other-faith sharing


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this is certainly the season for sharing and giving. i want to take a moment to ask each of you to share something lovely - an expierience you've had - with or about another faith from your own.

i will start.

when i lived in the republic of china (taiwan) for a number of years, i had the opportunity and the blessing to work with some nuns from the order that mother theresa started. they were so very amiable and loving. they put up with some very unpleasant things every day (they took care of elderly folks whom no one wanted and literally dropped off at their doorstep), and yet they did so with grace, and an attitude of love that was so deeply moving. it was a joy to be in their presence....i learned so very much from them.

have you any stories to share about another faith?

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I guess I'll piggy-back on your post, since mine to involved a Catholic nun. During my graduate studies I took a practicum course at the U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Missouri). One day the contract Catholic nun, who was in her early 70s walks into the office. She'd seen me several times. ON this day she remarked, "You belong here!" It was pretty cool for a mid-30s pentecostal preacher boy to receive such affirmation from an elderly nun. :-)

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I guess I'll piggy-back on your post, since mine to involved a Catholic nun. During my graduate studies I took a practicum course at the U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Missouri). One day the contract Catholic nun, who was in her early 70s walks into the office. She'd seen me several times. ON this day she remarked, "You belong here!" It was pretty cool for a mid-30s pentecostal preacher boy to receive such affirmation from an elderly nun. :-)

i really love nuns....they are so cute! i realize that there probably isn't a way i can say that in a non-disrespectful way, but i mean it in all sincerity. i think they are simply wonderful individuals, and i admire their dedication to their beliefs. buddhist nuns are cute, too, but not nearly so cute as catholic nuns.

i have heard it told that there are other non-catholic faiths that have (or did have) nuns as well....do you know if there is any truth to this?

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Bodhi, in Korea, I've heard there were women who spend most of their time doing church work. They visit the sick and elderly. They clean around the place. They pray extensively. I believe that they were usually widowed or never-married. These ladies were called "Bible women," but fit a similar role to nuns.

The Bible also occasionally mentions women who "Spent day and night in the Temple." So, while Roman Catholic nuns have their particular tradition, the history of women dedicating themselves to full-time volunteer religious work likely dates back millenia.

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Guest TheLutheran

About 10 years ago, we took our daughters on a trip to Illinois for spring break. We stopped in Chicago to see the big city and met up with the family of a guy Mr. TheLutheran "met" in cyberspace on a snowmobiling site. The highlight of the trip, however, was our visit with an Amish farm family from Arthur, IL.

Despite initial awkwardness, we were soon chattering as old acquaintances. Mr. TheLutheran and the Amish farmer swapped trade secrets (we farm too). The Amish children and our girls were quickly out in the barns with the animals where the Amish kids taught our girls to drive (horses). The Amish mom showed me her secret noodle recipe while we discussed parenting and discipline. (Their boy had taken the new horse & cart [akin to a racecar] to school without permission!) She also confessed that Amish women have their vices too -- they hoard Tupperware!

The simplicity of our Amish farm friends continues to be inspirational to us all! What a blessing our meeting was! :sunny:

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Recently for me, I decided to "take the plunge," and to read the Book of Mormon and to start regularly praying to Heavenly Father and trying to obey His commandments.

There have been many times when I've been praying to Him, talking about the Book of Mormon, the Saviour, the Church and just bursted into tears, felt joy, or peace.

I know you asked for "another faith," and there are some there - but nothing that compare to this.

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