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Everything posted by RiversideGuy

  1. True, but biblically when a prophet made a mistake of judgment (either not seeking God's input or adding to what God said to do) that prophet and those around him suffered to one degree or another. People don't get into spiritual trouble doing God's work, as long as they ask for God's direction and follow the directions provided. Today, we have biblical examples to study, examine and follow. We get into trouble when we ignore them and fail to follow good examples.
  2. But again, where miracles happened, God received all the glory and there was no question where the power originated. When Moses struck the rock, God was not happy and repercussions followed.
  3. The scripture is hinting to us that Jesus was both a man here on earth and Christ (God with us). That is why I accept the doctrine of the Trinity. Three persons ---- one God essence.
  4. Keep Christ the center of your focus and the Bible the center of your study and you will be well within the will of GOD.
  5. God has told us how we should live and He placed it in His Word (the Bible). There are plenty of illustrations of both good and bad behavior and the consequences. If you feel a leading to go into the ministry or missionary work, that is where you might pray for guidance. Of course we should be in prayer about everything. God enjoys a believer's company...:)
  6. Study your Bible and ask God to help you understand where He wants you to go. If you asked Christ to be Lord of your life and forgive you all your transgressions and save you, then yes, there is a very strong possibility that this was indeed the Holy Spirit coming to indwell you. However, one is not saved by feelings otherwise on a bad day (like Job's) one might "feel" lost...
  7. Thank you. I have now read this but I do see a problem with the terminology. The Bible needs to be understood with some careful consideration of who is being addressed. Clearly, when Christ Jesus was accused of driving out demons by Beelzebub (see Matthew 12:22-28), the Pharisees were accusing Jesus of occult activities. We can see Jesus' answer to that there. In the link provided, I can see where there might be some confusion, but let us reason together... In Genesis 44:5, Joseph was posing as an Egyptian. His brothers certainly had no idea of who they were dealing with. They likely saw him as some pagan. Also, while the stealing of a cup was bad, the idea that the cup was said to have special powers would provide Joseph with some rational reasoning for Joseph to become aware that the "cup" was even missing. There is no indication that Joseph practiced such magic... Now in Numbers 5:12-31 and 27:21 ---- The Lord has provided the means through which the priests were to find out guilt. Again, clearly, God is tells Moses the what and how such ritual is to be done. This was not for anyone, anywhere. There were specific people who could perform specific rituals. In II Kings 2:23-24 Elisha curses the boys in the name of the Lord. This may also have been a learning experience for Elisha to control his temper, and not call on the Lord abitrarily. Or it maybe that these were young men who were about no good. In either case, Elisha called out in the name of God. And God interacted. Casting lots is a way to beseech God to interact and make the selection. This is how men of God would understand such an act, and this is exactly what the disciples of Christ did to choose a disciple to replace Judas who killed himself. Daniel is an extreem case, but it must be understood that King Nebuchadnezzar appointed Daniel to the post. This was very likely done by Nebuchadnezzar as a means to both honor and protect Daniel, who was likely on a hit list among those in power. One attempt was already done to have Daniel thrown in a lion's den. The king loved Daniel and so it is likely this was a way to both keep him close and out of harms way. It also seems that Daniel never needed to use magic. He had dreams and saw visions induced by God. So just because Daniel was in the King's house, doesn't mean that he ate the King's food. In other words, Daniel was God's man and did not perform magic of any sort. Special rods, charms, and incantations would seem to be not of God, but places the "power" in the hand's of "important" men. God hates pride AND "magic" would seem to be about the abilities of human endeavor. But maybe we are simply missing what the other is trying to say...
  8. Please point one of these Biblical references out ----- where a man of GOD practiced "black-magic," and was not punished by God.
  9. But don't you feel that God had every intention of allowing Adam & Eve to learn things in His way and at His perfect timing. Satan lied and set up Adam, who actually blamed God for creating Eve. Satan wanted to become God, himself, and he beguiled Adam & Eve into believing God was holding out on them. The Bible says that the memory of bad things will be wiped away. Isn't it likely that God will simply bring the select group of saved individuals back to the Garden but without a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And then things will progress exactly as God originally intended.
  10. Practicing "folk-magic" is seen by Fundamentalist christians as being self-empowerment. To trust in "magic" takes the focus off of God and places it in the hands of the man who has "the power."
  11. It means that one has been saved by placing one's faith fully on the Lord Jesus Christ for one's eternal security. That the gift of Christ's full payment for one's sin has been accepted by the sinner who recognizes that only God can save. That individual is saved from an eternal separation from God, which is the wage expected for having sinned. Christ died in my place and rose from the dead. If I accept that payment I receive the gift. When one rejects Christ, one is rejecting God's only remedy and is lost. Just as Christ walked on this earth, so only in this life may one have an opportunity to accept Christ.
  12. Possibly for the very same reasons evolutionists are so quick to get defensive when questioned by creationists.
  13. When one considres the fact that EVERYONE is worthy of eternal damnation, it is comforting that GOD chose to even provided a means to save anyone at all. There are levels of punishment ----- see Matthew 10:15 "Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matthew 11:22 "Nevertheless I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for you. Eternity is just a forever now... I might add that God speaks in terms of rejecting HIS salvation. It is possible that those who have not heard ----- that GOD knows their heart and their responce to such a salvation. It may also be that such people would have rejected HIM anyway and since they didn't hear, their burden is much lighter... We cannot suppose to judge GOD.
  14. I feel the degenderization is more a crime of a "politically correct" mentality which says everyone is okay; everything that anyone thinks, says, and does cannot be judged. And that all ideas, and values are all equal. Jesus never suggested that...
  15. Any translation should not be confused with the original tongue. Young's Literal Translation of the Bible is very very good.
  16. I heard this joke before and apparently it's true of Methodists also.
  17. Maybe, but isn't it just easier to say --- "I don't know, let me look into that --- and I will get back to you." It could also be that the one posing the question wants to know if that person really knows what he says he believes and why.
  18. My take on all of this is to note to whom the given portion of Scripture was directed. I do believe that fallen man apart from GOD cannot be good enough to save himself or anyone else. I believe that while the eventually saved were still dead in their sins, Christ died for them. I also believe that God knows exactly who will eventually accept His gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. That means that God also fully knew/knows who would/will reject Him. So, in actuality, God choose to Create a beautiful angel and place him in charge of the world with the full knowledge that that angel would seek to elevate himself to the status of God. God know Adam and Eve would choose to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of both Good & Evil. But God also knew that this Riverside guy, was born as a result of that fall and a series of both good and sinful events. God choose to go ahead and allow the various things to happen (which He foreknew) so that guys like me could be born and saved. That is what I believe God is driving at when it comes to predestined. And if you will note; in the Bible when such verses arise, such is being directed towards "christians," and not unsaved individuals. Such letters were to churches and not secular groups.
  19. I have a question. Do you believe in one God revealing Himself in 3 ways, or do you believe in three beings (personages) who are in their very essence one GOD?
  20. I have never gotten defensive with regard to my own faith. The only real reason I can imagine is that one may feel insecure in what one believes.
  21. Don't marry the young lady if you don't want to; however, it is best not to seriously date her for three years without some sort of understanding. She may wish to find someone else who is more established. She may not wish to work. She may not wish to hang in there until thirty.