Just Another Question...

Guest Taoist_Saint

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Guest Taoist_Saint

USN said...

Isnt it obvious to you dorks yet that im just being a ######? I probably havent even ment most of what i have said. This thread was started in the attempt to ensuate that you should hang yourselves.

I assume you mean "insinuate".

Funny...when I read the first post in your other thread that is how I understood it...like you wanted us to "hang ourselves".

So...not that it bothers me much...but I am just curious. Why do you hate us?

Did we all offend you in some way? Or are you just sick of all the debates? Or what?

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Thank you for the compliment.

I think that as a christian/human being it is inportant to try and help each other out.

Extending a helping hand to others in need ~ doesn't have to take a great effort but it may be just the right intervention a person in a state of depression needs to help them get on with their life. :D

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Well then Tao- i now think higher of you then i did before seeing as how you got the original intent. Although that bit about my spelling set you back a notch. Ive been on this LDS board (here and there- taking prolong occasional brakes) for probably 4 or more years and have been given crap for spelling since then. I obviously dont care enough to do something about it.

To be perfectly honest as to "why i hate you all"- i dont. At least not much, haha. When i made that post i was unhappy at the moment- plus very very very tired. So i took it upon myself to be a ######.

As to my resentment and seldom presence on this board... quite frankly this board stinks now. It used to be cool when i first came to it (back when Ed was the moderator). But now all these people i dont know are "regulars", and the moderators have made the board retardedly boaring with all their homosexual rules (likes the ones that will probably get this post deleted or edited).

The limited "debates" i have had with many of the current members of this board have left me frustrated do to the lack of cognitive thought and reasoning ability possesed by many of the posters.

And probably most of all- you guys are jerks. Always with an elitest attitude that strikes at my age and lack of spelling ability instead of trying to get their head around what i was actualy saying. I mean, when im a ###### im just doing it to humor myself, to goof around or let off some steam at your expence- but you guys are seriously jerks 24/7- its who you are. Guess i just didnt take kindly to it.

Then there is the fact that 90% of you are retarded bleeding heart hippys and those that arent not make the longest most boaring posts in the world, and i simply dont care that they think along the same lines that I do because reading their 10 page responces that could have been sumed up nicely in a paragraph makes me think they stink worse then the hippies.

-Disclaimer: Lindy Rocks. None of the bad stuff i said about you losers applies to her.

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Hey, USN, I couldn't really care less if you hate me or not, but I do object to your use of foul language here. Do you not have the ability to communicate without being foul at the same time?

One other thing, perhaps your frustration with what happens here is partly due to your posting style. Maybe you would get a more positive response if your weren't so grating in your choices of words. Try communicating like an adult and I'll bet more people here will start treating you like one and take you a little more seriously. Just a thought.

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<<Do you not have the ability to communicate without being foul at the same time?>>

-What a stupid question. Of course i have the ability to do so. But aparently the concept of free will is beyond you. I chose to be foul- you prude. And you choose to be prissy and uptight, i guess our personalities just differ.

<<One other thing, perhaps your frustration with what happens here is partly due to your posting style.>>

-Your not going to get your horse to pull the cart if you keep trying to put the cart before the horse. I see logical thought is something else thats a bit over your head. So hear is a brain teaser for you... maybe my posting style is a result of my frustration? WOAH!! mind blowing isnt it?

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Originally posted by USNationalist@May 15 2005, 11:40 AM

Well then Tao- i now think higher of you then i did before seeing as how you got the original intent. Although that bit about my spelling set you back a notch. Ive been on this LDS board (here and there- taking prolong occasional brakes) for probably 4 or more years and have been given crap for spelling since then. I obviously dont care enough to do something about it.

To be perfectly honest as to "why i hate you all"- i dont. At least not much, haha. When i made that post i was unhappy at the moment- plus very very very tired. So i took it upon myself to be a ######.

As to my resentment and seldom presence on this board... quite frankly this board stinks now. It used to be cool when i first came to it (back when Ed was the moderator). But now all these people i dont know are "regulars", and the moderators have made the board retardedly boaring with all their homosexual rules (likes the ones that will probably get this post deleted or edited).

The limited "debates" i have had with many of the current members of this board have left me frustrated do to the lack of cognitive thought and reasoning ability possesed by many of the posters.

And probably most of all- you guys are jerks. Always with an elitest attitude that strikes at my age and lack of spelling ability instead of trying to get their head around what i was actualy saying. I mean, when im a ###### im just doing it to humor myself, to goof around or let off some steam at your expence- but you guys are seriously jerks 24/7- its who you are. Guess i just didnt take kindly to it.

Then there is the fact that 90% of you are retarded bleeding heart hippys and those that arent not make the longest most boaring posts in the world, and i simply dont care that they think along the same lines that I do because reading their 10 page responces that could have been sumed up nicely in a paragraph makes me think they stink worse then the hippies.

-Disclaimer: Lindy Rocks. None of the bad stuff i said about you losers applies to her.

Dude, you crack me up.

Best post of the day! Err.....ever, really.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Jenifer@May 16 2005, 06:04 PM

Where is the "edit" button?

The entire class is being punished for my behavior again.
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Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@May 17 2005, 11:26 AM

As to my resentment and seldom presence on this board... quite frankly this board stinks now. It used to be cool when i first came to it (back when Ed was the moderator).

What ever happened to "Ed"? <_<

Did you like Ed? Man, toward the end, I couldn't stand Ed. I took a sabbatical for about 6-8 months, till he was gone.
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Did you like Ed? Man, toward the end, I couldn't stand Ed. I took a sabbatical for about 6-8 months, till he was gone.

We sort of agreed to disagree as I remember. That was back in my Mormon Fundamentalist days, and he didn't appreciate my discussions on Adam-god, Polygamy, etc.

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I see logical thought is something else thats a bit over your head. So hear is a brain teaser for you... maybe my posting style is a result of my frustration? WOAH!! mind blowing isnt it?

Mind blowing? No, just another attempt to get attention by acting like a 13 year-old. Just like the rest of your posts. Nothing new here other than a foul-mouthed punk who can't communicate like an adult yet.

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Ladies and gentlemen i present to you- "john doe". The epitome of what i am talking on this board.

Once again the point i made was completly over his head. And as you can see instead of trying to adress the point i made, that my "rude" demenor is a result of something (not the cause), he instead accused me of being immature. So to any who doubted me at first- let that doubt be gone.

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Ladies and gentlemen i present to you- "john doe". The epitome of what i am talking on this board.

Thank you for pointing out that I'm not as childish in my posting as you.

Once again the point i made was completly over his head.

Actually, is was too low to be over anyone's head, let alone mine.

And as you can see instead of trying to adress the point i made, that my "rude" demenor is a result of something (not the cause),

Okay, I'll admit that your childish and petty posting style may be the result of something, like poor upbringing by your parents. You really should try to act more like an adult.

he instead accused me of being immature.

You should learn to read with a better comprehension level. I accused you of acting like a 13 year-old, not of being immature. See, I actually have hope that you can act like the grown-up that you probably are, and abandon your immature behavior.

So to any who doubted me at first- let that doubt be gone.

Oh, I don't think anyone here doubts you are acting like a child, just ask the board in the form of a poll if you don't think so.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see your post before Jenda edited it, but I assume that it just contained more childish rants or foul language.

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Originally posted by john doe@May 15 2005, 11:28 AM

Hey, USN, I couldn't really care less if you hate me or not, but I do object to your use of foul language here. Do you not have the ability to communicate without being foul at the same time?

One other thing, perhaps your frustration with what happens here is partly due to your posting style. Maybe you would get a more positive response if your weren't so grating in your choices of words. Try communicating like an adult and I'll bet more people here will start treating you like one and take you a little more seriously. Just a thought.

John Doe,

In the years I have known USN...I can honestly say that he communicates with language you may not like, but he has a brilliant mind and I learned to take him as is and not try to change who he is. (well, not much anyway) ;)

I'm sure that many of us have or had children who habitually used four letter words to describe their feelings, I still love my son, he hasn't grown out of it yet, and neither has USN.... I've learned to deal with others...it really isn't that hard to overlook some bad when the good is staring you in the face.

-Disclaimer: Lindy Rocks. None of the bad stuff i said about you losers applies to her.


And thank you Jenifer! Glad to see again :) Say hi to Bat for me!

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Originally posted by lindy9556+May 18 2005, 06:05 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (lindy9556 @ May 18 2005, 06:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--john doe@May 15 2005, 11:28 AM

Hey, USN, I couldn't really care less if you hate me or not, but I do object to your use of foul language here. Do you not have the ability to communicate without being foul at the same time?

One other thing, perhaps your frustration with what happens here is partly due to your posting style. Maybe you would get a more positive response if your weren't so grating in your choices of words. Try communicating like an adult and I'll bet more people here will start treating you like one and take you a little more seriously. Just a thought.

John Doe,

In the years I have known USN...I can honestly say that he communicates with language you may not like, but he has a brilliant mind and I learned to take him as is and not try to change who he is. (well, not much anyway) ;)

I'm sure that many of us have or had children who habitually used four letter words to describe their feelings, I still love my son, he hasn't grown out of it yet, and neither has USN.... I've learned to deal with others...it really isn't that hard to overlook some bad when the good is staring you in the face.

-Disclaimer: Lindy Rocks. None of the bad stuff i said about you losers applies to her.

And thank you Jenifer! Glad to see again :) Say hi to Bat for me!

Ok, so you're saying the board should allow people to post any foul language or demean others here just because they also may happen to think once in a while? Do you think this board should have any standards at all as to what should be allowed to be posted?

Do you think it is perfectly acceptable for your son to go to church and use those four-letter words he is so fond of, or do you encourage him to train himself to exercise a little self-control?

I honestly don't care what USN thinks since he obviously doesn't have the ability to communicate without resorting to degrading language or insults. All I am saying is that that inability may have something to do with the way he interacts with others here. All this talk of "you guys should think about killing yourselves just because I don't know how to act like a grownup around you" garbage might have something to do with the way others see him.

USN, the floor is yours to flame and degrade me as you see fit. I won't be responding to this thread again, so you can have the last here.

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Originally posted by john doe@May 18 2005, 07:55 PM

Ok, so you're saying the board should allow people to post any foul language or demean others here just because they also may happen to think once in a while? Do you think this board should have any standards at all as to what should be allowed to be posted?

Do you think it is perfectly acceptable for your son to go to church and use those four-letter words he is so fond of, or do you encourage him to train himself to exercise a little self-control?

I honestly don't care what USN thinks since he obviously doesn't have the ability to communicate without resorting to degrading language or insults. All I am saying is that that inability may have something to do with the way he interacts with others here. All this talk of "you guys should think about killing yourselves just because I don't know how to act like a grownup around you" garbage might have something to do with the way others see him.

USN, the floor is yours to flame and degrade me as you see fit. I won't be responding to this thread again, so you can have the last here.

Dear Mr. Doe,

Respond or not, I know you will still read this post.

I love my now agnostic son, and did not force him to go to church, he however, did enjoy having the missionaries come around to debate with. And my personal life raising my children is really my concern now isn't it? ;)

All I am saying is that sometimes we need to try, to understand some situations or circumstances. We can't all be perfect Peter Priesthood holders, or Molly Mormons. IMHO only

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<<USN, the floor is yours to flame and degrade me as you see fit. I won't be responding to this thread again, so you can have the last here.>>

-YAY!!! I especialy like how after making a pitiful attempt to "degrade" me, and after talking trash to my mormon mother (which you should should be shot for) you then go on to try and get all holier then thou by with your "floor is yours to fame and degrade me as you see fit" bit. hahaha. You just tried to do it to me, and now your talking down to me because thats what you think im going to do. haha. Good times. And you have got such a bad attitude to... i wonder what you suffer from the most? Retardedness or Hipocracy?

It really is great that you would come down to my level to tell me what a loser i am for being beneath you. haha

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