Bored...asking Dumb Questions.....


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Hi all,


Ok on another note.. Are Lds teens/people allowed to listen to quote-un quote CHRISTIAN music? For me, i always felt it was Innaprotiate (sp?). I dont like it when People say GOD ROCKS, REVIVAL IS NEAR or AWESOME GOD etc you know? i just always felt that it was irreverent. The only reason i listen to Relient K, SwitchFoot etc is because i hang out in the CHRISTIAN group at school since there are only 2 LDS' at my i was just asking.. i know some people might think that it's a dunb question....but at least i'm asking anyways' huh?

thanks all,


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There are no such things as dumb questions, only dumb answers, so here goes.

As long as you don't listen to the music to learn or uplift you then I think it's cool. I sometimes listen to the christian music station when I'm in my car and nothing else is on, in order to make fun of all the people who think they're unworthy and hopeless and evil and such. I sometimes listen to the sermons too and the talk show "Ask Pastor Bob" or some other pastor guy. Fun stuff. /End dumb answer

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I think that it is fine to listen to Christian music. It's much better than choosing to listen to all of the other stuff. It's uplifting, and it makes me happy. Even though some of it is not completely correct in the words they say.

I like Relient K to. I have there cd and I got to see them in concert a couple years ago.

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Guest &lusername&gt

pod =awsome! they were my faverate band. then i hrd the song master of puppets by metallica and 'tallica's been my faverate band ever sence. back to pod my dad hates 'em y i dont know they are a criston rock and very good lyrics

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I find that songs that are "to God" rather than "about God" are best of all.

Most of the "christian" rock songs that try and describe how "awsome" and how much God "rocks" are lame and cheesy. But the ones that are directed towards God seem more sincere and often have good lyrics.

There are always exceptions to this rule though.

And about Metallica....YES THEY ARE THE GREATEST ROCK BAND IN THE HISTORY OF MUSIC> All of the band members will get into heaven! B)

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also, with relient k, it's not all "christian" music. they have fun songs and all that jazz. and i think that as long as those songs aren't sitting at the base of your testimony, and you know the Lord without them, then you're okay.

on a lighter note, do you have all of the cd's? i love the newest one. it's amazing.

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