Is this the Holy Spirit?


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I think this discussion fits in better here, though Im not sure.

Those of you who have been familiar with my posts, know that for the past ten years I've been searching my heart, searching the lord, trying to read the Bible, reading the Book of Mormon and wondering in what direction God wanted to take me.

The Mormon missionaries gave me the seed, the faith if you like, but there were always things about the religion that I was either perplexed about or didn't understand, and as much as I tried to understand it, I found I had another problem and so on.

This was made even more difficult when I didn't get, or at least I didn't hear, the answer to Moroni's promise.

Despite being drawn to the Mormon church, part of me was also being pushed away.

But I figured that there should at least be three types of churches to try, Church of England, Quaker and Mormon.

I threw caution to the wind and went to my local Church of England. People ask why I went there, and my answer, to find God, to take the next step, to make a commitment and show God Im here, hoping he'll tell me what to do next.

Well, the next thing I knew, for the next 60 hours, I have been filled with such an amazing spirit. I am full of joy and passion, life is wonderful. I feel at peace and happiness. It's more than I've ever experienced before. It's like Im just at that little bit tipsy stage after drinking two pints. Serenity, calm, peacefulness, joy, pleasure... Im always smiling now. I want to share the good news.

I don't know what that is.

I would like to say that that is the Holy Spirit telling me yes, Im on the right path, go for it, do this. Even if we say LDS is the only true faith, well, my local Church is true for me at my stage.

Im so incredibly tired, but I feel like Im on a high. There's no physical or emotive reason for this, it, just is.

Is this the Holy Spirit?



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I think this discussion fits in better here, though Im not sure.

Those of you who have been familiar with my posts, know that for the past ten years I've been searching my heart, searching the lord, trying to read the Bible, reading the Book of Mormon and wondering in what direction God wanted to take me.

The Mormon missionaries gave me the seed, the faith if you like, but there were always things about the religion that I was either perplexed about or didn't understand, and as much as I tried to understand it, I found I had another problem and so on.

This was made even more difficult when I didn't get, or at least I didn't hear, the answer to Moroni's promise.

Despite being drawn to the Mormon church, part of me was also being pushed away.

But I figured that there should at least be three types of churches to try, Church of England, Quaker and Mormon.

I threw caution to the wind and went to my local Church of England. People ask why I went there, and my answer, to find God, to take the next step, to make a commitment and show God Im here, hoping he'll tell me what to do next.

Well, the next thing I knew, for the next 60 hours, I have been filled with such an amazing spirit. I am full of joy and passion, life is wonderful. I feel at peace and happiness. It's more than I've ever experienced before. It's like Im just at that little bit tipsy stage after drinking two pints. Serenity, calm, peacefulness, joy, pleasure... Im always smiling now. I want to share the good news.

I don't know what that is.

I would like to say that that is the Holy Spirit telling me yes, Im on the right path, go for it, do this. Even if we say LDS is the only true faith, well, my local Church is true for me at my stage.

Im so incredibly tired, but I feel like Im on a high. There's no physical or emotive reason for this, it, just is.

Is this the Holy Spirit?



Study your Bible and ask God to help you understand where He wants you to go. If you asked Christ to be Lord of your life and forgive you all your transgressions and save you, then yes, there is a very strong possibility that this was indeed the Holy Spirit coming to indwell you. However, one is not saved by feelings otherwise on a bad day (like Job's) one might "feel" lost...

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I've accepted Christ a long time ago. I can't explain it, but I know Christ is real, God is real, and I am protected. I didn't go to Church just to join in a monotonous meeting and to play the part. I went because I want to be closer to God, I want to hear him, I want to worship him, I want to learn more about him and what he wants me to do.

But he hasn't expressly told me what he wants me to do. I think he wants me to learn that for myself, or at least make the first move.

I appreciate that feelings are not the be all and end all of religion, and I definitely know that I will have bad feelings. That doesn't mean God does not exist.

I just hope at least the feelings I had immediately after Church, is an indication that the path Im taking is right and that this is what God wants me to do.

I just don't know if Im reading too much into it, because I've never felt the Holy Spirit before, I don't know what it's like, but what I experienced is unlike anything I've ever felt before.

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I've accepted Christ a long time ago. I can't explain it, but I know Christ is real, God is real, and I am protected. I didn't go to Church just to join in a monotonous meeting and to play the part. I went because I want to be closer to God, I want to hear him, I want to worship him, I want to learn more about him and what he wants me to do.

But he hasn't expressly told me what he wants me to do. I think he wants me to learn that for myself, or at least make the first move.

I appreciate that feelings are not the be all and end all of religion, and I definitely know that I will have bad feelings. That doesn't mean God does not exist.

I just hope at least the feelings I had immediately after Church, is an indication that the path Im taking is right and that this is what God wants me to do.

I just don't know if Im reading too much into it, because I've never felt the Holy Spirit before, I don't know what it's like, but what I experienced is unlike anything I've ever felt before.

God has told us how we should live and He placed it in His Word (the Bible). There are plenty of illustrations of both good and bad behavior and the consequences. If you feel a leading to go into the ministry or missionary work, that is where you might pray for guidance. Of course we should be in prayer about everything. God enjoys a believer's company...:)

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Just tell me, the feelings I had, was that the Holy Spirit, or am I just manic depressive?

Hi Simon dude! how ya been?

Well, my experience with the spirit sometimes feels a lot like what you are describing. My first feeling would be to say yes, but really you are gonna have to decide that. It also might take a while for the Spirit to explain to you what you were feeling this time round.

I think you are right that we have to work things out and make choices before God confirms our path. So, my suggestion is to act on these feelings and see where it takes you. See if it produces the kind of truth/fruit you are looking for. I mean the whole point of Alma 32 was to get people to experiment upon the words of Christ. I would think that is a principle that applies to everything. Follow that path now with your feelings and see what happens. Getting to know the spirit and all the ways it communicates with us takes practice and lots of repetition.

Edited by Misshalfway
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I like the book of Mark from the New Testament when it starts talking about a seed in shallow soil, amongst thorns, on a path, and in good soil.

That hit me.

Gods not going to overwhelm anyone to begin with, he's going to give them a good solid base with which to proceed.



Keep Christ the center of your focus and the Bible the center of your study and you will be well within the will of GOD.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest mormonmusic

For me, if I've ever felt the Holy Ghost, I've never had any doubt that it was the Spirit. I've gotten up from my prayer, or passed through the experience with deep confidence that I've been spoken to, and that I'm on the right path if I follow the direction I've been given. The result was faith.

Naturally, I believe the confidence will come when you've found the complete truth. The fact that you're doubting what you're experiencing tells me your search isn't complete.

Edited by mormonmusic
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