Friendship in my darkest hours


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I've been struggling with pornography, as well as masturbation, for the last couple years. I counsel with my Bishop about it, but would like for someone to talk with over IM on a fairly regularly basis. My church friends try to offer comfort and advice, but I think they are more bewildered than anything. Usually, I am the one they come to for advice. Therefore, I believe it would be beneficial to have someone online help me stay accountable and be there when I need someone to talk with. I'd prefer the help of an older LDS male. (I'm 23) I will eventually overcome this sin, of that I am certain, because I trust that my Lord Jesus will heal me. However, I know that requires my continuing valiance. If you feel willing to help me in this please feel free to PM me or post here.

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  • 3 months later...

Each man and woman are given specific weaknesses. These weaknesses are given to us by God and they are our works while we are here on the Earth. Each will have one or more weaknesses that cannot be overcome by anything except complete surrender of the Self to the Lord.

Jesus taught that "Unconditional Love" cast out fears and desires. Learn to love everyone everything and yourself unconditionally and as you are filling yourself up with light....the darkness will flee from you. There is nothing external that can make this darkness flee from you. The darkness is within us and must be fought from within. And the enemy of darkness is Light/Love.

We Love Unconditionally every one and everything as they are, without being judgmental or with the least desire of change on their part. We know that God is working out his plan in ourselves as well as in others. Our primary work here on this earth is to learn this and to learn to understand who we are.

I hope this help. Unconditional Love is taught as Charity in the NT and it is greater than hope and faith. Lose your-self [lower self] in this love and all shall be well with you.

Peace be unto you


I've been struggling with pornography, as well as masturbation, for the last couple years. I counsel with my Bishop about it, but would like for someone to talk with over IM on a fairly regularly basis. My church friends try to offer comfort and advice, but I think they are more bewildered than anything. Usually, I am the one they come to for advice. Therefore, I believe it would be beneficial to have someone online help me stay accountable and be there when I need someone to talk with. I'd prefer the help of an older LDS male. (I'm 23) I will eventually overcome this sin, of that I am certain, because I trust that my Lord Jesus will heal me. However, I know that requires my continuing valiance. If you feel willing to help me in this please feel free to PM me or post here.

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Guest missingsomething

Good luck ONE - your openness will definately help - and your faith that you can overcome will help.

(Really cant offer to be an online support for you - but you will be in my prayers :) )

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