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1830 - Around this time, a Methodist minister living near Isacc Hale, Emma's father, where the Prophet Joseph and his wife were staying, learned that Mr. Hale had promised protection to them. The Methodist minister visited Joseph's father-in-law and told him falsehoods concerning Joseph which turned him against Joseph. He then rescinded his protection of Joseph and turned against him. This rift against his daughter's husband would continue the rest of his life.

1840 - The Prophet Joseph Smith first teaches the doctrine of baptism for the dead at the funeral sermon of Seymour Brunson.

1841 - The Prophet Joseph records, "My infant son, Don Carlos, died, aged 14 months, 2 days" (History of the Church, 4:402).

1842 - Word reached Nauvoo that a militia was on its way to Nauvoo to search the city for Joseph and arrest him. In the evening, Hyrum Smith and others went to where Joseph was hiding to inform him of the report. Joseph "advised them not to suffer themselves to be wrought upon by any report, but to maintain an even, undaunted mind." He calmed them down and, after some conversation, those visiting the Prophet returned to Nauvoo. (History of The Church, 5:98).

1844 - An Epistle of the Twelve to the Church was published in the Times and Seasons at Nauvoo. It stated that the keys were still on the earth with the Twelve and that they had every intention to continue Joseph's work of gathering the Saints to Nauvoo, building the Temple, and preaching the gospel.

1854 - The wall around Temple Square in Salt Lake City is completed.

1962 - The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings and Elder Richard L. Evans speaks at the Century 21 Exposition in Seattle, Washington.

1987 - The Church Genealogical Department is renamed the Family History Department.

1992 - President Gordon B. Hinckley of the First Presidency dedicates three monuments to the pioneers of the Willie and Martin handcart companies near South Pass, Wyoming.

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