Introducing Myself

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Hello. My name is Keith. I'm 38 and live in North Carolina. I just joined this forum so I thought I would introduce myself.

I was raised in a devout Christian family. We went to the local Free Will Baptist church. I always felt like something was missing though. I couldn't quite put my finger on it though. When I became an adult and could make up my mind about where I attended church, I started to look around. I visited a variety of Protestant denominations, as well as the Catholic Church. While the people might be friendly and I might get something out of the service, I still felt a longing. I wondered though if maybe there was any truth out there at all. I questioned whether I was trying to fill some other void in my life. Maybe I was trying to use religion as a crutch or something of that nature. I had my share of problems in my teen and young adults years. There were times that I started to even doubt the existence of God. I pretty much just gave up on church. Even if there was a special service, such as Christmas or Easter, at my family church then I might attend. That was generally it. I wasn't going anywhere on a regular basis anymore. I think I became pretty much an agnostic.

I didn't feel any better. Not having any sort of religion in my life didn't give me the answers I was seeking. I still felt just as miserable as I ever did. I sought out love, happiness, etc. in all the wrong places. I associated with people that I never should have. I did many things I was ashamed of doing. This last year and a half has been one of the most horrible period of times in my life. I've never been thin, but I continued to pack on weight. I eat when I'm stressed out. I've been really stressed out this past year. I'm short. I'm only 5'4'' so weighing around 190 lbs shows up. While I'm so thankful to have a job in this economic crisis, I hate where I work. I don't have enough hours and the pay is low. It's hard to always make ends meet. I have responsibilities that I am trying to take care of. I want to do more with my life. I feel so hopeless. I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life. I want to change. I want my life to get better. I would love to one day have a better job. I want like to do something that I could make a good living and that I'm passionate about what I'm doing. It's not that I want to make a lot of money, necessarily for myself, but to take care of my loved ones. It would be nice though to have a car to drive that I didn't always have to worry about it breaking down. I do want to get a new pair of glasses since mine are old and scratched up. It's not that I care to live a life like Donald Trump or anything. I would also like to lose some weight and get healthy. I'd love to have a group of friends that don't get me into trouble. If there is someone out there for me, I'd love to get married and have a family. There's so much more I want out of life. Maybe this is too much to hope for, but that's what is on my mind.

I had never looked into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I grew up in a denomination that taught that Mormons were a cult. We heard all sorts of nasty things about what Mormons did and believed. It would never have even crossed my mind to check out the LDS Church since I was taught it was a false religion of the devil. I've never really known any Mormons personally. I've always heard good things about Mormons though. It was actually two famous people that got me interested in Mormonism. That was Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck. Hearing their stories made me wonder about Mormonism. I didn't really pursue that at all at the same though. A few months ago our local library had their annual book sale. There was a copy of the Book of Mormon up there for sale. I bought it. I didn't start reading it then though. As my life has continued to spin out of control, I prayed to God for help. I've been praying for a long time, but it doesn't seem like I've got any sort of answer at all. It's felt like I'm all alone. I did decide to get out that copy of the Book of Mormon and start reading it. I'm in the middle of 2 Nephi right now. I also bought Mormonism for Dummies. I thought it might give me a good overview of the faith. That's where I'm at now.

I'm not saying that I want to become a Mormon. I haven't gotten up the courage to attend the local ward or talk with any missionaries yet. I'm not at the point of being ready for either of those. I hope everybody understands and doesn't think that sounds stupid. I did want to join this group and talk with others. I also thought maybe I could learn more here before I decided whether or not to take the next step. I had planned on asking some questions in this introduction, but I've already written so much. I really apologize for that. I hadn't meant to write so much. I'm sorry about it. Take care. I look forward to talking with you guys. Have a great weekend. God bless you and yours.

Sincerely, Keith

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Welcome, Keith.

Like you, I spent a lot of years feeling like something was missing in my life. I felt like there was a big hole in my chest that needed filling, but no religion nor philosophy I came across fit the bill. None, that is, until a friend introduced me to the LDS Church. The concept of living prophets and apostles immediately sounded right. Concepts such as eternal marriage, personal revelation, priesthood power, and many other points just fell into place, as the Holy Ghost expressed to me that these things were (and are) true.

33 years later, I'm still excited and in awe of this wonderful religion. Jesus Christ truly heads it up and guides us through prophets and apostles today.

Please take the time to talk with the missionaries. Allow yourself the opportunity to feel the Spirit they will bring to you. Then compare that feeling of peace and joy with the emptiness you've felt. I am positive that you will find that it is exactly what you've been looking for, as it was for me.

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Hi Investigator!! Welcome to LDS net. I came here myself as an investigator a year ago and now as of a few weeks ago I am a member of the Church! I identify with so much of what you said, I too was looking for that missing piece of the puzzle. And, I too looked for it in all the wrong places with all the wrong peoples... So you are not alone. I can testify to you that the Book of Mormon is the truth and I am sure you are already sensng that as you read. This Church is amazing , so much of what the world fears about it is crazy. It is not a cult it is Christian in the truest sense of the word.

Take your time and ask all the questions you want. There are so many wonderful knowledgeable people here who's only desire is to help. Bless you brother as you take this journey to find the missing pieces.:):):)

Edited by spiritseeker
can't spell!!
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. . . I'm not saying that I want to become a Mormon. I haven't gotten up the courage to attend the local ward or talk with any missionaries yet. I'm not at the point of being ready for either of those. I hope everybody understands and doesn't think that sounds stupid. I did want to join this group and talk with others. I also thought maybe I could learn more here before I decided whether or not to take the next step. I had planned on asking some questions in this introduction, but I've already written so much. I really apologize for that. I hadn't meant to write so much. I'm sorry about it. Take care. I look forward to talking with you guys. Have a great weekend. God bless you and yours . . .

. . . Thanks so much for the warm welcomes. I appreciate them so much. It is great to be here. I did have some questions I wanted to ask. I wasn't sure where the best place to post them was. Should I post them in this thread or somewhere else on the forum? Thanks. Take care. Enjoy your weekend.

[sincerely, Keith]


Personally, I would post them in new threads. Ignore the attack-dogs on this site (most likely me) and read those who post sincere thoughtful responses.

Anyway, welcome to I'm glad you are here. It takes courage to start threads, but do anyway (I've only started three or four -- I'm the peanut gallery).

Aaron the Ogre

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Welcome Keith. Your beginning was a lot like mine... I was born a lutheran in a very religious family, later I started to searcha s I too felt somethign missing... did not find anythig gave up untill one day missionaries knocked on my door. And told me there is more to life after all! :)

I hope you will find the answers... and Org is ok, you just need to slap him sometimes. :P

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Guest dzd-n-cnfused

welcome keith. you are on a road that so many of us have travelled..the confusion and sense of hopelessness. i was also disallusioned with the christian churches i investigated.....and wound up studying an eastern religion, which actually strengthened my christian beliefs......but that was my path to here, and yours is, well, your own path. it can be scarey and painful. in those experiences, we are brothers, and i know thyere are more bros and sisters here for you to meet. you will hopefully get some answers soon, and you dont have to be a mormon to be a member here. i heard something on tv a few months back that has stuck with me ever since. GOD may not always come when you call HIM, but HE'S always right on time.

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Guest missingsomething

Can I just say ... you are awesome! I lived in NC for quite some time and it is where my heart remains. I know that NC is full of wonderful people.... and now... we are blessed to have one on here.

If I may, I can tell you that being a member of the church does not keep you from harm, troubles, or even insecurities - but I will promise you, that if you remain faithful - there is a happiness that fills all the voids that can not be filled any other way. I have found courage when I thought I had none, I have had hope when all others despired, and I have continued this journey through all sorts of trials.

You are so welcome here and I would love to get to know you and be happy to help if I can. Enjoy the site - its full of really great people. Many of them have already posted to this!

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Welcome Keith! My conversion story is somewhat similar to yours. Have you visited the church's websites? There are two you should definitely check out: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the official church website. - Home is geared more towards investigators like yourself, and offers a lot of basic information.

Good luck in your search!

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Welcome Keith! My conversion story is somewhat similar to yours. Have you visited the church's websites? There are two you should definitely check out: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the official church website. - Home is geared more towards investigators like yourself, and offers a lot of basic information.

Good luck in your search!

I have been visiting the church's websites. I've been reading the material there as well as watching all the videos. It's been a big blessing in my journey.

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