Our Response To Halloween


How should believers react to Halloween?  

  1. 1. How should believers react to Halloween?

    • Reject all participation. It's infused with evil spirituality.
    • Join in alternatives--Harvest Festival or Hallelujah Nights.
    • Participate freely--our God is greater & it's just harmless fun.

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Originally posted by bizabra+Nov 13 2005, 11:32 AM-->

Originally posted by Ari@Nov 13 2005, 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 13 2005, 03:59 AM

<!--QuoteBegin-Ari@Nov 12 2005, 01:00 PM


A holiday which is celebrated as a "holy day" for satanists to perform live human and animal sacrifice is unredeeming and unredeemable.  The evil and dark connotation of Halloween originated not from Christians, but from the evil and dark rituals practiced on that day. 

Huh? Satan worshipers performing live human sacrafice? I must have been sleeping during the News. Where did that happen?

Biz, are you crazy pagans sacrificing live humans again? Well I never - the nerve!


I have no idea where you've been... lol

Several years ago, a darling little blonde LDS girl disappeared in Utah on Halloween. Our Relief Society president stated that the little girl was a victim of satanic ritual abuse/sacrifice, and the story was kept quiet in the press. She also stated that the church was changing the way Halloween was celebrated in the wards by referring to it as a fall festival, or something similar.

HOW did she KNOW?!! Dangit! SOME folks just can't keep their mouths shut! :D


Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Guest bizabra

Originally posted by Ari+Nov 13 2005, 11:39 AM-->

Originally posted by bizabra@Nov 13 2005, 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Ari@Nov 13 2005, 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 13 2005, 03:59 AM

<!--QuoteBegin-Ari@Nov 12 2005, 01:00 PM


A holiday which is celebrated as a "holy day" for satanists to perform live human and animal sacrifice is unredeeming and unredeemable.  The evil and dark connotation of Halloween originated not from Christians, but from the evil and dark rituals practiced on that day. 

Huh? Satan worshipers performing live human sacrafice? I must have been sleeping during the News. Where did that happen?

Biz, are you crazy pagans sacrificing live humans again? Well I never - the nerve!


I have no idea where you've been... lol

Several years ago, a darling little blonde LDS girl disappeared in Utah on Halloween. Our Relief Society president stated that the little girl was a victim of satanic ritual abuse/sacrifice, and the story was kept quiet in the press. She also stated that the church was changing the way Halloween was celebrated in the wards by referring to it as a fall festival, or something similar.

HOW did she KNOW?!! Dangit! SOME folks just can't keep their mouths shut! :D


Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Guess what, honey, I'm laughing at YOU!

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Originally posted by Ari@Nov 13 2005, 10:17 AM


I have no idea where you've been... lol

Several years ago, a darling little blonde LDS girl disappeared in Utah on Halloween. Our Relief Society president stated that the little girl was a victim of satanic ritual abuse/sacrifice, and the story was kept quiet in the press.  She also stated that the church was changing the way Halloween was celebrated in the wards by referring to it as a fall festival, or something similar.

It sounds like your RS president is a loon.

Unless she knew the devil worshiping killers or was one of them, how did she know about it?

If she knew about the satan-loving murder of an an innocent child, did she tell the police?

Why did the press protect the servants of Lucifer? Were they in on it.

Are these armies of the dark lord also liberals and anti-Mormons?

Did the baby-killers get their flu shots?

Seriously, who are these killers and how do you know about it when the police and media do not?

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Originally posted by Snow+Nov 13 2005, 11:09 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Ari@Nov 13 2005, 10:17 AM


I have no idea where you've been... lol

Several years ago, a darling little blonde LDS girl disappeared in Utah on Halloween. Our Relief Society president stated that the little girl was a victim of satanic ritual abuse/sacrifice, and the story was kept quiet in the press.  She also stated that the church was changing the way Halloween was celebrated in the wards by referring to it as a fall festival, or something similar.

It sounds like your RS president is a loon.

Unless she knew the devil worshiping killers or was one of them, how did she know about it?

If she knew about the satan-loving murder of an an innocent child, did she tell the police?

Why did the press protect the servants of Lucifer? Were they in on it.

Are these armies of the dark lord also liberals and anti-Mormons?

Did the baby-killers get their flu shots?

Seriously, who are these killers and how do you know about it when the police and media do not?

Well actually Snow were i lived in Utah there was a very big devil warshiping cult, I knew this first had....... It was scary when i was a teenager, There were several people in Utah valley (if you want to know wich city contact me personaly) many i knew from school and from the neighboring town.......this was actually a big news item then, one of the news channels did a big thing on it, Ever heard of Jay's Journal? you may not have if you never lived there but it is well known there,.........It was truley sad this town also had the name of the devil warshiping capital of the world.....I do debate that one though!

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Guess what, honey, I'm laughing at YOU!

Biz, your last post here is considered spamming... ask Snow. You left all the previous posts attached to your iddibiddi snag here.

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Well actually Snow were i lived in Utah there was a very big devil warshiping cult, I knew this first had....... It was scary when i was a teenager, There were several people in Utah valley (if you want to know wich city contact me personaly) many i knew from school and from the neighboring town.......this was actually a big news item then, one of the news channels did a big thing on it, Ever heard of Jay's Journal? you may not have if you never lived there but it is well known there,.........It was truley sad this town also had the name of the devil warshiping capital of the world.....I do debate that one though!

Yeah... remember the BYU Academy was almost torn down because it was being used as an abandoned building for devil worship... but they decicided to refurbish it...it is now a really great library... :D

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 13 2005, 11:18 AM

Well actually Snow were i lived in Utah there was a very big devil warshiping cult, I knew this first had....... It was scary when i was a teenager, There were several people in Utah valley (if you want to know wich city contact me personaly) many i knew from school and from the neighboring town.......this was actually a big news item then, one of the news channels did a big thing on it, Ever heard of Jay's Journal? you may not have if you never lived there but it is well known there,.........It was truley sad this town also had the name of the devil warshiping capital of the world.....I do debate that one though!

No offense lisajo but you haven't read Jay's Journal, have you?

Jay (Aldon Barrett) was a mentally ill (depressed and possibly schizophrenic) 16 year old kid from Pleasant Grove Utah. His real journals never said anything about the occult or devil worship. A very dishonest Mormon woman named Beatrice Sparks added all that nonsense in and tried to pass it off as real. It is not.

The book appeals to young teens because - well, they are young teens and don't know any better - at least the none-too bright ones but reasonable and educated adults find the books silly, poorly written and dishonest.

There are people who do bad things and some people who do bad things may dress up in funny clothes and pretend to be satan's minions but real live devil-worshipping and human sacrifice in any significant numbers is fairytale - it may be believed by a few hicks in Pleasant Grove, but not by educated reasonable adults. No offense please lisajo - I don't know you and am not talking about you.

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Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Guess what, honey, I'm laughing at YOU!

This post has been edited by bizabra: Today, 12:02 PM



He who laughs, lasts. ;)

And I'm not your honey.

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Originally posted by Snow+Nov 13 2005, 12:05 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-lisajo@Nov 13 2005, 11:18 AM

Well actually Snow were i lived in Utah there was a very big devil warshiping cult, I knew this first had....... It was scary when i was a teenager, There were several people in Utah valley (if you want to know wich city contact me personaly) many i knew from school and from the neighboring town.......this was actually a big news item then, one of the news channels did a big thing on it, Ever heard of Jay's Journal? you may not have if you never lived there but it is well known there,.........It was truley sad this town also had the name of the devil warshiping capital of the world.....I do debate that one though!

No offense lisajo but you haven't read Jay's Journal, have you?

Jay (Aldon Barrett) was a mentally ill (depressed and possibly schizophrenic) 16 year old kid from Pleasant Grove Utah. His real journals never said anything about the occult or devil worship. A very dishonest Mormon woman named Beatrice Sparks added all that nonsense in and tried to pass it off as real. It is not.

The book appeals to young teens because - well, they are young teens and don't know any better - at least the none-too bright ones but reasonable and educated adults find the books silly, poorly written and dishonest.

There are people who do bad things and some people who do bad things may dress up in funny clothes and pretend to be satan's minions but real live devil-worshipping and human sacrifice in any significant numbers is fairytale - it may be believed by a few hicks in Pleasant Grove, but not by educated reasonable adults. No offense please lisajo - I don't know you and am not talking about you.

Ah yes i have read it. dont assume i don't know any thing because what i do know might be shocking..........what i have exsperienced may be some thing YOU might never understand! Ya ok you call them hicks..........but were you there? did you see what I have seen......I take it no! It truley was not a laughing matter, Nor to be taken lightly,

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 13 2005, 12:12 PM

Ah yes i have read it. dont assume i don't know any thing because what i do know might be shocking..........what i have exsperienced may be some thing YOU might never understand! Ya ok you call them hicks..........but were you there? did you see what I have seen......I take it no! It truley was not a laughing matter, Nor to be taken lightly,

Hmm, have you read it once you were older than say, 21, 22? After you've been to college?

Are you aware that all the stuff in the book about the occult was made up - that it wasn't in the poor kids personal journal?

Yes, I've been in Pleasant Grove, I was born just up the street. I was there four weeks ago. Just like any town it has all sort of people including more than it's fair share of hicks. You know lisajo, there's a reason that most accounts of devil-worshipping, bigfoot sightings, and alien-kidnapping sexual probings come from uneducated hicks instead of educated and reasonable professionals.

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Originally posted by Snow+Nov 13 2005, 12:09 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Ari@Nov 13 2005, 10:17 AM


I have no idea where you've been... lol

Several years ago, a darling little blonde LDS girl disappeared in Utah on Halloween. Our Relief Society president stated that the little girl was a victim of satanic ritual abuse/sacrifice, and the story was kept quiet in the press.  She also stated that the church was changing the way Halloween was celebrated in the wards by referring to it as a fall festival, or something similar.

It sounds like your RS president is a loon.

Unless she knew the devil worshiping killers or was one of them, how did she know about it?

If she knew about the satan-loving murder of an an innocent child, did she tell the police?

Why did the press protect the servants of Lucifer? Were they in on it.

Are these armies of the dark lord also liberals and anti-Mormons?

Did the baby-killers get their flu shots?

Seriously, who are these killers and how do you know about it when the police and media do not?


One of the political meetings I organized a few years back, I sponsored a well known speaker/lecturer of cults and the occult. He showed our group a videotape on satanism. Interesting, one of the former satanists interviewed stated how it was his "mission", assigned by the Church of Satan, to infiltrate Christian churches. He said his mission was very successful. First, he started gossiping, spreading rumors about the clergy...then he began criticizing ppl, turning one against another.

In answer to your serious question regarding the Relief Society president, this was publicized in the media, but without all the sensationalism, out of respect for the grieving family. Why empower the satanists to delight in their bloodlust?

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Originally posted by Snow+Nov 13 2005, 12:24 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-lisajo@Nov 13 2005, 12:12 PM

Ah yes i have read it. dont assume i don't know any thing because what i do know might be shocking..........what i have exsperienced may be some thing YOU might never understand! Ya ok you call them hicks..........but were you there? did you see what I have seen......I take it no! It truley was not a laughing matter, Nor to be taken lightly,

Hmm, have you read it once you were older than say, 21, 22? After you've been to college?

Are you aware that all the stuff in the book about the occult was made up - that it wasn't in the poor kids personal journal?

Yes, I've been in Pleasant Grove, I was born just up the street. I was there four weeks ago. Just like any town it has all sort of people including more than it's fair share of hicks. You know lisajo, there's a reason that most accounts of devil-worshipping, bigfoot sightings, and alien-kidnapping sexual probings come from uneducated hicks instead of educated and reasonable professionals.

HMMMMMMM born up the street from there you say? Interesting so i guess that makes you the know it all..........sorry to disapoint you snow but ............you are not the know it all...........and i'm not speaking from the point of view of a silly teenager who read this book..........I did not say it was gospel i was using it as an example................sorry snow but i have seen way to much.........so much you may not ever understand...... O MY GOSH lisajo what have you seen.......were did you see it....why do you know?........HA HA HA scary thought! Give it up snow!

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Originally posted by Jason@Nov 13 2005, 01:35 PM

Satanism in the LDS church?  I think someone's been making up stories again to awe the faithful... :wacko:

More than likely, someone read #80 of the Tanner's Salt Lake City Messenger, and they're making things up from there. 

Take a read if you like.  Click here.


I didn't specify the LDS church.

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HMMMMMMM born up the street from there you say? Interesting so i guess that makes you the know it all..........sorry to disapoint you snow but ............you are not the know it all...........and i'm not speaking from the point of view of a silly teenager who read this book..........I did not say it was gospel i was using it as an example................sorry snow but  i have seen way to much.........so much you may not ever understand...... O MY GOSH lisajo what have you seen.......were did you see it....why do you know?........HA HA HA scary thought! Give it up snow!

We can't blame him for only knowing what some journalist or whatever printed...

Every year my kids would walk up this 4th north to the elementary or junior high and on the day after Halloween would find a decapatated horse head... freshly cut and put amidst a lot of weird symbols and a fire pit.... amont the small forest behind the trailor park... a lot of cats would go missing as well... my neighbor had her cat come back one night totally mutilated with all sorts of symbols burned into its furr... the day after Halloween..

Then they arrested those families who were sacrificing their children.. do you remember those kids... and the picture on the news lisajo? It really was creepy... I kept a really close watch on my kids...

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Originally posted by Please@Nov 13 2005, 12:48 PM

HMMMMMMM born up the street from there you say? Interesting so i guess that makes you the know it all..........sorry to disapoint you snow but ............you are not the know it all...........and i'm not speaking from the point of view of a silly teenager who read this book..........I did not say it was gospel i was using it as an example................sorry snow but  i have seen way to much.........so much you may not ever understand...... O MY GOSH lisajo what have you seen.......were did you see it....why do you know?........HA HA HA scary thought! Give it up snow!

We can't blame him for only knowing what some journalist or whatever printed...

Every year my kids would walk up this 4th north to the elementary or junior high and on the day after Halloween would find a decapatated horse head... freshly cut and put amidst a lot of weird symbols and a fire pit.... amont the small forest behind the trailor park... a lot of cats would go missing as well... my neighbor had her cat come back one night totally mutilated with all sorts of symbols burned into its furr... the day after Halloween..

Then they arrested those families who were sacrificing their children.. do you remember those kids... and the picture on the news lisajo? It really was creepy... I kept a really close watch on my kids...

Yes Please i do remember.......It was so well published i don't know why Snow thinks were so stupid! I guess maybe snow isnt a know it all after all........well on ward ever onward I'm am tired of this forum post..........it's betting a dead horse don't ya think?

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lisajo :

Yes Please i do remember.......It was so well published i don't know why Snow thinks were so stupid!  I guess maybe snow isnt a know it all after all........well on ward ever onward I'm am tired of this forum post..........it's betting a dead horse don't ya think?

LOL indeed...

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Originally posted by Snow@Nov 13 2005, 05:27 PM


I don't know why you avoid answering.

Are you aware the the poor kids journal says nothing about the occult?

Does it change you mind at all knowing that the author put in all that stuff after the depressed kid killed himself.

Ok first of all i said in one of my posts to you i was just using that as an example, I said it was not gospel, And i was not going by that book just mentioned it and ask if you had heard of it, OK?

Second of all that book was not my point,.Hello read the posts again...........

Why you have gone back to the subject of the book again is be on me we were past that point! After all you seem to think you know it all about devil warshipping in Utah Valley..........LOL Give it up Snow you don't want to know everything i do know............and i am NOT going to Make post about exactly what i know here in a MORMON Talk site.................. evil is just that EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLL

End of discussion for me >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Get over it

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So basically you can't/won't back up your claims, you won't give any specifics, you refuse to answer questions, the one example you sited turns out to be falsified and you act as if I am the one who doesn't know what they are talking about?

The point of a discussion board is to discuss. When you make what, on the face of it, seems to be an absurd and outlandish claim, then any reasonable person would expect you to back it up with something, anything.

For example, if you tell me that your Relief Society president said that Friday was a nice day, okay - fine. That's reasonable so no proof is needed. We would take your word for it. When you make a wild-hared claim, well then the norms of engagement require some hefty substantiation. Without such substantiation, your claims are dismissed as - if not false, at least useless.

When you make lots of useless claims, then you lose credibility. When you back up what you claim, you gain credibility. Do as you want.

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Originally posted by Snow@Nov 13 2005, 06:40 PM


So basically you can't/won't back up your claims, you won't give any specifics, you refuse to answer questions, the one example you sited turns out to be falsified and you act as if I am the one who doesn't know what they are talking about?

The point of a discussion board is to discuss. When you make what, on the face of it, seems to be an absurd and outlandish claim, then any reasonable person would expect you to back it up with something, anything.

For example, if you tell me that your Relief Society president said that Friday was a nice day, okay - fine. That's reasonable so no proof is needed. We would take your word for it. When  you make a wild-hared claim, well then the norms of engagement require some hefty substantiation. Without such substantiation, your claims are dismissed as - if not false, at least useless.

When you make lots of useless claims, then you lose credibility. When you back up what you claim, you gain credibility. Do as you want.

Give me a break...........What are my claims?... Snow....... please and i have discused this already......go back and read! I havent claimed anything specific, And you are to much!!!!!!!! What question did you ask i have not answerd?...........I said what i said .......get over it i'm not talking anymore about it , it brings back to much into my life that is NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well lisajo,

You were the one that made the claims - I don't know why you are asking me what you said, but you said there was a BIG devil-worshipping cult in Utah, that Pleasant Grove was the satan-worshipping capital of the world , that all sorts of unmentionable evil was being perpetrated, that it was written about in Jay's Jouranl etc.

Does any of that ring a bell? Would you like the specific quotes?

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Originally posted by Snow@Nov 13 2005, 09:16 PM

Well lisajo,

You were the one that made the claims - I don't know why you are asking me what you said, but you said there was a BIG devil-worshipping cult in Utah, that Pleasant Grove was the satan-worshipping capital of the world , that all sorts of unmentionable evil was being perpetrated, that it was written about in Jay's Jouranl etc.

Does any of that ring a bell? Would you like the specific quotes?

Your the one that mentioned Pleasant grove not me!, And all i did was ask you if you heard of jay's journal......go back and read the posts

your missing something here and your adding things i did not say.............This is so stupid get over it! Let it go............You just arent the know it all you think you are........or maybe you just want to add an extra few posts to the zillion you have! I dont care anymore....you are egging me on for nothing and after this i will no longer reply to your stupid swisted around messages...........

Go back and read what i have posted..................

Initials for profanity deleted

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Originally posted by Soulsearcher@Nov 14 2005, 02:58 PM

What people seem to forget, myself included from time to time is that often when we defend what is dear to us, we offend what is dear to others.  Question is do we care when we do it?


Thank you for posting the rules. Yes, I do care...do you? I, as a member of the LDS Church, am in this network for a purpose. I'm not in a non-Christian site. So I guess we need to examine our motives...are we here to support the LDS faith/church, or are we here for another reason? And for what purpose? If non-LDS frequent this site, and proceed to tear down our faith, what does one expect? I don't go into a non-Christian site to promote my faith, but if I am asked, or if anti statements are made, I'm not afraid to counter them.

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Originally posted by Soulsearcher@Nov 14 2005, 03:29 PM

AS i said i have many challenges with the church, but unless people have asked an opinion or it has come up in the chat room, i do not often speak my mind.  Ask your self Ari, how many examples can you really provide in your dealing with me that i have spouted anit rhetoric or insults based directly at your church? What have i said to tear down your faith?

I have deep respect for Christians being raised in a strict catholic family, and was surrounded by LDS members my entire life.  My respect for your Church is growing, but how can i ever respect a faith that activly attacks anothers?


First of all, Soulsearcher, a faith does not attack, people attack. Secondly, I do not know what your faith is, so if I unknowingly offended you, I apologize. This past week has been a whirlwind...I didn't expect to be attacked in an LDS forum, simply for standing up for my beliefs. And being attacked by fellow LDS, is particularly disconcerting. Yes, I believe in the Articles of Faith; as an American I also subscribe to our First Amendment rights of freedom of expression/religion. Much of what I've said in this room this past week has been twisted to make it look as if I'm in attack mode, as opposed to stating what I believe in, or don't believe in. In other words, if I voice a pro stance position on a specific issue, that doesn't make me anti an oppposing issue, specifically if the other issue is unrelated to the issue that I endorse. For example: I am heterosexual. I am not homosexual. Being a heterosexual doesn't make me homophobic or anti-gay anymore than it makes someone who is homosexual heterophobic or anti-straight. Another example: I'm a Christian, not a non-Christian. Being a Christian doesn't make me anti non-Christian. However, if I encounter anti Christian sentiments being directed at me personally, I won't hesitate to state my postion. Expressing my beliefs does not qualify me to be an attacker.

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