Resigned honorably incessant nieghbor in Denial.


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I'm sure the bishop meant that they don't want people to remain in the church just because they want their tithing money. When someone leaves the church, we're not thinking, "Oh noooooo ..... There goes $7000 a year!" Also, somewhere there is a person who left the church just like you, only they are complaining about the uncharitable Mormons not checking on them. I've seen that complaint too. We're danged if we do, danged if we don't. What does your neighbor want from you anyway? Besides having an opinion that you're still Mormon, what's so bothersome about them?

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I would think that if the spouse is an active member she wasn’t happy to hear her celestial marriage was over with. ( she has cancer too!)IMOP, even if she did say she was okay with the temple marriage being over with, the sisters she talks with got a totally different story. She talks to no one they gossip about things that is for sure

It would seem there are a lot of unresolved issues here, but I have to wonder what intent or goal could be achieved by posting musings of active LDS member on an LDS forum? I’m certain the neighbor is only trying his best.If you insist I think he is just a nosey person If I don’t want to talk to my neighbors (and often times I really don’t) then I will simply give a polite hello as I’m walking to my car..Tried this on this conversation and he kept tring to engage in the conversation and ask about my not coming to church and why not and I explained I was no longer a member of LDS faith. I find the best solution to not talking to my neighbor is – not talking to my neighbor.I will not respond in anyway at all now though that isnt really civil behavior to me.

I don’t see how anyone is trying to change facts; however, this is a mostly religious forum with wide user and culture base. I know that when I make a post here I can expect someone to agree and disagree with me. As do I but I really wanted answers to deal with this guy and the best place is to ask mormons to do this right and not cause a big to do in my nieghborhood as those here have not repected my change of belief very well I was reaching outside this tight group to another to see if they were even more enlightened

Without having been in the same room as you and your bishop it’s hard to make a judgment on what he said in regards to the tithing.True but I am stating what happened. Nevertheless, having talked to several church leaders I doubt he worded it as, “it means nothing to me.” I believe the bishop was right in his assertion that the church will move forward. I have to agree with others that the service will be missed the most.

With an end note (and much like your neighbor to your dismay) I would have to say I hope you change your mind. I also acknowledge and respect free agency. Perhaps the best course of action is to tell your neighbor how you really feel and leave it at that.

I was told to take these kind of issues to the bishop by the bishop which I have done
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I'm sure the bishop meant that they don't want people to remain in the church just because they want their tithing money. When someone leaves the church, we're not thinking, "Oh noooooo ..... There goes $7000 a year!"That was the response from members and bishop and the reality is the money has been replaced by new baptised tithe paying members by now as I have stated previously. I have let this go totally Also, somewhere there is a person who left the church just like you, only they are complaining about the uncharitable Mormons not checking on them. I've seen that complaint too. This is not my issue obviously I like mormons most generally and there are just a few annoying ones as stated previously my problems with LDS are doctrinal and have been emailed to HQ in SLC with no response so I left it at that( if you are curious its in my personal beliefs in profile you can check that as stated previously but I will only comment via email on them not in postings) We're danged if we do, danged if we don't. Actually I will restate I like mormons and have many friends of this faith and we get along famously lots of laughs and good times. What does your neighbor want from you anyway?Mostly personal info like finances as I have managed very well as he asks about this ever time we meet on the street and I will not give that out. Besides having an opinion that you're still Mormon, what's so bothersome about them?

Because my beliefs are not mormon and I do not want that confused by this man to assume that they are as it will create more confusion by others as he is a stake high councilman and has influence over many.
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I would guess that part of the reason you are still being contacted is the fact that you still send your son to scouts. They see this as a signal that you at least want to maintain some relationship with the church. Some who don't know the whole story may see this as their invitiation to treat you as they would any other person who goes inactive but still allows their children to come for activities. They think they are friendshipping you. And unless you tell each individual person explicitly to stay away, I would guess some will still try to be your friend.

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I think John Doe has said it very well.

Also, it may appear as though you are giving mixed signals by retaining your church membership (even though it is a technicality).

Beefche - I did not have my name removed out of respect for my husband's wishes. He respected my beliefs enough to allow me the freedom to be baptized into the LDS church, and he later joined me there. Likewise, he respected the reason I chose to leave. I respected his beliefs and left my name on the rolls. Only after finding the lack of respect in the continued efforts of the ward to fellowship me (even with my husband begging the bishop and missionaries to stop -- this at a time when the missionary effort was directed at inactive spouses), and having the stake-fellow in charge of my calling treat me in the same manner as soulman's neighbor, did I have my name removed. Then the missionary effort was changed to non-member spouses. Eventually my husband also had his name removed, which is what it took to have our wishes respected.

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