Supper Grandpa!

Winnie G

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I have a grandfather gone wild in my back yard. :rolleyes:

The house our daughter lived in is own by a slumlord they lost half its power this past week. Thats after haveing cold water for three weeks before he got off his hinny to replace the hot water tank.

When my son in-law came home from work he popped a gasket and said "Thats it call your mom and dad and see if you can stay with them" Ill pack up the house and stay with your brother" till I find a new place.

So we took the two and an half hour trip to pack up our excepting daughter along with our granddaughter who's two and brought her home for a few weeks......maybe longer

The baby due the end of June, so finding a new place plus packing up the house putting it in storage working full time will take allot of our dear son-in-laws time. :blink:

Any ways Grandpa has gone nutty, went to town last night bought a swing set and sandbox and has filled all the uneven ground in the yard that she might step in. While he dose that his brakes consists of using that vinyl striping you we've in and out of chain link fence to turn it in to a privacy fence.

From the moment we here her feet hit the floor till she is tucked in to bed he is Supper Grandpa!

Have any of you seen this before? :rolleyes:

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My father seems to have gone crazy over my son as well. He was never like this with me growing up, although I know he loves me. He spoiles his Grandkids rotten. He is a bear of a man 6 feet something well over 200 pounds and a full beard to boot. you would never belive the way he plays with his grandkids if you saw him on the street!

I guess we are just lucky!

Do you notice how much deeper you feal about your husband, or dad when you see how good they are with your kids? or is it just me?

I tell my husband all the time if you want me happy just be nice to our kids.

(not that he is mean or anything)

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My poor sweat hart is so sun burned working out in the back yard. the tops of his hands are RED!

he said when he put Kayla in the swing and pushed her for the first time he said the smile on her face was worth it all.

I think the difference between parenthood and being a grandpa is the every day worry about money and did you raised your kids right? Being a tuff dad is par for the course. Once your children are out from under your roof and have families of there own, you in turn have the freedom to turn in to Supper Grandpa! :D

I am surprised how many funny songs and games I remember to play with my granddaughter.

"Like Round and round the garden goes the Teddy Bear (on the palm of her hand) ,one step ( up the arm) two steps tickle under there!" (under arm) :lol::lol:

This little piggy and so on.

I found my husband watching me once and when I looked up he said "Our children were lucky to have you as their Mommy".

We have no physical children of our own, But you'd never know it.

People say to me when they see our family together.

"Ed was your milk man right"? <_<

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LOL know I love those little songs/rhymes for fact I love all things to do with kids...their movies and games etc. I agree with you though, it really is difficult trying to be the 'perfect parent' and must be fantastic when you're able to take a back seat with your own kids' kids, and just appreciate them and enjoy the time you spend together for it's own sake...

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