Harry Potter And The Pope

Winnie G

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Yesterday I was watching head line news they were covering the Harry Potter book story.

Now some of you know how I said I was not happy with the new Pope when he has proven himself to be so out of it I cant see how anyone could see him as the voice of God.

He was quoted as saying the Harry Potter books damage young Christian soles before it has a chance to grow.

How out of it is that,? like telling young people that praying to countless saints and statues for help will reach God.

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Now some of you know how I said I was not happy with the new Pope when he has proven himself to be so out of it I cant see how anyone could see him as the voice of God.

Are you referring to his days as a Hitler Youth? You do realize that there were quite a few Mormons in the Nazi Armies, right?

He was quoted as saying the Harry Potter books damage young Christian soles before it has a chance to grow. 

While you may believe that the wizardry of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc are all simply "innocent", there are those of us who wouldn't dream of allowing our children to view and become fascinated with such things.

How out of it is that,?

I would argue that you're so out of touch with God, that you can't tell the difference between right and wrong anymore. :(

...like telling young people that praying to countless saints and statues for help will reach God.

Or like singing praises to a man who communed with God, instead of God himself... :(

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Jason....you know you are right!

Are you referring to his days as a Hitler Youth? You do realize that there were quite a few Mormons in the Nazi Armies, right?

I remembered a show I watched on BYU tv awhile back....with interviews of World War Vets.....

They had Germans on there along with the Americans.... both sides fighting against each other....and to hear the stories of LDS brother vs LDS brother..... I watched and listened in stone cold silence. The stories they told made you cry....(well they made ME cry)

edited with: Sometimes it's hard to understand anothers view point when it comes to religion....and love of country. For those dedicated to country....it's a no brainer.... but what faith they believe in is part of who they are....and what they will stand for. God and Country...it's hard to explain I guess.

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Jason how am I not surprised that you would fine an amazing imagination some thing to fear.

The author of Harry Potter has artistry deep with in her writing.

The visualization swoops the reader in to a land of creative thought were young people use resourcefulness to solve and correct a mystery.

The first movie heaven for bid taught friendship and standing up for what is right. The 2nd built on that foundation.

As some of the members of the board know I grow up with a mother who researched every thing occult.

I can say with out a doubt there are no such things as wizard’s or brooms that fly and potions to heal rubber bones. None can travel in time or ride a horse with a head of a bird. Heaven forbid we crush creative thought before it has a chance to grow and develop.

Inventiveness is a danger to a Christian sole?

Most people I find threatened by magical writings are suffering from acute lack of creative thought them self’s.

Jason let me ask you did Mary Poppins frighten you as a child. :rolleyes: (she was Magical !)

And set you forth on a path to discourage anyone from reading or watching stories like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

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