What's In A Name?

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This is all so interesting to me to learn of these things about all of you. We still have not heard from some of our members. Is it cold in here and have the ducks begun to fly South? ;) I am sure there are others who we can smoke out or who have to said anything yet.

Thanks to all who have, this has been rewarding to me. :)

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by begood2@May 13 2005, 08:52 PM


It was interesting reading about your avatar/alter ego Hunter S. Thompson.

I read the link that you provided. I know that it said that he killed himself while his son and family were visting. The family thought that he had been planning it for sometime.

The question I have is: Did they find a note to that effect? Could he have been just absentmindedly handling one of his many guns when it discharged, killing him? :(

I don't think they ever found a suicide note. I suppose its possible it was accidental, though I imagine forensics could tell the difference?

I read one conspiracy theory that he was assassinated, because he wrote very exaggerated criticisms of the Bush Administration, typical of his writing style. He did the same thing to Nixon in the 70's. But I certainly don't believe the government assassinated him. They would have gone after Michael Moore first, if anyone!

I think Hunter had said some things that implied he would rather die than to grow old in pain. His son said he was not surprised by the suicide, but rather he was surprised by the timing of it.

I was not totally surprised either, given his affection for guns...though I was shocked when it happened, seemingly out of nowhere.

I've read a biography of him, and alot of his own writings, and he was a crazy guy. If he really did as many drugs as he claimed, he certainly didn't fear death, and didn't mind risking death to have a good time. I'm almost surprised he lived past the 1970's.

Also, because of his free spirited life, and his always wanting to have fun, some have said that when life stopped being fun, he wanted to end it on his own terms.

Seems to make sense, though I no NOT agree it was the right decision. I hoped he would live to an old age...he sure made life interesting.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by begood2@May 17 2005, 07:45 AM


The timing of his death ... when his son and family are visiting is my main reason for questioning the suicide vs. accident theory.

I thought that was strange timing too. Maybe he wanted his son to be the one to find him?
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