Christ Verses The Anti-christ


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Originally posted by Traveler+Jan 12 2005, 09:05 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Traveler @ Jan 12 2005, 09:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Cal@Jan 12 2005, 06:34 PM

When WASN'T there a time when every Tom, ###### and Harry claimed to have God on his side? Nothing much has changed there.

Mormons fall into that category too. Virtually all Muslim and Christian religions make that claim. What's new?  And the other Eastern Religions could care less about the whole issue. Again, what's new?

5. The followers of the Anti-Christ will fight against the followers of the Christ. “Make war against the lamb”.  I believe the followers of the Anti-Christ will attempt to disrupt the worshipers of Christ by any means possible such as protesters at their gatherings, law suits to prevent or hinder building houses and other sacred places of worship, published works to confuse doctrine, distortions of doctrine (example from the past “thou being a man make your self G-d” see John chapter 10), and any other way they can imagine.  The point here is that the followers of the Anti-Christ will go among the followers of Christ to create conflict – not the other way around.  The followers of the Anti-Christ will be willing to play “the devil’s advocate” in an attempt to destroy loyalty to covenants.  The followers of Christ will send out missionaries to every nation and people to teach but they will only teach the “good news” or gospel.  They will not teach or publish concerning other gospels or in any way “pervert” what others believe; teaching only the gospel of Christ.  (See Gal 1:7-8)

The Traveler

1. The vast majority of people will be aligned with the Anti-Christ - Those for Christ will always be a minority of the people until the Christ comes.  “Straight and narrow is the way and few it be that find it”

Well, I guess it won't happen in the United State or Europe since the majority of us are Christians.

You missed the point - the Ancient Anti-Christ were all Hebrews and of the house of Israel and claimed be be under covenant with G-d. A modern day Pharisee will be connected to "traditional Christianity" in the same manner ancient Anti-Christ (Scribes and Pharisees) were conected to the traditions of "Israel". But just being a scribe or Pharisee did not make them Anti-Christ. There was more to it.


Since you think the Anti-Christ is Satan, for anything to be different I suppose we would have to prove that the world is a worse place than it was a few hundred or even thousand years ago. By most measures, it is actually better now. More people go to church than in the past, more humanitarian aid to the poor than in the past, there have always been wars. Less hunger in the world now than in the past. Seems like a better place to me.


The Pharisees said almost this same thing in John Chapter 8. They could argue that they were much better than the Samaritans using the same logic you used. Jesus responded that it is not a matter of being better than someone else it is doing the will of the Father. I do not believe it is the will of the Father to treat someone in a manner that you would not have them treat you. If you want to worship according to your beliefs then if you are really a follower of Jesus you will grant the same to others. The Anti-Christ will try to disrupt other's faith. And Yes I believe someone LDS can be part of the Anti-Christ but I do not believe the ministers pretending to be Christian at Main St. Plazza trying to disrupt LDS that had to come in reverence are anything related to Christ.

As for the rest of your post I will not comment except that you did nothing to indicate how one might identify a Christian from the Anti-Christ. From your comments it appears if they have "sheep" clothing they must not be a wolf. I do not agree. Since you do not indicate how you determine wolves from sheep - I assume you have no method?

The Traveler

1 John 2: 18-22 Describes what an anti-Christ is:

18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that aantichrist shall come, even now are there many bantichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

20 But ye have an aunction• from the bHoly One, and ye know all things.

21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.

22 Who is a aliar• but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is bantichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

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Originally posted by curvette+Jan 11 2005, 01:53 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (curvette @ Jan 11 2005, 01:53 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Amillia@Jan 11 2005, 09:53 AM

Don't you remember Paul Dunn? Or Elder Oaks who lied outright to the press? How innocent was those?

It's a quantum leap from lying to being the anti Christ. If doing anything contrary to Christ's teachings makes an anti Christ than we are ALL anti Christs.

I think we all can be Anti-Christs. There is a big difference between wickedness and weakness and too many think that they are weaknesses when refering to someone with status and yet the Lord makes it very clear what wickedness is, if <span style=\'color:red\'>IF you read your scriptures. :(

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When WASN'T there a time when every Tom, ###### and Harry claimed to have God on his side? Nothing much has changed there.

Mormons fall into that category too. Virtually all Muslim and Christian religions make that claim. What's new?  And the other Eastern Religions could care less about the whole issue. Again, what's new?

5. The followers of the Anti-Christ will fight against the followers of the Christ. “Make war against the lamb”.  I believe the followers of the Anti-Christ will attempt to disrupt the worshipers of Christ by any means possible such as protesters at their gatherings, law suits to prevent or hinder building houses and other sacred places of worship, published works to confuse doctrine, distortions of doctrine (example from the past “thou being a man make your self G-d” see John chapter 10), and any other way they can imagine.  The point here is that the followers of the Anti-Christ will go among the followers of Christ to create conflict – not the other way around.  The followers of the Anti-Christ will be willing to play “the devil’s advocate” in an attempt to destroy loyalty to covenants.  The followers of Christ will send out missionaries to every nation and people to teach but they will only teach the “good news” or gospel.  They will not teach or publish concerning other gospels or in any way “pervert” what others believe; teaching only the gospel of Christ.  (See Gal 1:7-8)

The Traveler

1. The vast majority of people will be aligned with the Anti-Christ - Those for Christ will always be a minority of the people until the Christ comes.  “Straight and narrow is the way and few it be that find it”

Well, I guess it won't happen in the United State or Europe since the majority of us are Christians.

You missed the point - the Ancient Anti-Christ were all Hebrews and of the house of Israel and claimed be be under covenant with G-d. A modern day Pharisee will be connected to "traditional Christianity" in the same manner ancient Anti-Christ (Scribes and Pharisees) were conected to the traditions of "Israel". But just being a scribe or Pharisee did not make them Anti-Christ. There was more to it.


Since you think the Anti-Christ is Satan, for anything to be different I suppose we would have to prove that the world is a worse place than it was a few hundred or even thousand years ago. By most measures, it is actually better now. More people go to church than in the past, more humanitarian aid to the poor than in the past, there have always been wars. Less hunger in the world now than in the past. Seems like a better place to me.


The Pharisees said almost this same thing in John Chapter 8. They could argue that they were much better than the Samaritans using the same logic you used. Jesus responded that it is not a matter of being better than someone else it is doing the will of the Father. I do not believe it is the will of the Father to treat someone in a manner that you would not have them treat you. If you want to worship according to your beliefs then if you are really a follower of Jesus you will grant the same to others. The Anti-Christ will try to disrupt other's faith. And Yes I believe someone LDS can be part of the Anti-Christ but I do not believe the ministers pretending to be Christian at Main St. Plazza trying to disrupt LDS that had to come in reverence are anything related to Christ.

As for the rest of your post I will not comment except that you did nothing to indicate how one might identify a Christian from the Anti-Christ. From your comments it appears if they have "sheep" clothing they must not be a wolf. I do not agree. Since you do not indicate how you determine wolves from sheep - I assume you have no method?

The Traveler

The Anti-Christ will try to disrupt other's faith.

Trav--isn't that what mormon missionaries try to do everyday? Are we the Anti-Christ? Actually, I think you could say that we are the most successful at disrupting the faith of others, we manage to convert thousands of people every year. How is the faith they once had not disrupted? Faith in mormonism is a heck of a lot different than faith in most other religions, even in mainstream Christian religion.

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Originally posted by Cal@Jan 13 2005, 04:47 PM

Trav--isn't that what mormon missionaries try to do everyday? Are we the Anti-Christ? Actually, I think you could say that we are the most successful at disrupting the faith of others, we manage to convert thousands of people every year. How is the faith they once had not disrupted? Faith in mormonism is a heck of a lot different than faith in most other religions, even in mainstream Christian religion.

You may look at it that way if you wish. The LDS missionaries have a message. That message is centered around what we understand is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not teach our view of Catholic doctrine, or Baptist doctrine, or anything else - just our doctrine. I have studied many faiths and had long conversations but you will never see me post trying to tell anyone what Catholics, Baptist, Hindu or anyone else believes. In fact there is much they believe that I believe as well. You will not see my try to set a doctrinal trap. I am LDS and that is the gospel I believe. If you do not believe as I do that is fine. If you want to tell me what you believe that is fine to. I love to share beliefs. But I do not believe the Anti-Christ have a live and let live attitude. For example I think they will try to get into our general conference and shout something during sustaining. I think they will try to prevent the building of our temples. I think they will come to SLC to the Main Street Plaza and try to ruin someone's wedding day. That is different that just belonging to a different religion.

But I do not like someone trying to tell me what I believe. Nor am I that interested in what others believe that hides their beliefs. If you have something better then put your beliefs on the table if not that is whay I think you would hide it.

For example I think there is a lot of evidence to support the Book of Mormon and I do not mind sharing it. But if some says that it does not prove the Book of Mormon to them. That is fine with me - until they use similar kinds of evidence to support something they say they believe. Then I realize I am not talking to someone that is honest with themself.

I am not sure if you believe in the “last days” or not. I do not know if you believe that there is followers of the Anti-Christ among the Christians (wolfs in sheep clothing). In fact for all your post that I have read I am not sure what you believe (this topic included) – I think I have a good idea what you do not believe but then I am not sure. I am quite sure you do not comprehend my posts, especially on this subject. I am not sure if you know what you believe. Sometimes I think we could learn from each other but other times I am not sure that would be desirable.

The Traveler

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Cal I think you are trying to quote the quote and that is why it isn't working. You have to just use quote at the top of the post of whomever you are responding to, then don't use the quote icon again when you are in your adding reply place.

Using the quote twice makes it very hard to read and understand your posts.

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Originally posted by Traveler+Jan 13 2005, 06:20 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Traveler @ Jan 13 2005, 06:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Cal@Jan 13 2005, 04:47 PM

Trav--isn't that what mormon missionaries try to do everyday? Are we the Anti-Christ? Actually, I think you could say that we are the most successful at disrupting the faith of others, we manage to convert thousands of people every year. How is the faith they once had not disrupted? Faith in mormonism is a heck of a lot different than faith in most other religions, even in mainstream Christian religion.

You may look at it that way if you wish. The LDS missionaries have a message. That message is centered around what we understand is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not teach our view of Catholic doctrine, or Baptist doctrine, or anything else - just our doctrine. I have studied many faiths and had long conversations but you will never see me post trying to tell anyone what Catholics, Baptist, Hindu or anyone else believes. In fact there is much they believe that I believe as well. You will not see my try to set a doctrinal trap. I am LDS and that is the gospel I believe. If you do not believe as I do that is fine. If you want to tell me what you believe that is fine to. I love to share beliefs. But I do not believe the Anti-Christ have a live and let live attitude. For example I think they will try to get into our general conference and shout something during sustaining. I think they will try to prevent the building of our temples. I think they will come to SLC to the Main Street Plaza and try to ruin someone's wedding day. That is different that just belonging to a different religion.

But I do not like someone trying to tell me what I believe. Nor am I that interested in what others believe that hides their beliefs. If you have something better then put your beliefs on the table if not that is whay I think you would hide it.

For example I think there is a lot of evidence to support the Book of Mormon and I do not mind sharing it. But if some says that it does not prove the Book of Mormon to them. That is fine with me - until they use similar kinds of evidence to support something they say they believe. Then I realize I am not talking to someone that is honest with themself.

I am not sure if you believe in the “last days” or not. I do not know if you believe that there is followers of the Anti-Christ among the Christians (wolfs in sheep clothing). In fact for all your post that I have read I am not sure what you believe (this topic included) – I think I have a good idea what you do not believe but then I am not sure. I am quite sure you do not comprehend my posts, especially on this subject. I am not sure if you know what you believe. Sometimes I think we could learn from each other but other times I am not sure that would be desirable.

The Traveler

I'm still trying to get a handle on just what an anti-christ is supposed to be. You seem to change the definition with each post. This last post makes it sound like you think an anti-christ is someone who annoys you--tells you what your religion teaches or doesn't teach, or someone that is rude and obnoxious--interupting meetings or weddings. Sounds like the anti-christ is really just an anti-social.

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Originally posted by Cal+Jan 14 2005, 06:46 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cal @ Jan 14 2005, 06:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Traveler@Jan 13 2005, 06:20 PM

<!--QuoteBegin--Cal@Jan 13 2005, 04:47 PM

Trav--isn't that what mormon missionaries try to do everyday? Are we the Anti-Christ? Actually, I think you could say that we are the most successful at disrupting the faith of others, we manage to convert thousands of people every year. How is the faith they once had not disrupted? Faith in mormonism is a heck of a lot different than faith in most other religions, even in mainstream Christian religion.

You may look at it that way if you wish. The LDS missionaries have a message. That message is centered around what we understand is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not teach our view of Catholic doctrine, or Baptist doctrine, or anything else - just our doctrine. I have studied many faiths and had long conversations but you will never see me post trying to tell anyone what Catholics, Baptist, Hindu or anyone else believes. In fact there is much they believe that I believe as well. You will not see my try to set a doctrinal trap. I am LDS and that is the gospel I believe. If you do not believe as I do that is fine. If you want to tell me what you believe that is fine to. I love to share beliefs. But I do not believe the Anti-Christ have a live and let live attitude. For example I think they will try to get into our general conference and shout something during sustaining. I think they will try to prevent the building of our temples. I think they will come to SLC to the Main Street Plaza and try to ruin someone's wedding day. That is different that just belonging to a different religion.

But I do not like someone trying to tell me what I believe. Nor am I that interested in what others believe that hides their beliefs. If you have something better then put your beliefs on the table if not that is whay I think you would hide it.

For example I think there is a lot of evidence to support the Book of Mormon and I do not mind sharing it. But if some says that it does not prove the Book of Mormon to them. That is fine with me - until they use similar kinds of evidence to support something they say they believe. Then I realize I am not talking to someone that is honest with themself.

I am not sure if you believe in the “last days” or not. I do not know if you believe that there is followers of the Anti-Christ among the Christians (wolfs in sheep clothing). In fact for all your post that I have read I am not sure what you believe (this topic included) – I think I have a good idea what you do not believe but then I am not sure. I am quite sure you do not comprehend my posts, especially on this subject. I am not sure if you know what you believe. Sometimes I think we could learn from each other but other times I am not sure that would be desirable.

The Traveler

I'm still trying to get a handle on just what an anti-christ is supposed to be. You seem to change the definition with each post. This last post makes it sound like you think an anti-christ is someone who annoys you--tells you what your religion teaches or doesn't teach, or someone that is rude and obnoxious--interupting meetings or weddings. Sounds like the anti-christ is really just an anti-social.

See #5 of my post beginning this thread. Please pay more attention and try to keep up.

BTW I could say the same about Hitler - he was just a little anti-social when it came to Jewish society. Do you not understand that the defination of anti-social is not anti-social to certain socities but all society. When someone is anti to specific socitey and not others that is not anti-socal that is the defination of a bigot.

Do you believe there are among men those that seek to undermine the worship and reverence that others would express? Do you believe that the constitution (first ammendment) allows for peaceful assembly? From your post it appears to me you think the counstitution is a joke and should be ridiculed.

The Traveler

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Originally posted by Cal+Jan 14 2005, 07:46 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cal @ Jan 14 2005, 07:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Traveler@Jan 13 2005, 06:20 PM

<!--QuoteBegin--Cal@Jan 13 2005, 04:47 PM

Trav--isn't that what mormon missionaries try to do everyday? Are we the Anti-Christ? Actually, I think you could say that we are the most successful at disrupting the faith of others, we manage to convert thousands of people every year. How is the faith they once had not disrupted? Faith in mormonism is a heck of a lot different than faith in most other religions, even in mainstream Christian religion.

You may look at it that way if you wish. The LDS missionaries have a message. That message is centered around what we understand is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not teach our view of Catholic doctrine, or Baptist doctrine, or anything else - just our doctrine. I have studied many faiths and had long conversations but you will never see me post trying to tell anyone what Catholics, Baptist, Hindu or anyone else believes. In fact there is much they believe that I believe as well. You will not see my try to set a doctrinal trap. I am LDS and that is the gospel I believe. If you do not believe as I do that is fine. If you want to tell me what you believe that is fine to. I love to share beliefs. But I do not believe the Anti-Christ have a live and let live attitude. For example I think they will try to get into our general conference and shout something during sustaining. I think they will try to prevent the building of our temples. I think they will come to SLC to the Main Street Plaza and try to ruin someone's wedding day. That is different that just belonging to a different religion.

But I do not like someone trying to tell me what I believe. Nor am I that interested in what others believe that hides their beliefs. If you have something better then put your beliefs on the table if not that is whay I think you would hide it.

For example I think there is a lot of evidence to support the Book of Mormon and I do not mind sharing it. But if some says that it does not prove the Book of Mormon to them. That is fine with me - until they use similar kinds of evidence to support something they say they believe. Then I realize I am not talking to someone that is honest with themself.

I am not sure if you believe in the “last days” or not. I do not know if you believe that there is followers of the Anti-Christ among the Christians (wolfs in sheep clothing). In fact for all your post that I have read I am not sure what you believe (this topic included) – I think I have a good idea what you do not believe but then I am not sure. I am quite sure you do not comprehend my posts, especially on this subject. I am not sure if you know what you believe. Sometimes I think we could learn from each other but other times I am not sure that would be desirable.

The Traveler

I'm still trying to get a handle on just what an anti-christ is supposed to be. You seem to change the definition with each post. This last post makes it sound like you think an anti-christ is someone who annoys you--tells you what your religion teaches or doesn't teach, or someone that is rude and obnoxious--interupting meetings or weddings. Sounds like the anti-christ is really just an anti-social.

I can't see how you can say this. An anti-Christ fights righteousness, but maybe you don't know what that is. It isn't just someone who is anti-social, though to a righteous society, it would be considered that also, but it would be founded upon being unrighteous.

Why is it that so many try to make the spiritual meaning into a temporal label and definition. I saw the same thing happening on the Spiritual High thread.

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Originally posted by Cal+Jan 14 2005, 06:46 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cal @ Jan 14 2005, 06:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Traveler@Jan 13 2005, 06:20 PM

<!--QuoteBegin--Cal@Jan 13 2005, 04:47 PM

Trav--isn't that what mormon missionaries try to do everyday? Are we the Anti-Christ? Actually, I think you could say that we are the most successful at disrupting the faith of others, we manage to convert thousands of people every year. How is the faith they once had not disrupted? Faith in mormonism is a heck of a lot different than faith in most other religions, even in mainstream Christian religion.

You may look at it that way if you wish. The LDS missionaries have a message. That message is centered around what we understand is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not teach our view of Catholic doctrine, or Baptist doctrine, or anything else - just our doctrine. I have studied many faiths and had long conversations but you will never see me post trying to tell anyone what Catholics, Baptist, Hindu or anyone else believes. In fact there is much they believe that I believe as well. You will not see my try to set a doctrinal trap. I am LDS and that is the gospel I believe. If you do not believe as I do that is fine. If you want to tell me what you believe that is fine to. I love to share beliefs. But I do not believe the Anti-Christ have a live and let live attitude. For example I think they will try to get into our general conference and shout something during sustaining. I think they will try to prevent the building of our temples. I think they will come to SLC to the Main Street Plaza and try to ruin someone's wedding day. That is different that just belonging to a different religion.

But I do not like someone trying to tell me what I believe. Nor am I that interested in what others believe that hides their beliefs. If you have something better then put your beliefs on the table if not that is whay I think you would hide it.

For example I think there is a lot of evidence to support the Book of Mormon and I do not mind sharing it. But if some says that it does not prove the Book of Mormon to them. That is fine with me - until they use similar kinds of evidence to support something they say they believe. Then I realize I am not talking to someone that is honest with themself.

I am not sure if you believe in the “last days” or not. I do not know if you believe that there is followers of the Anti-Christ among the Christians (wolfs in sheep clothing). In fact for all your post that I have read I am not sure what you believe (this topic included) – I think I have a good idea what you do not believe but then I am not sure. I am quite sure you do not comprehend my posts, especially on this subject. I am not sure if you know what you believe. Sometimes I think we could learn from each other but other times I am not sure that would be desirable.

The Traveler

I'm still trying to get a handle on just what an anti-christ is supposed to be. You seem to change the definition with each post. This last post makes it sound like you think an anti-christ is someone who annoys you--tells you what your religion teaches or doesn't teach, or someone that is rude and obnoxious--interupting meetings or weddings. Sounds like the anti-christ is really just an anti-social.

Your postings on anti-christ, if you will read back thru them, have such vague, generalized and varying descriptions that make "keeping up" very difficult. I'm not really sure you, your self, knows what this anti-christ thing means. You just implied that anyone who attempts to subvert the 1st amendment right to assembly is an anti-christ. Can you be SPECIFIC as to WHO you think is the anti-christ that is doing all this disrupting?

BTW--if one disrupts a Buddist meeting, does that make one the Anti-Buddah?

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Originally posted by Cal@Jan 16 2005, 12:11 PM

The Traveler

I'm still trying to get a handle on just what an anti-christ is supposed to be. You seem to change the definition with each post. This last post makes it sound like you think an anti-christ is someone who annoys you--tells you what your religion teaches or doesn't teach, or someone that is rude and obnoxious--interupting meetings or weddings. Sounds like the anti-christ is really just an anti-social.

Your postings on anti-christ, if you will read back thru them, have such vague, generalized and varying descriptions that make "keeping up" very difficult. I'm not really sure you, your self, knows what this anti-christ thing means. You just implied that anyone who attempts to subvert the 1st amendment right to assembly is an anti-christ. Can you be SPECIFIC as to WHO you think is the anti-christ that is doing all this disrupting?

BTW--if one disrupts a Buddist meeting, does that make one the Anti-Buddah?

Perhaps your problem is that you do not understand what Christ is supposed to be. One principle of the Christ and those that follow him is a great respect for other people – even those that you do not agree with. For example: “Do good to those that hate you” and going the extra mile.

Anciently the Pharisees were not anti-social but they were anti to the teachings of Christ – that made them Anti-Christ. For the large part those that oppose the LDS are not anti social. You keep saying they are that but I think you have lost your marbles on this. Most anti-LDS belong to some religion (social organization). Belonging to a religious organization would exclude them from being anti social. Am I talking to a wall here? How can you think someone to be anti-social when they belong to a social organization? Hello, is anyone home?

I have given some examples of anti-Christ behavior. I think my examples are very clear as well as consistent. Someone that lies is a liar. Someone that absconds things that do not belong to them is a thief. For the record I have offered the idea that someone that intends to disrupt demonstrations of kindness and love (example marriage) is anti to the teachings of Love expressed by Christ. I have also suggested that preventing peaceful assembly (or attempting to prevent peaceful assembly) is anti to the specific freedom expressed in the 1st Amendment of the constitution of the United States of America. If someone allows most other religions to peacefully assembly but they target a specific religion to prevent that religion from peaceful assembly this is not anti social. The correct word is BIGOT.

You asked “if one disrupts a Buddist meeting, does that make one the Anti-Buddah?” Yes I believe it does. I also believe it makes them part of the Anti-Christ movement as well. “Do unto others {Buddhist} as you would have them {Buddhist} do unto you.”

The Traveler

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QUOTE]You asked “if one disrupts a Buddist meeting, does that make one the Anti-Buddah?” Yes I believe it does. I also believe it makes them part of the Anti-Christ movement as well. “Do unto others {Buddhist} as you would have them {Buddhist} do unto you.”

The Traveler

You say that even disrupting a Buddist activity makes one an anti-chirst. By thast logic then when Jesus made quite a point of disrupting the religion of the Pharasees (over throwing tables in the temple, calling them hypocrits etc) , does that also make Him an anti-christ?

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Originally posted by Cal@Jan 17 2005, 10:32 AM



QUOTE]You asked “if one disrupts a Buddist meeting, does that make one the Anti-Buddah?” Yes I believe it does. I also believe it makes them part of the Anti-Christ movement as well. “Do unto others {Buddhist} as you would have them {Buddhist} do unto you.”

The Traveler

You say that even disrupting a Buddist activity makes one an anti-chirst. By thast logic then when Jesus made quite a point of disrupting the religion of the Pharasees (over throwing tables in the temple, calling them hypocrits etc) , does that also make Him an anti-christ?

Learn to use the quote system here will you? <_<

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Originally posted by Cal@Jan 17 2005, 09:32 AM

You say that even disrupting a Buddist activity makes one an anti-chirst. By thast logic then when Jesus made quite a point of disrupting the religion of the Pharasees (over throwing tables in the temple, calling them hypocrits etc) , does that also make Him an anti-christ?

Interesting point - however both Jesus and the Pharasees were Jews and of the same religion of Israel under the law of Moses. The activity Jesus stoped in the temple was not part of the law of Moses. Under the law of Moses the Pharasees could not complain because the money should be handled by the tribe of Levi.

You may argue that the acts of Jesus are the same as the acts of the anti-LDS except the anti-LDS do not ever come to the Salt Lake City Temple to worship. Jesus came to the temple to worship but the activities of the Pharasees were preventing or disrupting proper worship as defined in the law of Moses.

Now I know you may want to argue that the Pharasees have the right to worship as they wish which is correct. You may argue that some anti-LDS worship by disrupting LDS worship - I will not argue that ether. However, I still believe that anyone that attempts to disrupt someone else's worship in the USA is a threat to freedom and a traitor to constitutional law. Personally I do not want to be around those types. And I do not care if they call themselves LDS or not.

The Traveler

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Originally posted by Cal@Jan 17 2005, 10:32 AM



QUOTE]You asked “if one disrupts a Buddist meeting, does that make one the Anti-Buddah?” Yes I believe it does. I also believe it makes them part of the Anti-Christ movement as well. “Do unto others {Buddhist} as you would have them {Buddhist} do unto you.”

The Traveler

You say that even disrupting a Buddist activity makes one an anti-chirst. By thast logic then when Jesus made quite a point of disrupting the religion of the Pharasees (over throwing tables in the temple, calling them hypocrits etc) , does that also make Him an anti-christ?

<span style=\'color:red\'>Jan 17 #1

And anti-Christ is an Anit-CHRIST. It doesn't apply to any other church or belief.

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i don't think anti-LDS people like born agains etc are anything to do with the anti-christ. they're still living the gospel as best they can and so, even though anti-LDS in the sense they want to bring us to a true knowledge of christ, then they're okay i guess (unless you mean those ex-LDD anti-LDS who just hate us anyway). pres. bush is a born again and i'm sure christ is happy with him. america's a great country because of the faiths on which it was built, specifically, protestant christianity in all its forms will lead a soul to salvation.

i think the anti-christ will be a real person in the last days - and that's different from the church of the devil referred to in the BOM, also referred to as Babylon at times and Rome at times in the Bible. Sure, those who don't follow the principles of Christ in their way of living must in a way be followers of satan. however, when christ comes he will find hsi followers among mormons, evangelicals, catholics, muslims, hindus, and even those who just live good lives. at the same time, the followers of satan will be found among mormons, evangelicals... etc.

the bible has been literally interpreted and figuratively. it sometimes worries me that so many LDS go for the latter figurative one which just comes across to me as so weak and liberal and anglicanish.

in fact, most of the prophecies in the bible have been fulfilled literally. look at Matt 24 - christ's prophecy about the persecutions of the apostles, the false prophets who soon came after his death, the roman attack on jerusalem in AD70, the literal destruction of the temple by the roman, the literal fullfillment of the first abomination of desolation when the soldiers erected their roman standards inside the holy of holies, the subsequent scattering of the jews among nations, and then, in our time, the persecution under hitler, the european (gentile) nations assisting the jews in returning to palestine, the founding of isreal, the ressurection of its ancient language, the isreali irrigation turning the desert into fertile land, israel surrounded by enemies again...

all we await now is the third temple to be built on the mount. the isrealis are preparing for this. the bible says that isreal will enter into a peace treaty with the anti christ who will pledge to defend isreal in return for certian things - perhaps the giving up of the west bank and parts of jerusalm, but that the anti-christ will permit isreal to build its temple, and then after a period of time, the anti-christ will enter the temple and there fulfill the second abomination of desolation.

the anti-christ could be anyone. it could be a US president, though personally i think it will be someone out of the EU, which is also a fulfillment of daniel's prophecy regarding the latter day kingdom of rome, the beast with ten horns, who will make war eventually with isreal, perhaps aided by russia (magog/gog), and china (the kings of the east).

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Originally posted by Amillia@Jan 14 2005, 12:37 PM

Cal I think you are trying to quote the quote and that is why it isn't working. You have to just use quote at the top of the post of whomever you are responding to, then don't use the quote icon again when you are in your adding reply place.

Using the quote twice makes it very hard to read and understand your posts.

Thank you--I do mess that up at times.
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Originally posted by Cal+Jan 23 2005, 12:02 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cal @ Jan 23 2005, 12:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Amillia@Jan 14 2005, 12:37 PM

Cal I think you are trying to quote the quote and that is why it isn't working. You have to just use quote at the top of the post of whomever you are responding to, then don't use the quote icon again when you are in your adding reply place.

Using the quote twice makes it very hard to read and understand your posts.

Thank you--I do mess that up at times.

We all mess up something. ;)

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