American Left's Love Of America's Enemies


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IAMI (AFP) - Former US President Jimmy Carter called Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) "a powerful human symbol and forceful advocate" who united Palestinians in their pursuit of a homeland

"Yasser Arafat's death marks the end of an era and will no doubt be painfully felt by Palestinians throughout the Middle East and elsewhere in the world," Carter said.

"He was the father of the modern Palestinian nationalist movement. A powerful human symbol and forceful advocate, Palestinians united behind him in their pursuit of a homeland," he said in a statement distributed by his Atlanta, Georgia-based Carter Center.

Another example of the left who hate deride Armerica at every opportunity but continually extoll the virtues of evil men who hate freedom.

Carter did call Arafat a monster, a theif, a liar, a mass murder and terrorist but rather a powerful symbol and advocate.

Maybe we can get Katie Couric and John Kerry is say something nice about Stalin.

He said that while Arafat provided "indispensable leadership to a revolutionary movement" and played a key role in forging a peace agreement with Israel in 1993, he was excluded from negotiations in recent years.

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Guest Unorthodox

I don't have a strong opinion of Arafat...perhaps I am too young. It does seem that in recent years he was working towards peace.

In the past he was a "terrorist" or at least the leader of violent rebellions. Maybe he was an "evil" man in those days.

Do you believe people can change from evil to good?

I thought that happened alot in the Book of Mormon, didn't it?

And we all know the Book of Mormon is historically accurate.

So why is there no atonement?

I don't know Arafat well enought to give an educated opinion, but those of you that know him well should think about that question.

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Originally posted by Unorthodox@Nov 12 2004, 11:52 AM

I don't have a strong opinion of Arafat...perhaps I am too young. It does seem that in recent years he was working towards peace.

In the past he was a "terrorist" or at least the leader of violent rebellions. Maybe he was an "evil" man in those days.

Do you believe people can change from evil to good?

I thought that happened alot in the Book of Mormon, didn't it?

And we all know the Book of Mormon is historically accurate.

So why is there no atonement?

I don't know Arafat well enought to give an educated opinion, but those of you that know him well should think about that question.

That is a very good question, Unorthodox. How do we know when one has had a sincere change of heart? What have his fruits been the last 20 years? If he hasn't been actively terrorizing, has he supported those who have?
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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Unorthodox@Nov 12 2004, 12:15 PM

I honestly don't know. Is there strong evidence that he supported terrorists in his later years? I've heard rumors, but I don't always follow the news carefully.

Good sweet merciful heavens to Betsy, man, the ugly SOB personally kicked off the second intifada after rejecting the Clinton-orchestrated peace deal in 2000. And let loose all those wonderful "working towards peace" tactics like blowing up buses and pizza parlors.

Arafat personally ordered the murder of the American ambassador to Khartoum in the '70s. He's basically the inventor of modern international terrorism. The sympathy for him at the UN and in Europe is conclusive evidence that that institution and those societies are terminally sick.

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Guest Unorthodox

Good sweet merciful heavens to Betsy, man, the ugly SOB personally kicked off the second intifada after rejecting the Clinton-orchestrated peace deal in 2000. And let loose all those wonderful "working towards peace" tactics like blowing up buses and pizza parlors.

Well, rejecting a peace deal that he didn't think was fair doesn't make him responsible for the actions of this "second intifada"...unless he personally told Palestinians to terrorize people, in which case he is guilty.

Arafat personally ordered the murder of the American ambassador to Khartoum in the '70s. He's basically the inventor of modern international terrorism.

That relates to my original question...can people atone for their sins in this life? Can they change?

If Arafat had not rejected the peace agreement, would he be forgiven for his terrorist activities 30 years ago?

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I think you have a good heart, Unorthodox. I’m also hesitant to assign blame when someone is said to have done something that I don’t have sure knowledge about, or when I don’t know the state of someone else’s heart and why they do some of the things they do. Perhaps that makes me a little more naïve than people who say they know all the ins and outs of everything, but I’d rather be naïve than be an unrighteous judge.

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Guest Unorthodox

Thank you, that is exactly what I was trying to say.

Maybe these guys have some evidence I am not aware of, and if so, I am willing to listen and then MAYBE I would judge him.

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Guest Unorthodox


I thought about it and read a few articles and decided that you are right...Arafat was a murderer.

But he was still a symbol of Palestinian freedom.

Very similar to Moses, who was a symbol of freedom for HIS PEOPLE, but who slaughtered Midianite men and women...and enslaved Midianite women and children...about 32,000 enslaved, if I read it correctly. Not sure how many males were killed, but it must have been around the same number killed...and those people who were killed and enslaved included children.

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Guest Unorthodox

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 12 2004, 12:03 AM

Another example of the left who hate deride Armerica at every opportunity but continually extoll the virtues of evil men who hate freedom.

Yes...48% (or whatever the percentage is) of Americans hate freedom and their own country.

And they want to turn your children gay.

Gay marriage killed the dinosaurs.

It must be true because Anne Coulter says so.

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