Highlighting Scriptures on LDS.org Part 2


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Well, this is not a "scripture" post but it does deal with posting scriptures and how to post them in a highlighted way and I think this post belongs here here so....

Let’s say you want to discuss a scripture passage here on the boards of lds.net. You may want to provide a link to the exact scripture on lds.org. That's easy to do. Just go to the scriptures page at:


Then once you find the page, you copy and past the url here like this:

Abraham 2

That's easy to do. But, what if you want to post a scripture and have it highlighted in yellow on lds.org? I'm talking about something like this:

Ether 12

As you can see, when you click the link Ether 12:6 is highlighted in yellow. So, how did I do that and how can you do that? In case you don’t know here is how. And I'm posting these instructions because I have seen others here on lds.net do this but I did not know how until I accidentally found out how. So....

The secret is all in the little search box in the upper left hand corner of the scriptures page. Let’s say you want to post a link highlighting John 21:17

All you have to do is go to the search box and put in "John 21:17" and hit enter. That will show you only "John 21:17" alone. If you want to post a link to that then you are done. Copy the url and post it here like this and that's it: Reference Search: john 21:17

But let’s show John 21:17 highlighted in yellow along with all the rest of John 21. All you have do is click the little John 21:17 link button that is above the passage and that page will take you to all of John 21 with 17 highlighted in yellow like this: John 21

It's simple to do and I hope I've been clear. I did not know how to do this for a long time until I accidentally discovered it! lol. Anyway, in case any of you did not know how to do it but wanted to, now you know!

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It's simple. Just punch in the scripture you want to highlight in the search box, for example 2 Nephi 12:3 and hit search. That will take you to that exact scripture but right above that scripture is a link that will say 2 Nephi 12:3. Click that link and you will see all of 2 Nephi 12 with 3 highlighted in yellow.

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You're being so sweet. . . but its really not working for me. I've tried it with several scriptures. Sometimes these things just don't work for me. I am technically/electronically challenged at times.

Thanks bunches again for being so sweet. Really you don't need to keep trying. . .I'll figure it out someday. Maybe it will work tomorrow. :D


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