A wonderful message the Lord Gave to me.


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Hello my dear brothers and sisters in the faith, today i will like to share with you a few lines of scipture. In which I truly feel the LOrd blessed me with to finally put to rest a concern of mine. This concern was that the Bible contridictes the Book of Morom and vise versa.

Well today something told me to read the book of Amos and here is what i read first

Amos Chapter 8 vesres 11-14

11 "The days are coming," declares the Sovereign LORD,

"when I will send a famine through the land—

not a famine of food or a thirst for water,

but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.

12 Men will stagger from sea to sea

and wander from north to east,

searching for the word of the LORD,

but they will not find it.

13 "In that day

"the lovely young women and strong young men

will faint because of thirst.

14 They who swear by the shame of Samaria,

or say, 'As surely as your god lives, O Dan,'

or, 'As surely as the god of Beersheba lives'—

they will fall,

never to rise again."

Now Amos recived this messasge in his first vision. To me it procliamed very clearly the Lord said there will be a time when the church and his gospel will fall away from mankind. (As we know it did ), As well he will stop using his prophets to speak to his people. So as i looked at these verses i thought of all i have learned to this day since joining the church and bam it hit me wow i can finally say i have proof that the bible even declares what we know to be the truth. Then continued to read and these next verses nearly sent me to my knees in pryaer.

Amos Chapter 9 verses 13-15

13 "The days are coming," declares the LORD,

"when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman

and the planter by the one treading grapes.

New wine will drip from the mountains

and flow from all the hills.

14 I will bring back my exiled people Israel;

they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them.

They will plant vineyards and drink their wine;

they will make gardens and eat their fruit.

15 I will plant Israel in their own land,

never again to be uprooted

from the land I have given them,"

says the LORD your God

I could not believe what i just raid the lord just said I will restore it once more . As i read this i thought of the Saints who took the long journey from the start of the church untill now and untill our Lord and Savior returns for us. I just felt i should just share these lines of scriptures for whom ever may be in need of reassurance of your Faith. I bear my testimony that the Church is the Lords Church and all doctrine we are taught is true. I belive the heavens are open and i procliam proudly and happily we have a prophet who can lead us in the Lords way. I say all these things in the sacred and most Holy name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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And this is just the beginning! ;) There are many many scriptures in the Bible that tell about the Book of Mormon. What is the most exciting, is now you have discovered how the Spirit teaches you as you read your scriptures. It is the power with which it hits your heart and mind that tells you you are being tutored by the Holy Ghost! It is an awesome thing! Very exciting!

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