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Hi I'm new here and Im really of no religion. I have a friend who has told me alot about the Lds faith and has me believing in God more then I ever have. I have a million questions and don't know where to begin. :unsure:

I come from a family who believes in God but we never talk about it or go to church. I want answers and want to believe in something more then what we have here. I"m just beginning the bible don't know much about it.

My biggest question is why does god give us children with disabilities? I have a very disabled son and I want to know is it a punishment from God? Did I do something to anger him? I kept being told by lds members he is a knight that fought in the war in heaven and that he is going to the celestial kingdom he is free from sin cause he can't be tempted. But where do they get this where do I find this in the bible or book of mormon?????? I want to believe but sometimes it is so hard when you feel you are a failure or that your being punished by god....any advice would be very appreciated.

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Welcome to the site.

I am sure that there are many people here that can help you with what you ae seeking. Be asured that you are only a failure when you quit trying to better yourself and those around you. Here you'll find friends, whether they are of the same religion as you or not, they are still your friends. I think that here you will find the support you are looking for.

Enjoy your time here and again welcome to the site... :)

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Guest missingsomething

I dont know about being a knight... there is, to my knowledge, no doctrine to support that.

But what I do know, is that when the resurrection...he will be made whole again both spiritually and his body... The bible talks of this in John and so does the book of Mormon (BOM). Infact many mormons like to quote... "not a hair on his head shall be lost..." from the scriptures.

I know for a fact it wasnt a punishment. You are strong enough to handle and love your child regardless of his disabilities. He needed a mother who could do that.... not all of us God trusts with such special sweet spirits. I would rather say you are blessed.

This life was meant as a time of learning. Learning to overcome, to trust and lean on our Heavenly father, and to grow our faith in the atonement of Christ and all that encompasses. You have more opportunities than some of us to do that.

Please go to the Gospel Discussion forum and look up where i posted about "A lesson in Adversity".

I believe you will find answers and peace to the questions in your heart because you are honestly seeking them out. I found peace in the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I hope you find them as well.

Welcome to this site. Its great to have you here. Take the good and leave the bad... and good luck on your journey.

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I hope I can help you with this. I know it is hard to understand why some people are born disabled, in very broken bodies. I have a nephew that is 24. He was sent home from the hospital this week. He was given hospice services starting the day of his discharge. He has a multitude of problem from severe Autism, to multiple seizures, the kinds and types of seizures that they remove half of your brain because the medication doesn't control the severity or the quanity of seizures, CP, arthritus, trouble asorbing nutrition, 6 foot something if he didn't have curvature of the spine, weighs a 120 pounds when he is fat, has a feeding tube and so many other physical problems, I can't list them all. My family treasures Kenny. In his short life, he has been a most amazing teacher of the gospel. He has turned my sister fram a very self centered, self absorbed woman to a person that I greatly respect and admire. She is a person of great service and compassion. I think she is so amazing and I just dearly love her. I do believe that in the Pre-existance, some of us were so valient against Satan, that in order to gain a body that Satan could not do everything, I mean everything to tempt and lead that person over to the other side, he placed that person in a damaged body so that person could have a chance to return back to Heavenly Father's presence. I know I am not explaining it well. If you want to talk, leave me a message with your email addy or phone number and I will try my best to explain what the gospel means to me as a mother of a child with Aspergers, ADD/ADH, as well as being Kenny's aunt and my other nephew Josh who's problems are different than Kenny's, but also very severe. My sister has 4 children, 2 boys, 2 girls, each with varying handicaps and other problems. I wish you well. FairChild

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Well welcome! I think there are many here that would be glad to weigh in on your questions...or at least direct you to where you might find answers. But I would suggest perhaps meeting with the missionaries in your area. They are free.... I am sure your friend could come along too. I think the lessons help introduce the LDS perspective in more understandable bite sized peices. It may show you where to start. :)

I don't know why God gives some disabilities. I think that everyone has a disability of some sort. :) But I can assure you that you didn't anger God and that this isn't a punishment to you or your son. In fact there is a passage of scripture in the New Testament that might help.

John 9: 1-3 "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?

Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."

I think these precious little people are given to us as gifts. Sometimes the gifts are hidden and we find them as we struggle. And I think it is those strugglings and the gems they produce in our character and capacities for love that is their life mission. Perhaps this is part of what it means to have "the works of God manifest in them".

But know also, that the physical circumstances of this life are temporary. Because of Jesus, your child will have a perfect body at the resurrection after this life is over. And you will too. All of us will. This is part of why they call the message of the gospel The Good News. :)

Welcome to the site. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

(PS. The story about your kid being a knight in heaven......let me tell you where that comes from. We as LDS people receive what's called a Patriarchal Blessing. It is a special blessing just for the individual and it helps them with their life. You can ask your friend more about them. Somewhere, sometime a story got circulated in the church about a handicapped kid that was told in his PB that he was a soldier in heaven that cast out Satan and that his disability rewarded and protected him. Now......maybe there is some kid out there and this was his promise. But the story got ciruclated and changed and became mormon folklore.... and I am afraid many people got hung up on it and believe that it applies to everyone who has a disability. It is faith promoting but not doctrine. I am not saying it's true or false. I see a scenerio where it might apply. BUT... I am just saying it might help to understand why people are saying this to comfort you. You won't find anything in the canon to support it.)

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Thank You all for your responses...I appreciate them. I have been trying to find hope and love in the gospel. I haven't always felt like my son was made this way to punish me or my husband. I just did in the beginning and it was hard to believe in god and have the faith you all have in the gospel. I was angry at god and I couldn't understand why he would do that to me and my family. I have come to find that I am blessed through my child and that he is a blessing he has taught me patience and so many other things and I have met so many caring and loving people because of him. I never did harmful things before my pregnancy or during so it angered me that people who do drugs and things were having healthy babies. Then I came to learn that they could never love and care for my son as I have. They wouldn't have what it takes to make his life better and get him the medical attention he needs. So I'm just looking for more faith and help finding those answers through the gospel. I do appreciate all your responses. I look forward to making lots of new friends here.

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Guest missingsomething

WOw unsure... you seem to be really doing the right things and on the right path. I got goose bumps reading your final reply.

And just so you know... I think its natural for most of us to at some point, get angry at God or to blame Him. You have realized this isnt the case and are now looking for the blessings. I have come to learn we find what we are looking for.

Also, during a recent general conf. - in the most simple of explanations, its a bi-annual broadcast that occurs over a weekend and is sent to all of the church members no matter where they live - but during the last one, a phrase was said during a talk and I have come to cherish it..... Come What May and BE HAPPY.

Good luck again and welcome! I cant wait to get to know you better.

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Hi Unsure... I have not read all teh answers you got... am in kind of a hurry... but one thing I feel I need to tell you is that God loves you and no... He dont give disabled children to anyone in order to punish this person. God loves ALL His children, especially the disabled ones! If person is so much disabled that he or she cant decide about good and bad... then they do not need a babtizement. Ofcourse to get a child like that is a heavy burden and often is a trial to the parent(s).

So good to hear that you are interested in LDS. I can recomend it to you, it will help you to understand better all whys in your life!

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