Sealing Cancellation


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Originally posted by shanstress70@Oct 10 2005, 03:41 PM

That guy was treated rather harshly by you guys... I'm kind of surprised.  He had a very valid point.  Message boards can always use new posters, and he was even LDS, supposedly!  Normal Guy, I hope you get the answers you need.  Since I'm no longer LDS and don't believe in all that sealing business anyway, I can't help you.

I don't think so. He asked about a subject that everyone gave their opinion... He was the one who got harsh when a few questions were asked. All he had to do was deny or confirm the situation he is asking us to help give information on. How are we supposed to give valid information if we don't know the valid situation?

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Originally posted by NormalGuy+Oct 9 2005, 03:37 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Lindy@Oct 9 2005, 04:29 PM

Hey Bat, you know I love ya...but this normal guy is trying to be serious here. Have a heart huh?

Thank you, I was beginning to wonder if this was just a forum for jokesters


Not a forum for jokesters....but you are REALLY new on this board, and this little board family is compromised of a lot of different people, with a lot of different views on things.

I think it's hard for anyone to hear anything negative on a subject that is near or dear to them. Some people just want to stick to the facts, and the fact is you didn't ask for advice. It appears to me you are a very cut and dried, just stick to the facts.....kind of guy. I realize that this matter is really serious to you, and there are those who are giving you advice, opinions and thoughts from the heart.

Not what you wanted to hear really, but it is all with the best intentions.

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I think that the typical idealistic LDS mentality is that if a couple is married for "time and all eternity" then they will automatically live happily ever-after. But in reality not all marriage endures or ends that way. Temple divorce does exist. So assuming that this woman and her first husband were a happy couple was a very wrong assumption.

NormalGuy - You are probably familiar with the Church Handbook of Instructions that Bishops and SPs have at their disposal. I would make an appointment with your Bishop and I'm sure he would have all the pertinent information.


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Originally posted by NormalGuy+Oct 9 2005, 12:36 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-thedreadedbat@Oct 9 2005, 12:31 PM

I believe that requires the approval of the First Presidency.

Yes I know, we have been working on this for several years. I am looking for others who have been or are in a similiar situation.

There are a lot of theories and opinions about this, I have already heard all of those.

Just looking for feedback from anyone else who is trying or has tried.

MY SUGGESTION.....Write brother Monson, he reads all his mail and he will pass it on and it will go through faster. I wrote him when I wanted to be sealed to my husband and I wasn't quite a member a year...I got a letter two weeks later

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Heather...that was my question as I read these posts. I'm a convert of 4 years and this is a new discussion for me. So, men don't have to deal with this situation the way women do. Am I to understand that a woman who gets a divorce must have her first sealing undone before she could be sealed to her new husband? Does this hold true for the divorced man as well?

Perhaps the death of ones spouse is what determines a mans ability to be sealed to another woman. Then, women should have the same option in the case of a spouses death.

I'm really, really not understanding this whole thing between spiritual applications of men and women. When I was converting I found a story about a women who had received the priesthood in the early beginnings of the church. My daughter is asking me why she can't pass the sacrament.

Anyways, lot's of questions to be answered and I'm not sure how to answer them for her or me.

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Originally posted by Char@Oct 15 2005, 06:55 PM

Heather...that was my question as I read these posts.  I'm a convert of 4 years and this is a new discussion for me.  So, men don't have to deal with this situation the way women do.  Am I to understand that a woman who gets a divorce must have her first sealing undone before she could be sealed to her new husband?  Does this hold true for the divorced man as well? 

Perhaps the death of ones spouse is what determines a mans ability to be sealed to another woman.  Then, women should have the same option in the case of a spouses death.

I'm really, really not understanding this whole thing between spiritual applications of men and women.  When I was converting I found a story about a women who had received the priesthood in the early beginnings of the church.  My daughter is asking me why she can't pass the sacrament. 

Anyways, lot's of questions to be answered and I'm not sure how to answer them for her or me.

I wonder if any woman would really want two men. LOL Maybe it is because we are just smarter that we aren't put into a place where we would make a decision that would only bring a lot of extra work... (really)

Ask your daughter if she would rather pass sacrement or have babies... then if she would rather have priesthood than motherhood... I would start to worry about her on a whole different level that religious... :wacko:

If she is trying to apply the same rules to the church as is applied in the world... again she is going to have problems... be cause Christ over came the world... not joined it...

We have to be careful in teaching our children that they do not serve two masters without consequences.... the world says women and men are interchangable... God says they are different with different dominions and different roles... yet equally loved, respected and given the same choices between good and evil...

Most women are the reason men can succeed on any level.... it is not good that man should be a lone... men really need women.... but do women really need men... as much?

If we live according to the Lord's plan.... and not the worlds... we will find the happiness and fulfillment we were created to obtain....

Remember God made us... not the world... so the world will not do anything according to God... infact it will do exactly opposite to what the good Lord would have us do...

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Originally posted by Please@Oct 15 2005, 07:57 PM

Most women are the reason men can succeed on any level.... it is not good that man should be a lone... men really need women.... but do women really need men... as much?

I agree with you for the most part, but I think I definately need my husband as much as he needs me.

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Guest bizabra

Originally posted by Char@Oct 15 2005, 05:55 PM

Heather...that was my question as I read these posts.  I'm a convert of 4 years and this is a new discussion for me.  So, men don't have to deal with this situation the way women do.  Am I to understand that a woman who gets a divorce must have her first sealing undone before she could be sealed to her new husband?  Does this hold true for the divorced man as well? 

Perhaps the death of ones spouse is what determines a mans ability to be sealed to another woman.  Then, women should have the same option in the case of a spouses death.

I'm really, really not understanding this whole thing between spiritual applications of men and women.  When I was converting I found a story about a women who had received the priesthood in the early beginnings of the church.  My daughter is asking me why she can't pass the sacrament. 

Anyways, lot's of questions to be answered and I'm not sure how to answer them for her or me.

BIZ: THE CHURCH believes in polygamy in the hereafter. They cannot practice it in the here and now anymore, but it will be in effect after death. Men can be sealed to many women, either serially after each one dies, or one at a time after divorce. Women can only be sealed once, unless they get the sealing cancelled. But no matter what, a woman can only be sealed to one man, yet a man can be sealed to many women.

Say a man is a multiple widower (hey, it COULD happen!) his first wife dies young, so he is sealed to the next wife. She dies too soon also, so he could be sealed to the 3rd one and on and on.

Only men are worthy to hold the priesthood. Women are to be "helpmeets" and mothers. Women must use the husbands power of the priesthood, she can have none of ehr own. She must also rely on him to "pull her through the veil" after death into eternal salvation.

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Biz that's not necessarily true....a woman can be sealed to more than one husband. It is a rarity though, but it does/can happen.

Women can be sealed to more than one husband, but they need the FP's approval. Even a man getting sealed, as I understand it, still needs a letter from the FP.

I have pesronal biases and issues w/ this policy as well. However, I have known women who were in a similar situation and got permission to be sealed to both of their husbands (the one deceased) and the new husband. It's possible, so keep writing letters. Have her husband write letters....and all hopefully will be worked out.

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Only men are worthy to hold the priesthood. Women are to be "helpmeets" and mothers. Women must use the husbands power of the priesthood, she can have none of ehr own. She must also rely on him to "pull her through the veil" after death into eternal salvation.

Worthy? No power of her own?... Pull her through the veil? LOL I can't say I endorse any of your perceptions...

I have power in the priesthood... I just don't hold it...

I am as worthy as my husband... but it is his calling... sort of like having a room full of men worthy to be bishop but only one is...

My husband better not PULL me through the veil... Or I will yank loose... IF HE DIES FIRST.....

He may come and get me like my dad did with my mother.... but I saw no pulling.... LOL

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