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  1. I think a much simpler way of saying what you were saying was summed up by CS Lewis. He said that.. Which is great and pretty much spot on for the definition of omnipotence that we are dealing with. I guess.. the better question here is.. could God create everything we see ex nihilo? If he could not.. that is hardly omnipotence. If he could.. then how does one go about creating oneself? (He is after all.. made of matter)
  2. What was Jesus, then? Was he not flesh and bone.. and not God also in mainstream Christian theology? Why then did Christs physical body ascend with him into Heaven? We believe that all spirit is matter. A common example.. have you ever played a game like the Sims or Spore? I'm in charge of that world.. I know (or can know) everything that is going on in it. Heck, I created it. Well, Christ Himself ascended into Heaven with a physical body and was seated at the right hand of his Father. That just shows that a God can inhabit a physical body, unless you believe there is some extraction process for the spirit to be removed.
  3. Oh, I completely understand my friend. I'm in the same exact boat minus the dating issues and the residency. The road may be bumpy and rough.. but you're better for it. Knowledge is power. The fact that you're trying to find some reason to believe really makes me sympathize with you.. because I'm there also. I don't regret it.. because I do not believe that a loving God would punish one for earnestly seeking the truth. The road less travelled type deal.
  4. Except the trait of all-knowing would be omniscience and not omnipotence. I don't think people fully grasp what omnipotence is.. the common definition is to being able to do anything one chooses to do. Yes, that's right.. being able to do anything.
  5. Should check out Snows thread about this very topic. What is wrong with looking at discrepancies? I think you should probably worry more about other peoples religions, but just slightly.. a little effort perhaps. I mean.. if you don't.. how can you be sure? Feelings can't count obviously.. because every religion claims to "feel" it also. Try doing some homework and maybe it won't bug you so much :)
  6. It has everything to do with it. There's an incredibly large difference between matching your skills against another person (or bookie) and coming away victorious.. and betting on whether or not a coin lands on heads or tails. Slots, roulette, etc. That's gambling (and there is a time, place, and attitude for it to be acceptable). Poker, sports betting, etc. are skill based and those who profit from them profit for a reason.. and it's not luck. It all boils down to (imo) using skills to earn money vs betting on a coin toss. When research, effort, practice, and dedication come into play.. it's sport or work.. and not gambling. I don't really see anything wrong with gambling to begin with, though. Never seen a good argument against it.
  7. Things like poker, forex, sports betting, stocks.. they all take skill and hard work.
  8. Calvinist doctrine? Unfortunately that takes a giant dump on the concept of free will. It's fine to believe -- go for it. But to bring it as scripture to an LDS based forum seems silly. Of course, you had no choice in the matter I'm chained in to responding to you also.
  9. Why must God be omnipotent? It complicates things IMO. If God is still experiencing new things.. that is new knowledge. An omnipotent being cannot learn and still be omnipotent. For example: Does God know what it is like to have more glory than he does now?
  10. It went from moderation -> abstinence. It took quite a while too.
  11. I struggle with the same thing. Sometimes I ask "why bother"? The end result would play out the same if this religion is really true -- every single time. You can ease their suffering. That's the only consolation I can offer you.
  12. I frankly don't believe God really cares what you think you know.. he is absolutely only interested in what you do. I can think all the good thoughts in the world but they mean precisely nothing. Actions speak louder than words and far louder than useless thoughts. I hate admitting it too. Cause I'm all about thoughts.