A Lessor Sex?

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Sorry for the typo, I thank you God for creating women for without women this world would be a very dull place indeed. I also agree that women are very much an equal and should be treated as such. I'm sure we're all equal in the eyes of the Lord. There are no second class citizens in God's kingdom, nor should there be here on earth. If one only opens their eyes to the beauty of learning and sharing equally with one another. :D:D:P

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<<I am a little confused though...any gorilla is stronger than the strongest man. So maybe it goes Gorilla, then Man, then Woman, right?>>

-you have obviously been unable to grasps the points ive made. I have not given amn superiority over anyone issue. Its collective. Men are not only superior from a logical and unbiased standpoint- but also have god given authority over women (wives).

<<the "G-d Forbid" and the "for C-----'s sakes"...wretched terms>>

-you have to be kidding me. The conetext i used those in are mirror images from biblical quotes. And either way- thats not what it means to take the lords name in vain. I think you just want attention.


First off i will say that i disagree completely about pysical punishment. I believe it is very effective and not at all what you make it out to be.

However- assuming it its bad, how would you suggest a husband punish his wife?

Also- i believe it is wrong to allow the changes in society to dictate changes in religious principle. And also, im speaking from a non LDS point of view- so the idea of prophets doesnt convince me.

<<I think women are the fairer sex - not the lesser sex and I think God for creating them!>>

-Couldnt agree more.

And as far as heavenly stature- the Apostle paul does say men and women are equal in spiritual rewards and punishments.

Eitherway all of you objections are very obviously issues of pride beaten into you by society. The bible is very clear that the womens role in the household is the servant and the mans is the leader. I asked what another term besides lessor could be for that and have yet to get an answer.

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Originally posted by USNationalist@Mar 18 2005, 05:12 PM

<<I am a little confused though...any gorilla is stronger than the strongest man. So maybe it goes Gorilla, then Man, then Woman, right?>>

-you have obviously been unable to grasps the points ive made. I have not given amn superiority over anyone issue. Its collective. Men are not only superior from a logical and unbiased standpoint- but also have god given authority over women (wives).

Oh dear me, USNational, I'm probably "unable to grasp the points you've made" because you're vastly superior! :rolleyes:

Good heavens, man, let me assure you that your points are not at all hard to grasp. They're tired and ridiculous arguments that a five year old can grasp. They're simply not based in logic or correct theology.

Nor are they based in reality... you might want to get a little experience before lecturing on male/female roles in marriage.

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Originally posted by begood2@Mar 18 2005, 05:18 AM

Sorry for the typo, I thank you God for creating women for without women this world would be a very dull place indeed. I also agree that women are very much an equal and should be treated as such. I'm sure we're all equal in the eyes of the Lord. There are no second class citizens in God's kingdom, nor should there be here on earth. If one only opens their eyes to the beauty of learning and sharing equally with one another. :D:D:P

Good point! God is no respector of persons. :)
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Guest curvette

Originally posted by USNationalist@Mar 17 2005, 02:06 AM

<<He may be a male chauvinist oinker>>

-haha, an oinker you say. Thats gold.

Or, an "oinkor." Take your pick. :)
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<<Or, an "oinkor." Take your pick. >>

-please, oinkor is just dumb.... heh

<<Oh dear me, USNational, I'm probably "unable to grasp the points you've made" because you're vastly superior! >>

-sounds about right to me.

<<Good heavens, man, let me assure you that your points are not at all hard to grasp. They're tired and ridiculous arguments that a five year old can grasp.>>

-you would think that statement would come from someone who has proven they do understand what i have said. You obviously have not and your comments reflect such.

<<They're simply not based in logic or correct theology.>>

-wrong. But if you feel so eager to prove me wrong, explain to me in what logical and practical way are women equals?

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Originally posted by USNationalist@Mar 18 2005, 04:12 PM


First off i will say that i disagree completely about pysical punishment. I believe it is very effective and not at all what you make it out to be.

However- assuming it its bad, how would you suggest a husband punish his wife?

Also- i believe it is wrong to allow the changes in society to dictate changes in religious principle. And also, im speaking from a non LDS point of view- so the idea of prophets doesnt convince me.


Now you have done it....no Mac and Cheese for you! We will never agree on the appropriateness of a good physical punishment for a woman, but then we agree to disagree on several things as it is.

Good of you to ask that question..... what I would suggest? For drugs/alcohol abuse..... I guess that since there are men out there who love their wife enough to TRY to help her, over and over and over again with programs, counseling, or therapy and even when that fails to work, as a next to last resort....they have her arrested to keep her from harming herself or someone else. Incarceration seems to be a pretty good punishment for that sort of thing. There is always an alternative to beating someone to "make" them change. People should change because they WANT to.. not because they have been beaten into submission.

Not a lot of females will stick around to endure an abusive husband, although some take longer to realize that they don't have to be treated like livestock in a marriage. That's when they leave, and the husband realizes that he lost part of his heart and soul because of his brutality. (or he should)

Punish? I don't think that, that is a word that most married couples even think about in their relationship. But just to humor you...I think that sorrow, humiliation, loss of faith, trust and respect is enough to cover the word "punish"

And I know that you don't believe in the ideal of present day prophets....silly boy....but you know I speak my mind anyway. There are those who take the Bible literally, an eye for an eye as an example....but there are others who believe that with the coming of Christ (NT) that some of the "old rules' (of the OT) were set aside for newer commandments..... like "love one another".

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Originally posted by elle+Mar 18 2005, 05:19 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (elle @ Mar 18 2005, 05:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--USNationalist@Mar 18 2005, 05:12 PM

<<I am a little confused though...any gorilla is stronger than the strongest man. So maybe it goes Gorilla, then Man, then Woman, right?>>

-you have obviously been unable to grasps the points ive made. I have not given amn superiority over anyone issue. Its collective. Men are not only superior from a logical and unbiased standpoint- but also have god given authority over women (wives).

Oh dear me, USNational, I'm probably "unable to grasp the points you've made" because you're vastly superior! :rolleyes:

Good heavens, man, let me assure you that your points are not at all hard to grasp. They're tired and ridiculous arguments that a five year old can grasp. They're simply not based in logic or correct theology.

Nor are they based in reality... you might want to get a little experience before lecturing on male/female roles in marriage.

They're simply not based in logic or correct theology.
elle~ I'm not going to say that I agree with everything that USN has to say, bit I will tell you that he has more logic than most anyone I know his age. And you couldn't debate with anyone better versed in the Bible, I enjoy him tremendously, and really get annoyed with others who don't have a clue who he is, or why he thinks the way he does.

Sorry, had to vent.

Mormon mom out :rolleyes:

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<<Now you have done it....no Mac and Cheese for you!>>

- :o ah geeze. Im sorry- i take it all back.

Anyway- to stop yanking so many chains....

What i believe is that yes, men are superior. But it doesnt matter. Thats simply how i find it to be- but dont really care in all seriousness. I do believe it is the Husbands possition of authority in a christian household and it is the wives possition of servent (probably a better word but i cant think of it) and is as obligated to do what the husband says as if he were any other authority figure (lets not forget that sarah called abraham master).

However- i dont really believe in punishing wives. I believe in the christian household the husband will be held accountable for "ruleing" wisely and justly and is his responsibility to do so. I believe it is the wife who will be held accountable by God for how she serves her husband. If she fails to do her end then she will answer to God for that sin. I believe an unruly wife is a wife living in sin. I would never hit my wife (...unless she was attacking me i suppose, heh). Thats my own personal conviction, and i wont say that a husband is never justified in hitting his wife- but it is something i dont think i could or would do.

<<Sorry, had to vent.

Mormon mom out>>

-mormon mothers are the best.

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Originally posted by lindy9556@Mar 18 2005, 11:50 PM

elle~ I'm not going to say that I agree with everything that USN has to say, bit I will tell you that he has more logic than most anyone I know his age. And you couldn't debate with anyone better versed in the Bible, I enjoy him tremendously, and really get annoyed with others who don't have a clue who he is, or why he thinks the way he does.

Sorry, had to vent.

Mormon mom out :rolleyes:

Sorry lindy, you're absolutely right. I don't know who USN is or why he thinks the way he does. Bad newbie etiquette.

elle (also mormon mom) out.

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-you have to be kidding me. The conetext i used those in are mirror images from biblical quotes. And either way- thats not what it means to take the lords name in vain. I think you just want attention.

No, I'm not looking for attention. I was raised to NEVER say the Lord's name or God in a way the detracts from His holiness. I was raised to not say OMG or For G-d's/heaven's/c-----'s sake or G-d d--n, or anything like unto the sort...

Funny, I've never read "For C-----'s Sake "in the scriptures...

When we speak of him or take his name, we should do so with the deepest reverence. To do otherwise is to take or hold up or raise up his holy name before others without serious thought, without appropriate reflection—in other words, in vain.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks has explained that “we take the name of the Lord in vain when we use his name without authority. This obviously occurs when the sacred names of God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, are used in what is called profanity: in hateful cursings, in angry denunciations, or as marks of punctuation in common discourse.” On the other hand, Elder Oaks added, “The names of the Father and the Son are used with authority when we reverently teach and testify of them, when we pray, and when we perform the sacred ordinances of the priesthood” (Ensign, May 1986, pp. 49–50).


So I took offense to your choice of words, it's not seeking attention-it's merely stating a personal feeling..please refrain in the future...

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Originally posted by elle@Mar 19 2005, 08:46 AM

elle~ I'm not going to say that I agree with everything that USN has to say, bit I will tell you that he has more logic than most anyone I know his age. And you couldn't debate with anyone better versed in the Bible, I enjoy him tremendously, and really get annoyed with others who don't have a clue who he is, or why he thinks the way he does.

Sorry, had to vent.

Mormon mom out :rolleyes:

Sorry lindy, you're absolutely right. I don't know who USN is or why he thinks the way he does. Bad newbie etiquette.

elle (also mormon mom) out.

no hard feelings elle ;)

oh BTW...welcome to the board!

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Guest curvette

Originally posted by USNationalist@Mar 19 2005, 05:38 AM

What i believe is that yes, men are superior. But it doesnt matter. Thats simply how i find it to be-

Well than why on earth are you seeking the opinion of inferior females on the subject? We are not worthy. Go seek the opinion of similarly superior males. You are wasting your time with us lowly females. Whatever lucky woman marries you of her own volition fully deserves what she gets!
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Originally posted by curvette+Mar 19 2005, 12:46 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (curvette @ Mar 19 2005, 12:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--USNationalist@Mar 19 2005, 05:38 AM

What i believe is that yes, men are superior. But it doesnt matter. Thats simply how i find it to be-

Well than why on earth are you seeking the opinion of inferior females on the subject? We are not worthy. Go seek the opinion of similarly superior males. You are wasting your time with us lowly females. Whatever lucky woman marries you of her own volition fully deserves what she gets!

ROFL :lol:

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You have never heard of sumbition to the ordinances of man for christs sake? Or doing anything for christs sake? Thats is not taking the lords name in vain.

I seriously am having trouble thinking of something not mean to say to you fearie. So im going to stop here. Suffice to say i couldnt disagree with you more.

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the way YOU put it dear, it was taking the name of the Lord VAINLY....you were doing NOTHING in Christ's name except being a male chauvanist pig...which is VAIN...were you performing an ordinance in His name? Were you teaching the gospel in His name? NO...

And so im my submission to the laws of man for christs sake- no i do not.

What exactly are you doing in Christ's name here?

go ahead and insult me, a childish attempt by a child will have no ill affect on me little boy...

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Originally posted by USNationalist@Mar 19 2005, 05:05 PM

You have never heard of sumbition to the ordinances of man for christs sake? Or doing anything for christs sake? Thats is not taking the lords name in vain.


Not something I like to read myself....

I know that not everyone has the same standards of vulgarity, but I don't like it either.

Unless you were referring to the benefit of Christ...or for the good of Christ......but I'm not fiiiiiiinding it.

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Lindy,Faerie, Elle, Amillia & Bizabra to name a few ... your excellent post difinitely show that you are not the lesser sex. Beauty and brains ... what an awesome combination! I'm sure your families are definitely benefiting from your contributions. Keep up the great work! :P

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I AM SUBMITING TO THE ORDINACNES OF MAN FOR CHRISTS SAKE! THATS WHAT IM DOING IN THE NAME OF GOD! Seriously how does that slip past you? "And so im my submission to the laws of man for christs sake- no i do not." What that was- was an explaination as to why i would submit myself to ordinances of man.

AGH! If i didnt think i was party to the superior sex before i do now.


And besides all of that- i believe useing the lords name in vain is far removed from what you think it is. And would therefor not hold myself to convictions i dont have.

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Guest curvette

Originally posted by USNationalist@Mar 20 2005, 03:12 AM

AGH! If i didnt think i was party to the superior sex before i do now.

Was there really ever any question in your mind oh great one?
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<<Was there really ever any question in your mind oh great one?>>

-of course not :-P. But i did expect to hear some legitmate argummants in this thread that migh cause me to question the idea. Unfortunalty all i have seem to be getting from most of you is prideful resistance.

And before you pin the tail on the demon, its probably not entirely my fault i believe the way i do- simply how i was raised. Heck my mom probably believes in it more then my dad does.

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