Thanks For The Memories

Guest Traci

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I agree. Traci, if this is how you feel then go look up the pics from the Civil War, Viet Nam, Bay of Pigs, or any of the numerous missions that take place (even in peace time) in which members of the armed services died for their country. Peace time? Yes, there are US soldiers, sailors and marines in combat situations even when we are not at war. None of those dead in the pics you subbmitted died not wanting to be there. All of them of their own free will went and enlisted or worked hard for a commission. They all wanted to fight for our country and die if need be. All of us in the military understand that and embrace it. Even though my motto is Don't die for my country, make the other man die for his, I still belive in Greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends.

I gotta say it.....


...oh yes, I went there. :P

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You know of those coffins ( or one similar) belonged to a friend....and I don't blame Bush, I blame the bomb that was set by someone in Iraq. Friend referred to, happened to say in his last letter to his wife, that he would do what needed to be done to help others. That he would do what he could to stay safe, but if something happened...something happened. He loved the Marines, he lived the Marines...he was one of the Best Marines IMHO. And ...... Basically what Setheus said.

The tears aren't for Bush and his decision, the tears are for the attitude and commitment of one of the nations best. He thought enough of his country and it's people, (and others in other countries) to give his life for their safety and freedom. To fight for...To be willing to die for the betterment (is that a word?) of others...that's what the show of coffins mean to me.

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Oh I must have missed something!

Setheus are you giving it with both barrels to this newist board member?

I like to see new members new ideas new blood, hang in there Traci?

I like tree huggers my comy family is filled with them.

If you don’t know I am the disenfranchised American that is married to a Canadian soldier.

It hard sometimes for some on the board to take it when I point out what you all don’t hear on your newscasts and how miss informed the citizens of my country really are.

My family calls me once in a wile to hear what the CBC and the BBC CTV news is reporting. I have the advantage of being on the out side looking in, its not easy to take sometimes. :ph34r:

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Winnie G@Oct 21 2004, 11:35 AM

;) Tell me are leftist the same as tree hugging hippies?

The former embraces the latter. Not all leftists are tree hugging hippies, but all tree hugging hippies are leftists. (The latter group also includes hard-eyed neo-Stalinists, urbane NPR/PBS/CBC/BBC know-it-alls -- who do hug trees but are about as hip as my mom -- and boorish Michael Moore-style conspiracy theorists.) :)
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I'm a lefty through and through but from what my old AYSO collegues Billy Perkins and Jerry "Lugnuts" Rappaport use to tell me, I could also kick pretty well with my right. As for hugging trees, they just don't do it for me unless maybe it's a water birch or a certain type of budding dogwood. Oh sure, I like to hug backgammon sets made from gumwood but in my heart of hearts, I don't believe that's really "tree hugging" per say as you technically had to rape and pillage that gumwood tree to make the backgammon set... So long story short---not all lefties are tree huggers you butt. Oh yeah i can also use a mouse with my right hand ha ha so there. Bonus!

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Larry Kozlowski@Oct 21 2004, 04:28 PM

I'm a lefty through and through but from what my old AYSO collegues Billy Perkins and Jerry "Lugnuts" Rappaport use to tell me, I could also kick pretty well with my right. As for hugging trees, they just don't do it for me unless maybe it's a water birch or a certain type of budding dogwood. Oh sure, I like to hug backgammon sets made from gumwood but in my heart of hearts, I don't believe that's really "tree hugging" per say as you technically had to rape and pillage that gumwood tree to make the backgammon set... So long story short---not all lefties are tree huggers you butt. Oh yeah i can also use a mouse with my right hand ha ha so there. Bonus!


That's exactly what I said, you elbow. There are all kinds of lefties, and you're not one of the tree-hugging hippie kind.

(I'll add "soccer-playing backgammon-loving gumwood-pillagers" to my list of leftist types.)

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Hey, what the bejeezus do you have against left handers anyway? Is it because we have Stabler? Is that it?! Man you righties are all the same with your Joe Montanas and Rockets and George W's... you always have to have the great ones. Well you know what, Australia likes us, PD. Australia doesn;t mind having the stick shift on the left side of the friggin automobile. You'd think a guy of your caliber would cut us a little slack here considering we have to smear our hands across a page as we write a friggin' 200 word essay, but noooooooooooooo! PD has to twist the knife a little deeper just so we are forced to feel that sterling silver blade bury a little deeper into the flesh as we collectively bleed a little bit more.... All i can say is the Big Unit won;t be happy, Proud Duck... and when the Big Unit is mad, we're all in trouble, mister. Lefties unite! (Crap, my boss is coming... better move the mouse back over onto the right side of the computer before I'm busted!)

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