How can I be more proactive in my dating?

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So we talked a few times on the phone. Had some good convos. Don't think it'll be anything more than that though. Ah well, back to look ;)

Though there is someone in the branch I'm interested in. We interact more on FB than at church so I'm wondering what's the best way to get my interest across...

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So we talked a few times on the phone. Had some good convos. Don't think it'll be anything more than that though.

Why? Why do you think nothing will come of it? Good conversations, worthy priesthood holder, and "normal"? Don't write him off yet. Keep getting to know him. Seriously.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why? Why do you think nothing will come of it? Good conversations, worthy priesthood holder, and "normal"? Don't write him off yet. Keep getting to know him. Seriously.

Well, we talked. I thought we had some good convos. He called first so I called back after a couple days. Left a message, called one last time after that a couple days later and haven't heard back since. So, whatever.

At any rate like I said, there's someone I've been thinking about a lot the last few weeks, at least. It's weird because I've known him since I moved here 6 years ago. We just never really talked before. But we started talking recently and for the first time since I met him, I've thought of him as a potential ET. It's slow going but we are kind of starting to hang out. Nothing date-like yet but I hope it does go that way. We'll see I spose.

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To be honest, there's a lot of pressure on all of us to graduate from YSA and to move on to the next daunting phase of our lives. Marrige.

Some Jump at the idea, others... Jump out the window, never to be seen again.

It's a tough feild to compete in, i can tell you this basically from the amount of failures i myself have endured since my baptisim. Which i have taken to keeping score inbetween the pages of my journals. If any of you do manage to stumble upon that, you will either laugh, or cry.

The theory of dating well, " date to get married ".

The reality of it all is, " I went out with him/her once, she seems cool but there's other fish in the sea "

As frustrating as that is, we must not give up hope of finding and eternal companion.

Having said that, it's not as easy to do. It's a war zone out there, between the beautifully groomed men all a splendor in appearence and the sweet charming women it's only natural that you doubt yourself at some stage.

So how do you manage to keep up with it all. Well, a few tips.

1 ) Don't go looking for your eternal companion, this will prove not only frustrating, but put an enormous amount of pressure on who you may date in the present.

Yes we are all encouraged to persue our romantic intrests, for most of us, it's part of the fun, And one of the most challenging things that Heavenly Father encourages us to do. Life is not a race. You will have your EC in this life, Or the next. There was something passed on to me through a preisthood blessing that i won't forget, because rejection, IS common.

" It's your job to be ready for him when he comes, He is out there "

Not the exact words but the general meaning of it is. If he/she isn't in your life right now, doesn't mean they won't be. Until then, work at things you want to do with the time Heavenly Father has given us. It could be something as simple as the following.

- Read the B.O.M twice this year

- Make new freinds

- Fill in Journals

- Run a marathon

No, it does not have to be something HUGE because everything we do on a day to day basis is a lesson, everything we are given in this life, we use to our full potential. There is nothing wrong with sitting at home eagerly cracking the binder of a new novel your excited about! There is always going to be something to enrich your life, even if your not currenlty dating someone, or with somebody.

2 ) Being Too Picky?

It's okay to have standards, they are pounded into us as youngsters so it's impossible not to. Having said that, while your not to settle for anything more or less than what you desire, try hard not to write people off.

We are all aiming to graduate from YSA, but there are alot of people who don't feel like they fit in, or belong. This does not directly relate to dating it's self, but more of what Heavenly Father commands us. He commands that we love each other.

Sure the girls and guys are not your cup of tea, that's fine!

But they could be somebody worth knowing, we grow not only in our own experiences but in others as well.

You might even meet your EC through "those" people? Anything is possible.

3 ) " i'm too fat, not pretty enough " " There's something wrong with me "

We all hit the low point where the above phrases are more like chants that run underneath our reflections in the mirrors, that resonate in the back of our minds while we wander around the supermarket contemplating the comfart food that will ease the pain.

Never forget that YOU are a child of god, YOu were made in HIS image.

These are thoughts that need to be crushed, and quickly, It will only cause you more harm than good.

Even if the "potential " person isn't intrested, it's a learning curve. Nothing is WRONG with you or them at all.

You can't light a fire with a wet match, remember that and save yourself from a RSVP-ing a pity party you didn't want to attend anyway.

Basically, CHIN UP!

Having fun is a huge majority of it, we're young, beautiful and have so much potential!

Convert, or Life Member, we all go through the same. We all hit the same point.

Turn to Heavenly Father, Pray, we all know what we are to do.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I am not so old and i have many dates in my life i started dating when i was 16 so i think it is not so difficult. you just have confidence in your self and know some tricks to impress others. first i also don't have enough knowledge about all this but slowly slowly after watching others and taking some tips i know you have to try for it.

good luck!!


twin size comforter

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