Love or lust, Obama and the fawning press need to get a room


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And according to a new Pew Research Center poll, we are fans. On domestic press, it showed that "President Barack Obama has enjoyed substantially more positive media coverage than either Bill Clinton or George W. Bush during their first months in the White House" with "roughly twice as much" Obama coverage about his "personal or leadership qualities" than was the case for either previous president.

Media bias.....yep. more here

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Yes, some of the media have a pro-Obama bias and some of the media have an anti-Obama bias, like for instance the sources you link to :)

It's hardly news that news sources are biased because they are businesses trying to get more viewers by catering to a particular audience.

Really? The San Francisco Chronicle endorsed Obama for President. I don't think they are a conservative news organization.....which is where this story is from.

Edited by bytor2112
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Really? The San Francisco Chronicle endorsed Obama for President. I don't think they are a conservative news organization.....which is where this story is from.

I was more referring to places like newsmax that make up a significant portion of the things you post. If there were truly such a universal media bias toward Obama, I find it hard to believe you would be able to maintain your multiple anti-Obama links per day that we were discussing earlier :)

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I was more referring to places like newsmax that make up a significant portion of the things you post. If there were truly such a universal media bias toward Obama, I find it hard to believe you would be able to maintain your multiple anti-Obama links per day that we were discussing earlier :)

we all have there a source that says Newsmax made that up other than someone reading it and not believing it......when the Republicans are in office you have the 24hr CNN (Clinton News Network) slamming the President from the Republican party non stop.... Edited by Palerider
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I was more referring to places like newsmax that make up a significant portion of the things you post. If there were truly such a universal media bias toward Obama, I find it hard to believe you would be able to maintain your multiple anti-Obama links per day that we were discussing earlier :)

Actually, I probably link more to the Wall Street Journal than anywhere else. Some of the links to Newsmax or Drudge are actually stories from the AP and other sources...but that is to be no more....R.I.P. 06/09/2009. I probably spend more time at CATO than anywhere else......I am really libertarian in my political views.

I will post this at another thread as well. Much has been said regarding Bytor's threads....some of it not very kind. Such is life.

Since May 6th 2009, I have started 53 threads. ( based on a quick count) 49 of these threads included links to news stories. Of the 49 links, 13 mentioned Obama in the title and not all of the titles were negative. I posted links from the following news sources:

Wall Street Journal: 13 times

News Max: 9 times

Associated Press: 5 times

New York Times: 2 times

Los Angelos Times: 2 times 2 times

USA Today 1 time

Washington Times 1 time

Mormon Zone 1 time

Bloomberg 1 time

San Francisco Chronicle 1 time

LDS Curch News 1 time

Jerusalem Post 1 time

Life Magazine 1 time

Pravda 1 time

Washington Post 1 time

Reuters 1 time

CBS news 1 time

New York Post 1 time

Breitbart 1 time

Economist 1 time

I have highlighted the links that are widely considered to be liberal or definitely not conservative. Nearly half the links, (9). Threads with Obama's name in the title must stick out more than the others.


Edited by bytor2112
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