Jesus walks the earth again...please read...


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Jesus has come again…

It’s been claimed many times before…but what if this time something is different? What if there were miracles attributed to this man? What if a significant number of people believed in him? What if he was acknowledged to be the Second Coming by some high standing people, for example? Or what if the press supported him and reported on his actions and words on a daily basis trying to convince everyone of his authenticity?

What would happen?

What would be your reaction?

I am researching a book and would be very grateful if you could give me your opinion, both your personal one, and also what you think the reaction of the general populous would be.

I am trying to get the consensus of as many people from as many different faiths as possible, but I must admit that I am not fully versed in the role of Jesus in the different religions. What I am interested in though, is people’s individual reactions, so thank you in advance for your time.

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Well considering that we'll know darn well when he comes back, (D&C 49:22-23, for example) I don't know that it will be hard to know when the true Christ returns... People are obviously deceived often by false prophets and Messiahs, but those with eyes to see and ears to hear will know when he comes.

I don't know that the news would report such a thing... It's not the way of the news or the world to report on "miracles" or at least acknowledge them as such... I think that even when Christ does return, many people will think it's a horrible natural disaster until a dude is coming out of the sky.

But he is not going to be born again, he already has a body. He is not going to just show up walking down the street. He very well could walk down a street without the fanfare of earthquakes, floods, fires, and bloody moons... But the event of the Second Coming when he returns to usher in the millennium is not going to be nearly as meek and humble as when he was born... I'll keep my eyes open for the signs and then there will be no need to be deceived...

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As far as if he comes before the Second Coming... That's obviously possible and has happened several times... I have a hard time believing that he would be okay with a ton of media coverage and that he would go around teaching people doctrine that is contrary to His church as many so-called Christs do.

But if I ever encountered a person claiming to be Jesus, I would check for ways of knowing that it is him... Mainly by the spirit telling me. I met someone who is the prophet and president of an LDS sect last week... I kept an open mind, but this person didn't have the spirit with him at all. The only time I felt it was when he testified of the Book of Mormon... I would expect a prophet to have the spirit in a much stronger manner than him... I say this because if I met someone claiming to be Jesus and I didn't feel the spirit when he spoke, there would be no way for me to believe him.

Then of course we'd have to inspect him for nail prints in his hands and feet and I personally am excited about thrusting my hand into his side :cool:... Not to mention other things that, again, can be seen by those with eyes to see.

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Jesus has come again…

It’s been claimed many times before…but what if this time something is different? What if there were miracles attributed to this man? What if a significant number of people believed in him? What if he was acknowledged to be the Second Coming by some high standing people, for example? Or what if the press supported him and reported on his actions and words on a daily basis trying to convince everyone of his authenticity?

What would happen?

What would be your reaction?

I am researching a book and would be very grateful if you could give me your opinion, both your personal one, and also what you think the reaction of the general populous would be.

I am trying to get the consensus of as many people from as many different faiths as possible, but I must admit that I am not fully versed in the role of Jesus in the different religions. What I am interested in though, is people’s individual reactions, so thank you in advance for your time.

This is a very, very serious subject.

JS-M 1:5-9

5 And Jesus answered, and said unto them: Take heed that no man deceive you;

6 For many shall come in my name, saying—I am Christ—and shall deceive many;

7 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations, for my name’s sake;

8 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another;

9 And many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many;

JS-M 1:21-22

21 Behold, these things I have spoken unto you concerning the Jews; and again, after the tribulation of those days which shall come upon Jerusalem, if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there, believe him not;

22 For in those days there shall also arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch, that, if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to the covenant.

There are ways to show forth 'great signs and wonders' that are note of God's priesthood.

2 Nephi 25:18

18 Wherefore, he shall bring forth his words unto them, which words shall judge them at the last day, for they shall be given them for the purpose of convincing them of the true Messiah, who was rejected by them; and unto the convincing of them that they need not look forward any more for a Messiah to come, for there should not any come, save it should be a false Messiah which should deceive the people; for there is save one Messiah spoken of by the prophets, and that Messiah is he who should be rejected of the Jews.

Topical Guide: False Christs; All italicized/bold text is my doing to emphasize certain points.

As cjmaldrich said, the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) describes the second coming of Christ in all His power and glory:

D&C 49:22-23

22 And again, verily I say unto you, that the Son of Man cometh not in the form of a woman, neither of a man traveling on the earth.

23 Wherefore, be not deceived, but continue in steadfastness, looking forth for the heavens to be shaken, and the earth to tremble and to reel to and fro as a drunken man, and for the valleys to be exalted, and for the mountains to be made low, and for the rough places to become smooth—and all this when the angel shall sound his trumpet.

Link; Italicized text my doing.

It's safe to say that we need not worry ourselves about any claiming to be Christ before His actual coming. He will not come to the masses until that day, in His power and glory. Until then, keep your eyes rooted on the actual prophets and apostles. No new revelation will be given to the earth concerning God's kingdom or doctrine except through them.

All my citations are from restoration scripture- that is, scripture that has come about during and since the life of the prophet Joseph Smith.

There will be many deceivers come at the last day with such skill that they would deceive the elect of God, were it able to be done. I believe that, sadly, if a charismatic person claiming to be Christ came and was able to show some sort of wonder, than he would gain a large following. However, he would be a charlatan.

Edited by Maxel
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Some of the wisest people in the world thought they knew when Jesus was coming the first time. They thought the King of Kings would come in glory(And he did. Just not the glory they thought). They thought he would be a man important in the world(And he was, but not at the time he was born).

I pray for the wisdom to know who He'll be when he comes, but I know there are literally hundreds of prophecies that all must be fulfilled for His coming. If even one is not fulfilled, then this person would be a false messiah. Miracles or no.

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If someone came and claimed to be the second coming of Jesus of the Bible, I would not believe him, because Jesus never proclaimed himself to be the Messiah or Christ. He made statements such as I am from the Father, I and the Father are one, etc, but never just blatantly shouted out "I AM THE ANOINTED ONE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!" I would only believe in someone as Jesus' second coming if he was consistent with Jesus in the Bible.

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  • 3 weeks later...


D&C 49:22-23

22 And again, verily I say unto you, that the Son of Man cometh not in the form of a woman, neither of a man traveling on the earth.

23 Wherefore, be not deceived, but continue in steadfastness, looking forth for the heavens to be shaken, and the earth to tremble and to reel to and fro as a drunken man, and for the valleys to be exalted, and for the mountains to be made low, and for the rough places to become smooth—and all this when the angel shall sound his trumpet.

So there will be some huge geological upheaval to announce his coming?

I am writing more about human nature and why people need to belive rather than the actual flesh and blood return of the christ, but the previous posters have given me a few more thoughts.

So what will happen when he comes back? What happens to the beleivers...and to the non-believers?

But more importantly, what do you think would happen to society in general if it was generally believed that Jesus was here again?

Thank you all for your time and insights, Robb

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Every religion would turn against him and tell there followers to do the same. Its not in any religions interest for Jesus to come back. They would lose to much money and power. I believe that many will follow him from many religions. I dont believe being LDS will give anyone, any greater chance of making the right or wrong choice.

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I have seen some pastors doing good works for those around them, lifting up and helping. In the same city, I have seen pastors who pass the collection plate every few minutes, and drive $100,000 cars while their flock do without, just to keep that collection plate full.

You get all sorts, in all religions.

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