program. I had such a blast in those early adult years! ASAP find your local single-adult group! (The missionaries should be able to help you...and there should be a way to contact them through the church website (

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the missionaries will give you a book of mormon for free. That is what I read first. The book has a spiritual power all its own. If gave me strength and feeling I had never felt before. I have many family members that are not mormon, so yes you can become a member without your entire family. Good luck. If you need any more info post here for it. There are a lot of really smart people here that can find you what you need.

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I’m 18 I don't come from a religious background but i want to become Mormon i want to be a part of something I’ve heard about this religion and it seems so right

Super! The back ground doesn’t really effect anything, you just have to learn more! (which we are all learning). If you haven’t already, you probably should start to pray at least at night before you go to bed. If you aren’t sure about praying, send me (or any of us) a message and we can give you the quick tutorial on it!

Can anyone give me some tips

Well the best bet is to talk to the LDS Missionaries. But you might not be to that point. I don’t know if you have any LDS friends that you can talk to? They also would be a good source. You could start to attend church? Really its 3 hours, so its up to you how long you want to stay (at first) but its all good, and should get to know plenty of people. But your goal should be to talk with the missionaries, they teach what we call discussions. They are just lessons about our Church and the basics of our doctrine. By no means does it teach everything, its more like a good crash course on what Mormons believe.

on certain books i should read?

Really start with the Bible (New Testament) and The Book of Mormon. If you have a Bible laying around that is a good start now. (At least your family won’t ask to many questions).

The LDS church uses the King James version of the bible. But start where you can.

You can get a Book of Mormon sent to you? Or the Missionaries can bring it by. This is also something you can start reading (if you feel like reading both books at the same time).

Or can i even become Mormon if the rest of my family isn’t?

That is not a problem. Like it was said, if you aren’t 18 then you need parents approval to get baptized. But because you are 18 that isn’t as big of deal.

Have you talked with your family about this? I think you should bring it up. Try to approach it the best you can! Some might not understand your thinking, but you realize what it is.

Start praying, reading and you well start to see a change come over you! Pray for strength that you can know what to say to your family! God is there (we call him Heavenly Father) and he does listen!

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Hi Aust 1.

I recommend you contact the missionaries first thing. They will direct you on recommended reading, etc. This is what they do--what they are trained in. They'll know how to help you.

I hope you do choose to join. It will be the greatest thing you ever do. I love the Gospel with all my heart. Every good thing in my life has been the result of my activity in this church. It will lead you to Christ and to our Father in Heaven.

There will be a lot to learn, but just take it a step at a time. You will be warmly welcomed and gain a new "family" wherever you go, while at the same time giving you more reason to stay bonded to your own family.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ, as taught in the LDS Church, is true. The Holy Ghost will testify this to you, if you truly seek to know.

Best wishes.

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