Salutations And Holy Kisses To Ye -1 Thessalonians 5:26


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Hello All

Nice to find such a wonderful site! Nice work!

I'm pleased to have found it and feel drawn here.

Been studying with the missionaries for the past few months.

I called them for a meeting because of the witnessing of the Holy Spirit that they wrote inside a book of Morman they left on my door cause I wasn't home at the time.I had been studying and researching much prior to the copy of the book of Morman they left and had finished the bible and prayed many a time for The Lord to open the door and show me what was to be next wnting to run to him as soon as possible.So like I've said I have been studying with them a few months now and truelly appreciate the things I have learned and continue too.

Still eager to be feed more I searched out this site and joined yesterday and I'm happy that I did.Its truelly impressive and inspiring and I hope to make many friends here and converse with you members of this community.

I wish I had given The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints more attention in the past but the missionaries I met almost 20 years ago didn't tell me the key or I didn't have it at the time to seeing their and my similarities and so I didn't give it much thought.Not sure If I would have this time if I hadn't told them what happened to me when I was about about 16 and them have then witnessed to me the whole story of Joseph Smiths first vision but that is the key that has really brought me to believe what happened to him and that has made me warm up to this church like no other has accomplished with me.I have a somewhat similiar story, so I believe his and was moved by it.

Anyways the missionaries should be here at anytime so I have to cut this long hello short but look forward to talking with you all in the future.

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