Need family questions answered


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I have been searching for some answers to some situations I have. I have yet to find those answers. I find all the information I need on what to do to keep your families together forever.... however.... there are more than one person in a family and it takes effort on all parts to be righteous and worthy.

Here is the situation... I'm 18 and about four years ago my parents got divorced for a couple of reasons. My dad is still active in the church and attending. However my mother is taking steps in becoming a cathloic. She says its what she needs now, its simpler and she can focus on Christ. She often makes comments that her parents (my grandparents who are both active members) tell her she won't have her kids again in post mortal existance.... That fear is what kept her pressing on in a failing marrige till finally it just wouldn't work any longer and mistakes were made.

Here are some questions.... and I would love some links or references to resources

Will our family still be together if my mom is no longer and active and devout member? If all my sunday school and seminary is coming back right, then (and I hate saying it like this but hypethetically) if the rest of my family is *righteous* and makes it to the highest kingdom, we can vist my mother in the lower kingdoms correct? I just don't like the idea of never seeing my mother again. She isn't a bad person, she believes in Christ, etc. she just isn't a mormon any longer.

Will it still be my biological mother and father that are my parents in the next life or if my father remarries will it be another? I know a women can only be sealed to one man correct? How does all this work....

Anyways, I would really appreciate some help here....

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I have been searching for some answers to some situations I have. I have yet to find those answers. I find all the information I need on what to do to keep your families together forever.... however.... there are more than one person in a family and it takes effort on all parts to be righteous and worthy.

Here is the situation... I'm 18 and about four years ago my parents got divorced for a couple of reasons. My dad is still active in the church and attending. However my mother is taking steps in becoming a cathloic. She says its what she needs now, its simpler and she can focus on Christ. She often makes comments that her parents (my grandparents who are both active members) tell her she won't have her kids again in post mortal existance.... That fear is what kept her pressing on in a failing marrige till finally it just wouldn't work any longer and mistakes were made.

Here are some questions.... and I would love some links or references to resources

Will our family still be together if my mom is no longer and active and devout member? If all my sunday school and seminary is coming back right, then (and I hate saying it like this but hypethetically) if the rest of my family is *righteous* and makes it to the highest kingdom, we can vist my mother in the lower kingdoms correct? I just don't like the idea of never seeing my mother again. She isn't a bad person, she believes in Christ, etc. she just isn't a mormon any longer.

Will it still be my biological mother and father that are my parents in the next life or if my father remarries will it be another? I know a women can only be sealed to one man correct? How does all this work....

Anyways, I would really appreciate some help here....

I dont think anyone can give an excat 100 percent infallable answer to that scenario; although there are sevearl differant possibilities that do give us hope; I;E...... we wont remember people in this life that are not with us in the afterlife; Just as we do not remember the premortal life in this life;

Another popular scenario is one of that we just do not know for sure as how the family units will be gathered if one is worthy and desirus of anothers companionship in the post mortal and the other {your mom} is not completely worthy;

Another scenario is one of your mom will be given another opportunity to make things right {repentance} but it will be much harder than if she had done it in mortality.

Anyway; I think every family has this problem to deal with some form or another; my personal problem is three of my five children are not and probably will never become l.d.s. So i too must keep thinking the most positive and know that the lord will not cause us to be sorrowfull in the end; we "will" be happy.:)

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