Terri Shiavo


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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields+Apr 1 2005, 10:57 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Strawberry Fields @ Apr 1 2005, 10:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Amillia@Apr 1 2005, 09:47 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Strawberry Fields@Mar 31 2005, 07:19 PM

I am very saddened for Terri¡Çs family. Although I don¡Çt know them personally I believe them to be the same kind of loving parents that most of us are. I can¡Çt imagine what they have had to endure watching their daughter being tortured and executed by starvation. Then her ¡Èloving partner¡É throws her family out of the room just 10 minutes before she passes. To all Michael supports¡ÄWhy would he do that?? I have an idea but I would like to be enlightened from the other side.

A woman has been executed in a very public way today. It is really a sad thing that on the day of her death, there are those who still pleasure in mocking at that is sacred to Terri, her family.

The parents made it a public spectacle and I would think that they must have experience more pain seeing their daughter suffer in such a horrid body for decades, more than they would experience pain at seeing her released from it. I can only rejoice for Terri at this point.

Had not the family gotten all up in arms and started another fight, they would have been allowed to stay. But they were so contentious they were escorted out.


I will discuss this with you because you are not attacking me personally.

According to one of the posts here the decision was made by the court that Michael was the only one allowed to be with her when she died. The post went on to say something like this...when the hospice staff felt that Terri was close to death, they went to get Michael who was in another room within the hospice center. He then threw the family out and posed for pictures... It seems a bit self serving to me.

I would have made a fuss myself if I was being thrown out of the presence of my child or sibling as she took her last breath court order or not.

It is my opinion that Michael is doing some things to hurt the Schindlers. Terri is catholic and her family would like to have her buried and not cremated. What would be his motive to over stepping her religious preferences?

There is so much history we don't know; I can't really side with the parents because they have done so many creepy things ~ but I guess it is all a matter of what you know and don't know ~ isn't it?

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Originally posted by Amillia@Apr 1 2005, 12:10 PM

There is so much history we don't know; I can't really side with the parents because they have done so many creepy things ~ but I guess it is all a matter of what you know and don't know ~ isn't it?

Yes, it is all in what you know and also what experience has taught you in your life.

Terri was brain damaged and unable to speak for her self. I feel that Michael used the control that he had, being her guardian, unrighteously. I have a real problem with control freaks who take advantage of the disabled. This is one of the reasons why he is creepy to me.

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Apr 1 2005, 10:57 AM

According to one of the posts here the decision was made by the court that Michael was the only one allowed to be with her when she died. The post went on to say something like this...when the hospice staff felt that Terri was close to death, they went to get Michael who was in another room within the hospice center. He then threw the family out and posed for pictures... It seems a bit self serving to me.

It is my opinion that Michael is doing some things to hurt the Schindlers. Terri is catholic and her family would like to have her buried and not cremated. What would be his motive to over stepping her religious preferences?

Bobby Schindler was removed by the police, at the request of hospice personnel after physically threatening Michael Schiavo. SO, please do not selective misquote something I and others posted, nor misquote ir ignore the several reliable links that were posted to back it up.

IMO, had the Schinders been less belligerent throughout, they would have had more rights at the end.

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Originally posted by Idacat+Apr 1 2005, 04:38 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Idacat @ Apr 1 2005, 04:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Strawberry Fields@Apr 1 2005, 10:57 AM

According to one of the posts here the decision was made by the court that Michael was the only one allowed to be with her when she died. The post went on to say something like this...when the hospice staff felt that Terri was close to death, they went to get Michael who was in another room within the hospice center. He then threw the family out and posed for pictures... It seems a bit self serving to me.

It is my opinion that Michael is doing some things to hurt the Schindlers. Terri is catholic and her family would like to have her buried and not cremated. What would be his motive to over stepping her religious preferences?

Bobby Schindler was removed by the police, at the request of hospice personnel after physically threatening Michael Schiavo. SO, please do not selective misquote something I and others posted, nor misquote ir ignore the several reliable links that were posted to back it up.

IMO, had the Schinders been less belligerent throughout, they would have had more rights at the end.

If you would ever another reply back from me you will speak to me with respect.

You may not agree with what I have to say, but you don't need to become belligerent, to have a discussion about something we strongly disagree on. I have started before that it only makes you look as if you have run out of options. I have tried very hard to ignore snide comments cast my way but you don't take a hint. You keep right on with the teeth gnashing, snarling, hissing tone so I had to lower myself and give it to you straight.

Also, don't act as if you know me, or anything about my life, because you don't.

If you would read what I said in the post above it say's "The post went on to say something like this..." I used the word something meaning it was not an exact quote.

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Apr 1 2005, 05:23 PM

If you would ever another reply back from me you will speak to me with respect.

I honestly fail to see how I have been in any way disrespectful to you personally.

I have encouraged you to to look at the facts, and not ONLY the gossip and innuendo propagandized by the Schindlers and their "handlers", and to let intellect, and not raw emotion, lead you to conclusions. I'm not the only person who has done this and who sees your opinions as purely emotion driven, devoid of actual facts. But, I have certainly never called you blockheaded nor accused you of being someone who would have been among the lynch mob shouting "burn the witches" in the Salem of the seventeenth century. Nor, in fact, would I ever say these things to you or anyone.

This is not the only board on which I have been carrying on this conversation; I have been posting on three different boards more or less concurrently. On each and every one there has been one poster, usually not more than one, and one of these boards has 5,500 active members. who can see this case ONLY in the heat of raw emotion and who will not look at any of the copious objective information available to everyone who cares to partake of it if they are not so set in their state of blind emotion that they will not or can not do this. And, I admit to being so conditioned to objectivity and factual analysis that this puzzles and frustrates me. Myself, I would NEVER want to be so blinded in this way that reality flew out the window and the window became wide open to decision making of the worst kind.......that predicated on emotion and not fact or reality.

And, I can see why your thinking, or emoting, takes you the direction it does...because you have a son who sufffered a head injury, much like my son did, in fact, VERY MUCH, having seen the MRI. But, you cannot extend your feelings regarding your son's case to Terri Schiavo, because the cases are so completely and totally different. I think somewhere deep down in your heart, and in that subconscious part of your thought processes you cannot control, your emotions have transferred your feelings about your son to Terri in such a way that you feel that if you face objective facts in Terri's case, you are emotionally abandoning your son.

IMO, this only makes you a mother, not a blockhead.

And, to me it exemplifies why, when choosing a health care proxy we need to seek someone a step removed, or someone we know will not deny our wishes because of their emotions..........the reason my younger son will make these decisions for me, and not my daughter, who, at the age of 33 goes into tears when I mention that she will get my diamond jewelry when I die.

You're right, I don't know you, nor know about your life.Nor, frankly do I hold for you the animosity you perceive, and that you seem to hold for me, without,IMO, logical reason. But I've been reading and lurking here, and HAVE followed the story of your injured son, becasue truly, this is something we actually share.

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields+Apr 1 2005, 03:00 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Strawberry Fields @ Apr 1 2005, 03:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Amillia@Apr 1 2005, 12:10 PM

There is so much history we don't know; I can't really side with the parents because they have done so many creepy things ~ but I guess it is all a matter of what you know and don't know ~ isn't it?

Yes, it is all in what you know and also what experience has taught you in your life.

Terri was brain damaged and unable to speak for her self. I feel that Michael used the control that he had, being her guardian, unrighteously. I have a real problem with control freaks who take advantage of the disabled. This is one of the reasons why he is creepy to me.

And I see the parents as the control freaks. LOL :D

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Apr 1 2005, 08:57 AM


I will discuss this with you because you are not attacking me personally....

I demand that you show some consistency... I attacked you personally and yet you discussed it with me too!
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Originally posted by Snow+Apr 2 2005, 12:17 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Snow @ Apr 2 2005, 12:17 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Strawberry Fields@Apr 1 2005, 08:57 AM


I will discuss this with you because you are not attacking me personally....

I demand that you show some consistency... I attacked you personally and yet you discussed it with me too!


You have a way of attacking with respect, or at least with me you have. :lol:

I didn't have a problem with you until you said something about me and blockhead. That is when you hurt my feelers and I didn't respond back to you...I guess you didn't notice. :(

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Originally posted by Idacat@Apr 1 2005, 03:38 PM

IMO, had the Schinders been less belligerent throughout, they would have had more rights at the end.

That's a load of horse manure. Michael Schiavo has shown right from the beginning that he couldn't have cared less what the parents felt, either regarding her medical care or just their feelings.

Maybe if he had been more giving, this battle would not have ensued.

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Originally posted by Jenda+Apr 2 2005, 12:58 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jenda @ Apr 2 2005, 12:58 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Idacat@Apr 1 2005, 03:38 PM

IMO, had the Schinders been less belligerent throughout, they would have had more rights at the end.

That's a load of horse manure. Michael Schiavo has shown right from the beginning that he couldn't have cared less what the parents felt, either regarding her medical care or just their feelings.

Maybe if he had been more giving, this battle would not have ensued.

I don't agree at all. The manure has always come from the parents, so if you have a load, you know who to asign it to.

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